This is the companion piece to katiesparks' poem "Forever And A Day"

Once again this is Danny talking.

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom and probably never will. Sorry!


The wind caresses my face,

Drawing my attention from the choice I must make.

I'm standing on the bridge,

The bridge where we first kissed,

And I know that something's wrong.

I'm leaning against the guardrail,

And for now I hold on tight.

I'm waiting for the answers,

Though I know they'll never come.

I'm hoping for a sign,

On whether I should jump.

I'm tired and I'm beaten,

Though the monster was subdued.

I thinking thoughts I shouldn't.

And I'm thinking about you.

What do you want me to do now?

'Cause in you absence I've had a breakdown.

Is it really worth it all?

Is it worth these sleepless nights?

Is it worth these pointless fights?

Is worth fighting for?

Or is this all in vain?

The wind caresses my face,

Drawing my attention from the choice I must make.

Maybe I'll wait one more night.

Maybe I'll wait one more fight.

The water splashes below,

As I make my way home.

And life's never been easy,

Life's never been fun.

But that's why it's a good thing,

Mine's only just begun...


Hope you all liked it! And if any of you see katiesparks, tell her that I said that I need to talk to her about our partner story!

Thanks for reading! And please rev iew!