Chapter 6: Friend Or Foe

'Tomohawkman has been turned to the dark side. Will the mysterious being steer Dingo there as well?'

2010 Lake Street

Having been read like an open book by the being of light, Dingo is both curious and frightened, but more the first then the latter.

"You say you know everything about me, but just how much do you really know?" Dingo asks while trying to mask his fear. "We've never met a day in my life, not even by a chance encounter."

"I know enough, especially to know that you are tired of feeling overshadowed by Lan Hikari." The being answers. "You are a valued team member just like everyone else, but yet, you keep getting the short end of the stick. Out of everyone on the team, you and your navi have the most impressive strengths ever displayed and they should be seen by everybody."

"Me and Tomohawkman have the most impressive strengths you say?" Dingo curiously questions.

"Yes, Dingo, you two do and what's holding you back is being apart of the team." The being answers. "If you stood alone, then you are guaranteed to get your talent discovered and most guaranteed to get out of Lan's shadow."

Beginning to digest what the being has said, Dingo's fright now changes to confidence.

"So you say that me and Tomohawkman have the most impressive skills." Dingo begins with a confident smile forming. "Just how impressive are we talking?"

"Very impressive." The being answers. "So impressive in fact, I believe the world needs to see them. No, I know the world needs to see them. With Lan standing in front, that will never happen, but by standing alone, you will get all the glory."

Dingo's confident smile now gets wider.

"I can help you achieve that status." The being continues. (If the being of light had a face, he would be smiling right now)

"How can you do that?" Dingo questions.

"You're going to, first, have to severe all ties with being a team member of the cross-fusing 13." The being begins explaining. "What's tying you to them is your crest."

Dingo brings his right palm into his view as his crest now glows.

"Once that's gone, you will no longer be tied to the group, but most importantly, you will no longer be tied to Lan." The being finishes.

A determined expression now crosses Dingo's face as he turns his vision back to the tube of light in front of him.

"I don't want to be tied down anymore." Dingo sternly speaks.

"I had a feeling you'd say that." The being says with confidence. "Now, before I help you achieve glory status, you, first, have to discard of your crest. That's the only thing holding you back. Now to discard of it, place your right palm firmly on the glass and close your eyes."

Nodding, Dingo walks up to the glass tube and does as instructed. The being now places its hand to the glass in front of Dingo's. Continuing to hold his hand to the glass, Dingo's body is now slammed with extreme exhaustion. With his hand still firmly placed on the glass, the crest in his palm now disappears.

"Open your eyes Dingo." The being speaks.

Dingo now opens his eyes as he quickly falls to his knees with the exhaustion continuing to take over.

"I'm so tired." Dingo speaks out of breath.

"That's only a mild side effect, but once you come into power, that will become an after thought." The being says.

"Now, you say you can help me overshadow Lan, so let's hear it." Dingo says as he begins trying to regain his balance and get to his feet.

"Gladly young Dingo." The being begins. "Now, pay very close attention because I'm only going to say this once."

Dingo now gets to his feet as the being begins explaining.

Curry Shop

Count Zap and Maddie are continuing to catch up with Tori and Yai as they continue waiting for Lan's order.

"So after that, Dr. Wily went into hiding and we haven't heard nor seen him since." Tori continues as he takes another sip of his fruit punch. "Dr. Regal did the same thing after Lan defeated him last year."

"I've been wondering how ol' Wily's been doing." Count Zap speaks up. "I could care less about Regal though."

"It's a good thing that Lan and Megaman knocked Wily down from power when they did." Yai adds in. "To be honest, I thought he was going to destroy Internet City."

"It's a good thing he didn't." Tori replies. "Our navi's do need a place to hang out when their not in battle."

"That's very true Tori." Maddie replies with a smile.

Now turning to the clock on the wall, Maddie notices the time.

"I wonder if Dingo made that delivery yet." Maddie says. "He's been gone an awful long time."

"Don't worry Maddie, he'll return soon." Count Zap replies. "He probably got lost on his way to find the place and once he found it, he made the delivery and is most likely on his way back now. After all 2010 Lake Street is on the very edge of Jawaii Island."

"I hope so." Maddie responds. "I'm going to need someone at the counter when the dinner crowd starts piling in since Dex has the night off tonight."

"Oh he'll be back way before then." Count Zap assures.

"I'm sorry kids." Maddie apologizes. "So how's school going for you two?"

"It's going good actually." Tori answers. "I'm going to be starting the Ninth grade this upcoming fall with Lan and Maylu at Dentech High School." (No relation what so ever to Battle Field Dentech City!)

"I'm actually thinking of transferring back to King Land." Yai answers as well. "I'm not being challenged at Dentech middle school. I like Ms. Mari, she's sweet, but I need a bit more a challenge education wise."

"Everything sounds like its going great for you two and whether or not you stay in Dentech or go back to King Land Yai, I know you will achieve the best." Maddie smiles.

"Thanks Maddie." Yai returns the smile.

Yahoot now comes out of the kitchen with the curry special in his hands.

"Ok, one curry special for Lan and it's on the house." Yahoot announces as he approaches the counter and places the platter down in front of Tori. "I do hope my curry special helps Lan get better soon."

"Thanks Yahoot, Lan will certainly appreciate this a lot." Tori replies. "Well all, we better get going, but it was fun catching up with you guys. Thanks for everything."

Reaching in his pocket, Tori pulls out a five dollar bill and places it on the counter.

"For the drinks." Tori says as he grabs the curry platter.

"You two come back and visit us as soon." Count Zap greets to the kids.

