Finally There
Location: House thing…
Time: 10:47 (Ya'll should now what day it is.)
"And no more pet names…" Saix said as he shoved his pajamas into his suitcase.
"Why not!?" Xemnas whined, he threw his suitcase across the room, giving up on his packing.
"Because. Its kind of humiliating." Saix stated, zippering up the case, and picking up Xemnas's to fix his poor excuse of packing. "And all the names you make up are stupid. Moonshine is bad enough."
"But its cute! And all the names I say are cute too." Xemnas protested.
Saix sighed, and shut the lid of the case. "Xemnas." he said slowly. "Calling me 'Moon Pie' is not cute. And that is a kind of food. I do not wish to be eaten."
"Too bad!" Xemnas laughed, crouched down, and in a flying leap, tackled Saix, giving him a quick kiss in mid-air before Saix toppled backwards.
Chuckling slightly, Xemnas sat up, effectively straddling Saix. "I'd rather eat you from this angle though."
"Xemnas…get off."
"Because, the taker should never be on top." Saix grinned lecherously, grabbed hold of Xemnas's shoulder with one hand, and his hip with the other, and flipped them with only minor difficulty.
"Oh!" Xemnas did a very unlike Xemnas squeak. "But who ever said that you would top in the relationship?"
"Isn't it obvious? I mean, the seme in any yaoi relationship is always the stronger, more muscular one." Saix grinned.
Xemnas faked gasped. "I am way more muscular than you!"
"Psh." Saix rolled his eyes. "Prove it. Flip us back." Saix straightened up from his hunched position, and sat on Xemnas's hips.
"Alright." Xemnas set his face into one of pure determination, and pushed on Saïx's shoulders, trying first to move him up. But Saix didn't budge. "Damn your heavy." Xemnas mumbled, then tried to lift Saix by pushing up on him with his hips.
"Oh, Xemnas…ready for that now are you?" Saix asked, one eyebrow raised.
"Wh-what?!" Xemnas stuttered, turning a deep shade of red. "No, I-I mean yes…but…I'm trying to prove a point stop distracting me." Saix shrugged, and continued to watch Xemnas's feeble attempts.
Saix sighed. Xemnas was now trying to wiggle down so Saix would be sitting on his chest instead of his hips, hoping to use his upper body to lift him.
The only thing the wiggling accomplished was to do very interesting things to Saïx's body.
"Damn it. The only thing this is proving is that you're fat Saix." Xemnas muttered more to himself than to Saix.
"Xemnas…" Saix groaned.
Xemnas knew that groan. It was the groan he always wanted to hear come from Saix. But this was never the position he wanted to be in when he heard it. 'Oh shit'
Saix bent forward, towering over Xemnas's now frozen form. "Xemnas…" Saix repeated in less of a groan but now in a more husky voice into him ear. "What are you doing?"
"Trying…to…uh…" Xemnas stuttered. 'Damnit, Saix is not gonna let me go now…' "I'm trying to prove to you that I am to top you! Not the other way around."
Saix chuckled huskily, making Xemnas shiver. Saix sounded more like he wanted to run out and start chain killing people than having some random kinky sex on the floor. That actually didn't sound like a bad idea. 'As long as I'M on top, damnit'
"Xemnas…you can just forget that thought. There is no way I'm letting you go now." Saix thought for a moment. "Or letting you get up here. The view is way to wonderful to give it up."
"Begging only makes it worse!" Saix said in what almost sounded like a sing-song voice. Almost. "Besides, you always wanted this with me." Saix grinned, his fanged teeth for once scared Xemnas.
"YEAH! But not in this view! I wanna be up there." Xemnas pouted.
"Xem…" Saix whispered, and trailed a finger down Xemnas's neck until he got to the zipper and tugged it a little. "I know you're turned on. You cant deny that."
Xemnas grumbled. Sometimes he really hated that Saix could read him so well. "Fine…but your bottom next."
Saix chuckled. Apparently, sex makes him giddy. "Sure whatever love." Saïx's eyes sparkled and he practically ripped Xemnas's cloak off as he threw himself and Xemnas onto the bed.
