Sendo: A poem for Sasuke and Itachi.

Mary: Yup, please review!!!!

Sendo: Shut up.

Mary: Fine, I don't own Naruto.

Our storm

A beautiful and majestic aplomb

There is always that calm

The calm before the storm

The lightening getting ready to preform

We had that peace

Yet all things have to cease

Yet you got colder

More distant as you got older

You always ignored me

Felt like you were rich and I was bourgeoisie

Finally one day when I got home

I saw a red not unlike that in a chrome

Blood was splattered everywhere

It was to much for me to bear

That was the storm my brother

When you killed father and mother

You ran from the village

Away from me and the blood spillage

You claimed that you did it to get stronger

To get stronger and to live longer

Now my heart is made from pure stone

More so as I have grown

Yet the storm has not begun to decrease

I'm still waiting for my sweet release

I'm still waiting for the rainbow

Only when you die will it show

It's only colors are black and red

The same colors that I have bled

I'm getting closer and I feel it

As I descend into the pit

Here it is and I see my chance

The lightning begins it's dance

And the storm begins anew

Were the Uchiha's, the last two

Yet I will bring it down to one

For you see, you have been out done

And after a strike your dead

My hands have been bathed in red

The rainbow comes out for me to see

For a long enough time to me to agree

The storm has ended but theirs calm like before

I must prepare for this new war

I am not afraid because you are gone

The final line of your life has been drawn

Now I must leave, farewell goodbye

At least until it's my time to die

Mary: A little dictionary because of big words

Aplomb: Self confidence or calm self assurance

Bourgeoisie: The class between upper and lower

Chrome: A die or paint