"Will do." Tori replies. "See you guys later."

"You guys take care of yourselves." Yai greets to the staff.

With those words exchanged, Tori and Yai now slip out of the door and begins making their way back to the hotel.

"Dex, have the navi's clear the computer of the lunch orders and have them set up the system for dinner." Maddie instructs.

"Right away Maddie." Dex replies.

Dex now heads to the kitchen to handle the request while Maddie begins busting the tables in the dinning room.

Cyber World

Dark Megaman is continuing to talk to Tomohawkman as the two continue down Giga-Byte Avenue.

"Your skills are most impressive Tomohawkman, but no one will ever notice them with Megaman blocking your path." Dark Megaman continues. "That's why I'm here to help you out, so you will get your skills discovered. Just remember everything we talked about today and you will be on top in no time flat."

"Thank you Dark Megaman." Tomohawkman thanks the navi. "Thank you for helping me out like this."

"No problem." Dark Megaman replies with a smile. "I'd do anything to help out a friend in need. Listen, I have to go now, but if you need anything at all, you can reach me on my frequency code and I'll be here in a flash."

"No problem." Tomohawkman nods.

Waving to Tomohawkman, Dark Megaman now teleports out of the area. A determined expression now crosses Tomohawkman's face as he converts his right arm into the Tomahawk Axe.

"Get ready Megaman, we've got a huge score to settle!" Tomohawkman hisses. "Being your side kick ends here!"

Continuing to walk down Giga-Byte Avenue, Tomohawkman now disappears into the darkness.

Cyber Lair

Dark Megaman now teleports to the Cyber Lair where his comrades are waiting around his throne. Cosmoman notices Dark Megaman has returned and bows.

"You're back sir." Cosmoman speaks as he gets to his feet.

"That I am." Dark Megaman replies as he takes a seat on the throne. "I went for a walk and while I was out, I stumbled upon something that will help us get rid of Megaman for good."

"What, may I ask, is that sir?" Cosmoman inquires. (Could he possibly kiss up any more?)

"You will see soon enough Cosmoman." Dark Megaman replies as he rests his chin in the palm of his right hand. "You all will see soon enough."

Ocean View Hotel (Room 425)

Lan is still resting while sitting up in bed and has decided to watch a little bit of television to pass the time.

"Now back to the Island Tropics: When Category Four Hurricanes strike." The channel 34 television program announces.

Lan now hits the channel up button on the remote and changes the channel.

"You, too, can win a trip to the fabulous Jawaii Island!" The channel 35 commercial announces.

Hitting the channel up button once more, Lan switches to the next channel.

"Stay tuned for the world television premiere of Island Dreams." The channel 36 commercial announces.

"There is absolutely nothing on television to watch!" Lan says in frustration. "Not only did Dark Loids ruin my summer, but I'm without quality programming. This stinks!"

"Lan, please calm down." Maylu softly speaks to Lan. "I'm sure there will be something on later and if not, then we'll rent a movie, your choice."

"That'll work." Lan replies, his anger quickly dissipating. "Great idea Maylu."

Maylu smiles.

The room door now opens with Tori and Yai entering.

"Hey all, we're back and with a special delivery for Lan." Tori announces.

Walking over to the bed side, Tori hands the Curry Special platter to Lan.

"Is this what I think it is and smells like it could be?" Lan asks with excitement building in his voice.

"Yep." Tori answers. "Yahoot made it for you so you could get well fast."

Lan's brown eyes now shine with stars as he quickly removes the clear wrap from the platter and begins digging in.

"You'd think he'd wanted a fork first." Jasmine comments, watching Lan devour his curry special. (She finally speaks)

"Yahoot was right, the curry special did perk Lan right up." Tori jokes.

Maylu giggles at Tori's joke as she watches Lan continue digging into his meal.

Maylu's PET now begins beeping. Hearing it, Maylu grabs it and brings it into her view, seeing Roll on the screen.

"Hey Roll, what's up?" Maylu greets her navi.

"Jack in Megaman and the others immediately!" Roll frantically answers. "Net City's under attack! The enemy is moving fast and destroying everything in sight. Send everyone in right away!"

"Roll just reported that there is trouble in Net City." Maylu announces, quickly rising from her seat. "Our navi's have to be jacked in immediately. Where is the nearest outlet to jack them in?"

"There's one in the lobby." Tori replies.

"Alright!" Lan adds in, now setting the platter aside. "Let's kick online dark loid butt!"

"No Lan, you still need your rest." Maylu speaks up, stopping Lan. "I'll operate Megaman for you."

"Are you sure you can operate both my navi and yours?" Lan inquires.

"As if it were you on the other end of Megaman's terminal." Maylu smiles.

Returning the smile, Lan nods and hands Maylu his PET.

"I won't let you down." Maylu assures her best friend.

"I know you won't." Lan replies.

"Ok people, let's move out!" Tori commands. "We have a city to save."

Tori, Yai, Jasmine and Rush now leave the room. Exchanging assured glances once more, Maylu now leaves the room as Lan returns to eating his curry special.

Just who is the enemy wrecking Net City and will Dingo turn to the dark side? Keep reading to find out!

A/N: Ok end of chapter 6 and I hope you all liked it. Sorry this is late. Life got crazy busy and my summer finals just ended last week with the fall semester starting next week, but here is my chapter and I hope you all liked it. As usual, please no flames as this is all that I could think of for this chapter and chapter 7 will be out when I get another moment. If anything is confusing, please let me know. If nothing else, please review.

Review Please!