Zexion stood motionless in the kitchen. "I believe I've just lost my appetite." Zexion murmured, and placed his half eaten hot dog on the counter, grabbed a tissue, and rushed outside before his nose bleed got any worse, or if Xemnas's moans got any louder.
XXXX 2 hours later…(1:00)XXXX
Xemnas grumbled unhappily, as he and Saix walked around the beach. Him limping more than walking. Saix had not been very nice. 'But…I suppose it was worth it…Saix is practically glowing.'
Xemnas made a half-hearted attempt to grab hold of Saïx's hand, and suddenly feeling full of pity, Saix took his hand, making Xemnas smile. 'Okay, maybe its worth it to let him do that…' Xemnas thought, but then out of NO WHERE a rock attacked poor Xemnas's foot, making him slip, and land on his butt. 'Or not'.
On the other side of the area, where the majority of the Organization stood. Namely Zexion, Luxord, Roxas, Axel, and Demyx; were all watching Saix practically beaming and Xemnas shuffle next to him as the made their way down the beach.
"NUUUUUUUUU!" Luxord cried, falling to the ground. "I ACTUALLY LOST!"
"Lost what?" Zexion asked.
"The bet." Axel said simply, as if those two words explained everything.
"No one won Axel." Roxas stated.
"How so?" he asked.
"Well…to begin with, it seems to me that Saix wasn't the one who got their ass owned. It was Xemnas, and besides that, no one predicted the last day of vacation."
"Damn." Axel muttered.
"Then the munny goes to me."
The voice caused the five to jump. Even the bawling Luxord being comforted by Demyx.
"Oh…Hehehehe…Hi Number VII." Roxas waved. Saix raised an eyebrow.
"Why are you being respectful?" he asked. Xemnas just kinda stood there in a daze.
"Well…you see. We always respect you…because ya know your just-"
"Axel, shut up." Zexion deadpanned. Oh joy…emo Zexion is back.
"Its 'cause you can go berserk on us now." Demyx answered proudly.
"Of course. Now I win because I said that I wouldn't get owned." he held out his free hand. "Now gimmie."
"Psh. In your dreams." Axel snorted.
Saix growled.
"Ah…" Xemnas squeaked.
"Whoa…what the hell did you do to him?" Roxas asked, taking a closer look at Xemnas.
Saix grinned triumphantly. "I tamed him." Saix turned to Xemnas. "Common now. We must finish packing. We got distracted last time…" Saix said, and lead Xemnas away from the group.
"…Xemnas is whipped." Luxord stated.
"But he forgot his munny." Axel grinned, hugging the large wad of round ball shaped munny.
Xemnas flopped onto the bed as soon as the two of them entered the bedroom.
"Did we really have to walk after that?" he asked his pillow.
Saix shrugged, and picked up the suitcase to finish what he started earlier. "I figured it would be better to walk than to lay in bed and sulk about being topped for the rest of the day."
"I wasn't sulking….I was…basking in the beauty of you?"
"Nice try but I'm not buying it."
"Okay…maybe I was upset at being bottom but…" Xemnas turned over so he could actually face Saix. "…I really did mean that I was basking in your beauty."
Saix and Xemnas just stared at each other, that is, until Saix disrupted the romantic-ish moment when he doubled over, laughing.
"Oh. My. God. That was the most corniest thing I've ever heard." Saix gasped, rolling around on the floor laughing.
Xemnas smiled. This laugh was nice…those other laughs were…creepy. But Xemnas would defiantly love to hear this laugh more often.
"Oh god, that was hilarious." Saix coughed, and kneeled by the side of the bed.
"It wasn't that funny."
"Coming from you, yes it was."
"OH, give me a break. It would have been weirder if you said it." Xemnas huffed.
"True, true. But you still said it."
Wanting desperately to get off this topic, Xemnas asked: "What happened to Sephiroth?"
Saix shrugs, standing up, and stretching. "I don't know." Saix pulled out his own cloak, and began to put on the pants, ignoring the fact that Xemnas was watching. "I hardly know him. Me and Zexion ran into him on a mission once and he asked us were some guy named Cloud was."
