Metal:Since Nauto and Kyu-chan are having their daily fun /Ground shakes/ today we'll be having a few special guests put your hands together for...Metal Sonic and Mewtwo

Impmon:...and His mate Gardevoir,Kid Buu, and Enja!


Kid buu:Yo!

Mewtwo:'Good day'

Metal:Now my psychiatrist said we all need to shout out our problems starting now...

Impmon:Now why don' I get dis message out of my system WHY DIDN'T YOU VOTE FOR WHO IS GETTIN HITCHED WIT ME!

Metal Sonic:Why the hell does the emeralds ALWAYS end up conveniently near sonic!

Mewtwo:'Who's the impudent fool who got me out of brawl!'


Gardevoir!Why aren't there more Mewtwo/Gardevoir fics out there!


Kid Buu:Who came up with that piece of # tenkaichi!


Shinjuku slums

"Finally,I'm awake after all these millenia...but feel lighter, smaller, WTF? I'm A Chibi!" the teenager who said this was lightly tanned, had lime green hair that reminds you of plasma spiked in every direction(think of Kankuro's puppet hair), claws, shark-like teeth, lime green eyes,a height just barely taller than Naruto,a white and green jacket (like chaser from one piece accept replace the blue with green) open with a black t-shirt, white jeans,and green and white air force one's. His knuckles seemed be inside half a cannonball with his fingers coming out the other side.

'Scanning for nearest threat' "Summon:Ultimate legs"His eyes shone in a mysterious light before his feet were covered by what looked like a pair of rocket shoes before leaping up twenty yards in the air and rocketing off at high speed in the direction of Shinjuku Park.

Shinjuku Park

Naruto and Impmon couldn't help but stare incredulously at the so called most dangerous summons ever made..."RRRRattita!" Impmon stared in an irritated fashion at the...the rat before voicing his opinion "more like Retardetta" a strange silence filled the air. Even birds stopped chirping...then a dark forboding filled the air that made even Kyu-chan stare in horror before diving behind a tree dragging Naruto with her and wrapping her tails around him protecting him from the horror that has yet to be released but the sound were enough to make him not ask...

"What da hell are you's lookin' at?"







Kyu-chan finally spurred into action after going full fox form and after thirty righorous minutes of righorous fighting in which Naruto learned how to do 1000 years of pain with his tails, Impmon learned how to not catch a rat by it's whiskers, and Kyu-chan learned not to let a Rattita get a hold of one of her tails they... gave up and allowed him to nibble on her ear until he's satisfied!

Suddenly Kyu-chan stopped laying around before perking up her head, widening her eyes, and jumping away from where she was laying. Naruto was wondering what she was doing a second before something slammed hard into the ground kicking up a cloud of dust. When the dust settled Naruto and Impmon could only stare in silent confusion while Kyu-chan stared with somewhat of a mix of shock, hope,and happiness at a green haired boy.

"RAHU!" was the only warning the mysterious boy had before a Red blur crashed into him toppling him over quickly revealing itself to be Kyu-chan straddling his chest. Looking up he nearly had a nosebleed at the sight of her chest before Kyu-chan drug him into a one-sided conversation that everyone including Impmon strained to translate which sounded something like this "OMGOMGIcan'tbelieveit'syouwherehaveyoubeenyoupsichoticrascal..."going on and on and on with no end in sight and just to make things more awkward she began to bounce on his chest excitedly causing all the males to stare at her chest.

The young male who was identified as Rahu couldn't help but shiver at the memories this position brought up and voiced it as well.


The foxy lady finally stopped, stared at him in confusion, and asked "...yes?"

Rahu then said something that made Impmon and Naruto sweatdrop. "Do you remember the position I found myself in when you sprayed that aphrodesiac on me and a drunk Morrigan in an all female slumber party? "

Kyu-chan quickly tried to apologise!" Sorry!How was I supposed to know that Morrigan would rape you on the way to the kitchen?"

Rahu sighed in an irritated fashion before mentioning that she and her friends did not need to join in on the fun and that this position will not help old memories .

"Oh sorry!" She bounced off his chest and started to apologise again. But before she could Rahu shushed her before looking around. After a short while he looked up only to have a blue and grey blur slam into his face sending them both careening into the ground as a squeeky voice said "ow" the blur revealed itself to be what could only be described as a Dark version of patamon.

Rahu, Naruto, Kyuubi, and Impmon stared silently at the the grey batlike creature...before Rahu walked over and blatantly slapped the living #!+ out of it. Luckily it woke up before it could suffer another one before. It sat up with a jolt rubbing it's cheek before yawning and looking up toward the source of the slap.It's eyes narrowed and it shouted in a males voice "WHAT IN &'S NAME IS YOUR PROBLEM?" before slapping Rahu in the cheek with one of his wings.

Kyuubi instantly knew how scewed up this was gonna get and jumped behind a tree. Impmon not wanting to be a victim jumped behind a tree as well as Naruto. Meanwhile Rahu stared angrily at the ...the...piglett before punting it thru the air. It caught itself midair before diving down full speed.

