Alright, I decided to re-write this story. Again. Please, if I start to make "questionable" chapters again let me know and I will likely re-write it if it is correct. One of the main reasons I continue to screw up this story is I never get into much detail, and hopefully I wont make that mistake again.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or anything else that is owned by anyone else. Anything that seems original in this story is mine however. This is the only disclaimer I will be putting in the story.
Chapter One:
Atlantis. The infamous city that sunk to the bottom of the sea. Every child knows of Atlantis. The knowledge slowly faded over time, and the knowledge became a legend, told as a child's bedtime story.
What many people don't know, was during the final moments of the great city of Atlantis plans were set in motion to ensure its survival.
Atlantis had been under siege for several hours now. The shields protecting Atlantis had failed long ago. The enemy continued onward, slowly gaining footage inside the city. Atlantis was a peaceful city, and had no desire for war. Never the less, they fought back furiously trying with all their might to defend their home.
The central tower of Atlantis was under severe strain. Never before had the tower been tested in such an extreme situation. The tower was the heart of Atlantis. For thousands of years students had been trained inside of it. People, great people, had poured their magic into the massive magical stores of the tower.
All of that power had to do something. So the ancients of Atlantis had decided to power the entire city from its power source. Unfortunately, this also meant the defensive and offensive parts of Atlantis were powered by the tower. Normally, this wouldn't be a huge issue. But in hindsight having everything active at the same time was overloading the magical conduits of the tower. This caused a overload in the east part of the city. The magic could not be drained, and so it continued to build until it exploded outward. The resulting explosion left a massive crater behind the city.
Inside the tower, close to the top a meeting was taking place. Roughly one hundred people stood around in a circle on ledges. The tower shook as a thick cannon ball slammed into the side.
A old man dressed in white robes stared at the council, an expression of absolute resignation on his face. He held a white staff with a diamond on top, using it to walk as close as he could to the ledge without falling over.
"The high council must vote!. Is this the end of Atlantis, the end of our history and culture?" He cried out. Everyone started looking at each other, trying to decide what they should do. The old man breathed in sharply. "Or shall we initiate the final sanction?". Whispers broke out everywhere. The final sanction was a taboo, nobody spoke of it out of fear.
"Let us put the matter to vote!" A voice cried out. Various parties agreed. A few moments later, the voting was over.
"So it is decided!" The old man shouted. "We shall initiate the final sanction!"
It took almost ten minutes to prepare for it. The magic powering the city was shut off, and channelled into a buffer that would be channelled instantly to power the Pandora device.
The Pandora device was named from a child's tail that the creator was fond of. Essentially, it would shoot a beam of compressed data into the sky and rip open a tear in space and microseconds after close it.
Tear was a relative term. In actuality all it does is bridge the future with the present. There is nothing fancy about it. Opening this bridge took a massive amount of magic however, and maintaining it for even three seconds would be the equivalent of releasing a nuclear bomb that could wipe out a entire continent.
The enemy was almost at the tower. The last of the defences were buying the council a little time to activate the final sanction.
"Power it up!" A technician cried out. Alarms rang out shrilly as the magical stores of the tower were channelled into the primary buffer and fed into the device. Only a little bit of the magic would go into the device at first, just enough to initiate the activation.
Three technicians were going over the readout of Pandora. "Alright, lock on the point in space and time we want this to go to!. One hundred years should be just fine." New information started filling out the screen in front of the technicians. A beep went through the terminal. "Lock confirmed."
"Alright, people this is it. We have been trained for this. Activate Pandora!".
Pandora was the tower. Literally. It was integrated into the tower merely thirty years after the tower was built.
A hum filled the air as Pandora started to draw on the buffer. Light flooded the bottom of the tower in circles as it slowly went up.
The enemy stopped what they were doing, wondering what was going on. The general narrowed his eyes and commanded his troops destroy the tower.
"Secondary objective completed. Primary initiating."
A ball of red started to form above the tower. Tentacles of magic wormed their way around it and touched the primary conduits around the tower to draw upon its power.
A cannon was heard firing in the background, and just as the tower launched the beam into the air the cannon ball slammed into the primary conduit.
Alarms started to blare inside the tower. The technicians started going frantic over it. "Primary circuit has taken severe damage!." One shouted out. The core of Pandora started to glow an angry purple as the entire buffer channelled through it and had nowhere to go. "It's going to overload!. Primary systems are indicating a severe magical buildup!. It's going to destroy the entire city and most of the area around it!."
The technicians could only look on in fear as the magic continued to gather. A low groan filled the air as the core bulged.
Outside the tower the conduits started to melt the stone surrounding them as the heat got immense. A high pitch wine began and the conduits started to reform from the sheer heat alone. A small portion melded together and immediately after magic shot through it like a cannon. Much, much faster then it was meant to.
Instead of pooling slowly into the focus stone on top of the tower, the magic under a massive amount of pressure sprayed into it with enough force to crack the side it hit.