"Who's Cloud?"
"I don't know. But we said we'd tell him only if he'd give us munny, kill the Heartless in the area, and tell us where the hell we were." Saix put his cloak on, but left it unzipped. "He did, and we told him the first world that came to mind. Apparently Hollow Bastion was right 'cause he never did come back to kill us." Saix stopped lacing his boots, and breathing all together. It was his 'I'm-in-serious-thinking-mode-do-not-bother-me' look. "You changed the subject!" Saix accused, pointing a finger.
"SO!?" Xemnas shouted back.
"So! It means you just lost your chance for top."
"WHAT?!" Xemnas gapped. "Th-that is not fair!"
Saix leaned forward, his hand on Xemnas's cheek. "The Organization isn't fair." he said simply, and lightly slapped him. Standing up straight, and finishing his boot tying and cloak zippering, he added. "Oh, and do not forget love-" he put more emphasis than was necessary on the word 'love' "we need to go met the boat in about twenty minutes. You'd better hurry up." And slunk out of the room.
Saix stood on the steps taking pleasure in watching every single member of the organization running around frantically trying to make sure they have everything.
Demyx was crawling around in the sand looking for a souvenir that he could have gotten the first day. Xigbar, was upturning rocks, and random trees looking for his spare eye patch which Larxene had hidden last week. Zexion, although his extreme emo-ness returned, was still looking for the kitten from days ago. Luxord was helping Demyx, but simultaneously, saying goodbye to the monkey he had met many days ago.
Then there was Xaldin. Who apparently had everything he brought, stolen and hidden by Larxene. And was now currently running around frantically looking for his left boot, and his bottle of 'Merlin's Amazing Sideburn Control' elixir. One of which was currently hidden in Demyx's extremely large bag of hair gel.
Now, to Saix, this trip didn't seem so utterly pointless, or just a way for Xemnas to get in his pants. To him, it showed that everyone needed someone. Even if they weren't whole.
Now, how he got to that conclusion, I have no idea. He probably doesn't either.
A long low whistle blew, announcing the boat was here. Again, everyone scrambled to hurry, and again, everyone forgot that they could just open a portal to get home easier.
"Yeah?" he asked, wobbling out of the cabin with the luggage to stand next to Saix.
"Want to portal home?" Saix asked, smirking.
Xemnas, being the closet pervert that he was, understood immediately. "Of course. They-" he waved in the direction of everyone else. "-can find their own way home." Saix nodded, and Xemnas ran off to get the rest of the luggage.
Saix smiled. Actually smiled! QUICK! Someone call the police! The ambulance! THE FBI!
-cough- sorry…lost my composure…story now! Err…yeah.
"Maybe…maybe this vacation thing wasn't so bad…" he whispered to himself.
"Saix! I'm totally gonna use bondage!" Xemnas yelled from inside the small house.
Saix laughed. "Sure Xem. Whatever you want." And Saix was sure that if he still had his heart, this is what love would be like.
A/N- GAH! NUUU SO CORNY! '''cries''' I had no idea how to start this chapter, then I could figure out how to end it and OMG! IT SUCKS! '''cries some more'''.
I tried so hard. And sorry, I cant do sex scenes, but I am confident in everyone's ability to let their mind do this. That and I only rated this T, so I'm not gonna do anything but say that they did.
To…I forgot your username and am to lazy to look it up, I'M SORRY! But I don't see why you hate Zexion and Saix together. They'd be so KAWAII! But, I have yet to figure out how they could be a couple so don't worry about that. And all they did was kiss! So HA! XD (don't kill me) And you know who you are…cuz well…I forget XD
I thank ALL MY READERS! Ya'll (sorry for the random Texas word. I'm not from Texas), make me happy. I believe I only got 1 review that might be considered a flame. It was something about 'how the hell can Saix throw Lexaeus!? He's like 3 times bigger them him!' or something. Oh well. Sorry for the random Sephiroth…
Fan fiction: COMPLETED! But…I realized that I forgot a day…and possibly an epilogue. Which I could combine, granted if anyone wants an epilogue. REVIEW!!!! please