Disclaimer: i don't, and never will, own the Harry Potter characters and Universe. That belongs to JKR. Ebony is technically not 'my' character, that would be Tara Gilesbie's character. In fact, this whole story technically belongs to her. Don't let that deter you, though:

My Immortal - Chapter One - The Rusty-Knives Edition (FHC)

A cool breeze carried itself through the frost covered grounds of Hogwarts. A young woman shivered. Her glossy black hair hung down over eyes, in unkempt tufts. Her eyes were a brilliant blue. They were rather watery because of the icy breeze embracing her face. Her name was Ebony Way.

Seeking shelter from the cold of the early morning, Ebony made her way over to the inviting front doors of the castle. The castle promised warmth. Bursting through the doors, she caught the big mahogany frames just as they were about to slam shut, and closed them gently.

She didn't want to wake everyone in the castle up.

She'd always been an early riser, but she had no idea why. She let the warmth embrace her for a moment as she took in her surroundings. Someone was standing over by the wide staircases that lead to the classrooms in the upper floors. Ebony looked over to the figure, and realised who it was: Draco Malfoy.

"What are you doing up so early, blood traitor?"

Ebony blushed, and turned her head away from him," I could ask the same thing of you, Draco." For some strange reason, Ebony had harboured a crush on Draco since she had started at Hogwarts.

"Don't get smart, Way," Draco sneered. He clearly didn't like her retaliating," I don't really care what you were doing" Draco retorted," Miss Way, the wallflower"

Ebony hated that name. By most peoples standards, she would be what you considered pretty, with a delicate face, and petite figure. Throughout her entire student career at Hogwarts, she had acted as if no boy interested her in the least, her mischievous escapades usually got her into a lot of trouble. For all her sly cunning, and sharpened intelligence, she could not for the life of her understand the reason Draco used the term "wallflower" while talking to her.

Ebony remained silent for a good ten seconds. Draco took this as his exit, grinning to himself as he walked through the doors to the Great Hall.

Ebony sighed, sure that she'd never understand Draco and why she liked him so much. Looking at her magical wristwatch, Ebony realised that it was still only 6:30. She decided to make her way over to the dungeon common room of her house, Slytherin.

Any thoughts on this? please review! i know this isn't much better than Tara's, but it's a start! if your aware of anything that needs to be corrected from Tara's or my story, please let me know!

FHC: Fucking Huge Correction - I've coined this term to refer to what I'm doing to Tara's story.