One second later the focus stone glowed a deep blue, and then purple.
A massive sonic boom was heard around for hundreds of miles as the sky forcibly split apart, jagged edges around the tear. The tear itself was over half a mile thick. If you looked closely, you could see a tiny white cottage through it.
The concentrated beam that had been launched a minute or two earlier passed through the tear. At exactly 0.3 seconds the magic powering the device closed the tear.
Nobody at the time knew it, but because of the massive pressure the magic was under when it shot through the conduit, it went far, far further then one hundred years.
Unfortunately, the magical conduit was to damaged to re-channel the magic that was in the focus stone back into the buffer. Usually, this would not be a problem since there were fail safes in place but having a cracked focus stone was unexpected... pressure continued to build, and exactly one minute later the focus stone could no longer contain the magic and exploded.
Atlantis and the surrounding area, including the army that was invading it, no longer existed.
And thus, Atlantis became a legend and a myth.
A/N: I really don't know if I did this right. I tried drawing this out and adding in a lot of detail, but I think I liked the previous version better. More simple and straight to the point. And, did I seriously just write one thousand and three hundred or so words for one scene O.O. Yes, yes I think that is far more detail then previously.
July 30th, 1980.
"Did you hear Lily, Neville was born today!" James said excitedly. Lily reached over his arm and grabbed The Prophet. "Oh my god!. Alice must be so happy." Lily said, rubbing her own belly as an afterthought. "It won't be long now, baby." she spoke fondly to her belly.
James sipped his coffee, mulling over the taste before deciding not to question it. After all, Lily made it and if he complained at all he would probably have to sleep on the couch!. Again!.
Later that night at exactly 11:59pm the sky started to show some aurora borealis above the small house. At exactly 11:59 and thirty seconds the sky tore itself open. And at exactly 11:59 and fifty seconds a beam shot out of the tear and headed straight into Lily's womb. The tear closed itself a second later. If you looked closely you would have seen a city. And right before it fully closed you would have seen a massive flash.
At exactly 12:00 am on July 31st, 1980. Lily's water broke and at 2AM Harry Potter was born.
Nobody could have known that Harry Potter was now the official Heir of Atlantis. Nobody could have known that the growth of his mind was accelerating dramatically to accommodate the knowledge to prevent brain damage. And nobody could have known that Harry Potter would have a significant role in the future.
July 31st, 1981.
"Happy Birthday, Harry!" Multiple people shouted out. Harry gurgled and looked around him with wide, innocent eyes.
Lily lifted her baby boy up and scooted him closer to the cake. "Blow out the candles honey!" she exclaimed. Harry looked around in confusion. "He doesn't understand you dear" James laughed, before blowing out the candles himself. Lily scowled and swatted his arm.
After being given a several presents Harry was scooped up in his arms by his godfather, Sirius. "Where are you going Sirius Black!" Lily screeched out. But he was already gone.
After being taken a little way out. Sirius got on his knees so he was eye level with Harry. "Harry, I got you a special present, but don't tell your mother or father because they might take it away!." Harry's eyes went wide and he started to cry. "Now no need for that, they aren't here and as long as you don't tell them there is no problem!. Ok?." Harry nodded. For a moment Sirius wondered if he could understand him before shaking his head. 'Nah, hes just a baby.' he thought.
Sirius pulled out a cylinder shaped wrapped present. "Go on, open it!".
Harry looked at the present with curious eyes, but not comprehending what he was supposed to do with it. Sirius sighed "Fine, fine. I'll do it for you." he reached out and opened the present, showing a toy broom.
"It's a training broom Harry!. Your dad is excellent on it, and you have his genes so who knows?. You might be able to go professional one day!." Sirius said, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, you go ahead and have some fun. I need to get back to the party." "Have fun you little tike, not that it matters since you cant get hurt on that thing even if you try. To many damn protection charms." Sirius mumbled the last part out.
What he didn't know was that charms can be broken or modified by a baby.
Harry stared at the broom. He had a strange, detached feeling that he had used one before.
Unknown to him, the knowledge deep in his mind was starting to rear its ugly head. He had been protected from it for almost a full year now. When a baby is born it has several billion synapses. Now, the key here is that almost nothing connects to each other. As the child grows the brain forms connections with other synapses, connecting the brain together as a whole.
That knowledge had no connections with the active brain in order to prevent brain damage. Unfortunately, Harry saw the broom and over ten thousand synapses responded. Growing new synapses and connections. One of those connections connected to the knowledge.
The knowledge that was dormant came to life in a flash, interacting with the active part of the brain and almost killing the active connection it had by overloading the synapses.
Thousands of designs flashed through Harry's mind, ways to modify the broom and to disable it. Even how to create a new broom from scratch.
His magical core that was previously dormant came to life, humming throughout his body as magical pathways enlarged and grew.