"You think flying like a useless pidgeon will help you?Summon :Ultimate Legs Summon:Satellite Pods" Rahu shouted before his upper back and feet were engulfed in a green light. When the light cleared it shown his upper back covered in what looked like two satellites while the same shoes from earlier covered his feet. Seeing that his transformation was complete he jumped up just as the dark digimon slammed down on the ground. Before shaking the dust off it's head and flew up after the green haired teen only to stop short and stare at the satellite-like things that mysteriously appeared and were floating around the park area.

"Hmph! I can dodge these...thingy...thing...things...NO PROBLEM!" The dark furred creature shouted before flying full speed past the first sattelites...before getting blown foward by the sattelite that followed the digimon and exploded causing every sattelite to close in on his location. Which made it look like a gray pinball trapped inside a prism of explosions. Thirteen seconds later the sattelites finnally stopped attacking and the digimon came crashing down...only to land on something soft...opening one eye it looked down only to see a large patch of lime green. Feeling two hands grab onto both sides of it's small hips and lifting it and putting it face to face with Rahu.

Rahu, wondering what to do now that he blew the crap out of an adorable...thing, did the only thing he could do...ask for it's or his name if his voice was any indication.

The tiny thing replied with "Tsukaimon" before falling asleep in the comfortable and adittedly soft arms of Rahu.

Meanwhile Rahu held the digimon in his arms and looked around for Kyuubi. Seeing her peeking from behind a stump that some of his sattelite pods probably blown up. Shouting to the others that it was ok he walked over with Tsukaimon. Stopping in front of Naruto, he glared seeing Naruto point his sword at him, which quickly changed to shock when a hologram of Tsukaimon popped up on the hilt.

"Tsukaimon, a virus type rookie digimon, It's special attack is dark twister and they are extremely fast in the air."Naruto recited before looking forward and seeing Rahu stare at him in confusion before asking a question that made him facefault. "WTF's a digimon?"

Naruto deciding that it's best to get an introduction about this Rahu and to give an explanation about Digimon left for home and told him to follow.

Yamaki's Apartment

Walking in Naruto closed the door and locked it. Before walking past the...only to stop and stare in fear at something that will haunt his dreams forever.

In the kitchen was nothing but an apron. And aparrantly he was...happy.Hearing a shout of fear Yamaki looked towards the doorway where he saw Naruto on the floor out cold with his little girlfriend Kyuubi, a purple imp-like creature. Looking toward Kyuubi he told her to take him upstairs. Turning to look at Impmon he asked a question that shocked Impmon to the core.

Yamaki asked " are Myotismon X's son huh?" Impmon taking a step back he asked "...h-ho-" Yamaki cut him off saying "My oganization used to work side-by-side with the DSG" Impmon decided to get this question out the way was about to ask but again Yamaki beat him to the point saying "You can stay but do NOT try anything funny or else..." Impmon gave a gulp of fear before dashing to Naruto's bedroom.

Turning around he bent down to get the Meatloaf out of the oven before getting the feeling that he was being watched he looked behind him still bent over only to see a green haired teen standing in the doorway staring at his behind. Deciding to have a little fun he wiggled a little and smirked seeing his eyes follow. He pulled the meatloaf from the oven and placed it on the counter before walking over to the teen with a pan and hitting him over the head with it saying "Don't look at people like that.". Rahu deciding to play along rubbed his head with his free arm while the other held Tsukaimon said "why?" Yamaki gave an evil smirk before saying go outside and you'll see why.Following his directions he stood outside while wondering if this was such a good idea before a feminine voice that kinda sounded like Yamaki shouted "PERVERT!" turning around he saw Yamaki's door locked. Turning around he saw at least 25 women some old, some young, looking at him like a bunch of kid's looking at a pinata. The women charged full speed at him while a he TRIED to get away.

"Summo-" but was cut off by a wing covering his mouth which came from a miraculously awake and blushing Tsukaimon who gave him an evil smirk. Deciding it was in his own benefit he ran towards the stairs and jumped down them with the women in hot pursuit. Running all the way around to the back of the building he slammed both his fist into the ground rocketing his entire body up the building until he reached a balcony which luckily was Yamaki's while Tsukaimon continued to laugh away at his obvious irritation. While glaring at Yamaki he stomped his way past Yamaki to Naruto's room to tell about himself. Yamaki smirked before going back to the kitchen. While going back to the kitchen a sincere smile crossed his face and he thought to himself 'If it wasn't for the chosen one...I wouldn't have a great life like this. Thank You...Neo.'

Metal:Phew! Finaly!

Impmon:Took ya long enough.


Metal Sonic:I need back up Metal, Mewtwo, Impmon I need backup!

Gardevoir:COD4 KICKS !

Metal:Yep! and I even 'Borrowed' my Uncle's 360 so all of us can play online!




Metal: One Salvo of rocket's comin up!




Metal:Vote, Read, and review!

Rahu:Oh and I am BI not gay and I will NOT be paired with Yamaki!