Harry's eyes started to glow as he channelled his magic through the hand that was holding the broom. In his mind he pictured the runes and magical conduits running along and interacting with the broom. He ever so slightly nudged a conduit away from the speed prevention rune. The rune flared and died instantly, leaving behind a faint trace in the wood and a very small amount of magic.
The knowledge overloaded the synapses that connected it to the active portion of the mind, and killed them. It became dormant once again.
Back at the party, things were going well. Sirius had gotten a pretty girl drunk and was trying to get her in the sack. Sadly, she slapped him and went away. "WHY?." He shouted out, before breaking down and sobbing.
Lily was enjoying some lovely champagne when she heard a squeal and a sonic boom. She turned around and saw Harry flying around faster then she could follow. "HARRY!" she screamed out. People at the party turned around and saw her running towards Harry. Luckily, everything was alright and the broom ran out of magic to power it before Harry could get hurt. Training brooms were limited to five feet above the air for a reason.
December 31st, 1981.
"Not Harry please not Harry!" Lily sobbed, standing in front of her babies crib.
"Stand aside you foolish girl!" Voldemort shouted.
"Anything but Harry!" "Advada Kedavra!" Lily's body fell to the floor, her eyes blank.
Voldemort walked up to the crib, flames roaring in the background. "So" he spat out "You are the one destined to defeat me, a mere baby. Well, not anymore. I shall eliminate you now so you are not a threat to me in the future." Voldemort lifted his wand, the words for the killing curse on his lips.
Harry stared at his mothers body, his eyes unmoving. Not willing to believe that she was dead but instinctively knowing it was the case. He screamed out in agony as he felt the magical bond he had with his mother violently snap. "Mama!" Harry cried out in agony.
Voldemort sneered at the baby. "Pathetic" he said, green light gathering at the tip of his wand. The two deadly words on his lips.
Harry didn't care. He was to busy having a breakdown to care. He screamed again in anguish. It was not something a baby should have had to feel.
Deep in his mind, synapses were alight with activity. The traumatic event forced his brain into overdrive, killing off parts of the underdeveloped mind and strengthening the more developed areas. The synapses grew violently, like several thousand army ants spewing out of an ant hill. The knowledge reared up once again as it connected to the frontal lobe of the brain.
Pain. That was all that Harry could feel. His entire head felt like it was being crushed by a giant bolder. The green light on Voldemort's wand flared, and slowly ejected a green beam of light. The light was moving slowly for Harry. He could see traces of magical discharge leaving the beam in waves. He could see his mothers body, its magic fading into nothing, the soul un bonding from the fragile magical core. He could hear her screams of agony as she was sucked into the wand that killed her.
Rage. That was all he could feel now. A emotion foreign to a baby. He wanted revenge. The knowledge was fading, he could feel it. The connections were to premature to handle that much data and, while not overloading, were dying slowly.
Harry knew what the curse was and what it did, and he knew its weakness.
Time returned to normal again. The light headed for him. Voldemort watched with glee as he knew he had won. Nothing could stop him now, with Harry out of the way he was the victor. Truly immortal.
That thought ended violently as giant white tentacles of magic erupted around Harry, before starting to spin in one direction creating a vortex of light. The killing curse was sucked into it before spit out and directed at Voldemort.
He screamed in agony as he felt his soul sucked out of his body and forcibly ejected. He howled at Harry in rage before attempting to use him as a host – his body crumbling in the background.
The vortex collapsed and Voldemort went through him and tried to possess him. Harry felt agony unlike anything he had ever felt before, it felt like his soul was being torn out and replaced. Harry rejected this. He took a hold of his magical core and flooded his system with magic, forcing the soul out.
The soul ejected through his forehead, leaving a lightning bolt scar. It screamed in rage before fleeing the scene, and Harry collapsed from magical exhaustion. He had felt the soul leave something behind, but did not know what. He constructed some mild barriers around it to keep it from interfering later in his life. The barriers would hold unless something poked around up there, he was to magically exhausted to make them stronger.
The connection to the knowledge died. It became dormant once again. In its wake it left enough brain damage behind that it would take months before it healed.
"Are you sure about this Albus" Hagrid asked, putting the baby down gently in front of the door. "It doesn't seem right to leave Arry here."
Albus stroked his beard. "Fear not Hagrid, Harry will grow up just fine. They are his family. The blood wards will protect him."
Hagrid looked at Harry one last time, before going over to his bike and flying away.
Albus bent down and gently placed a letter in Harry's basket.
"Goodbye, Harry." He whispered, before port-keying back to Hogwarts.
Holy cow. Seven pages for the first chapter. Not two like before O.O.
And over three thousand words.
Let me know if this is better or not, or if you want me to re-write it again. I honestly feel that the first scene could have been much, much better. But I also don't feel like I rushed it either. I did spend several hours typing this after all. It took longer then I thought to get some kind of detail down...
Read and review!. For those out of the loop, this is around the third or fourth re-write of the story. I definitely am getting better at writing.
If you have already reviewed and it wont let you review again, feel free to PM me instead.