Disclaimer: I don't own Saved By The Bell, nor am I affiliated with it in any way other than the fact that I watch the show )

Right now, I just want to introduce the characters to those who haven't watched the show at all, or if you haven't seen it for awhile. Either way, it's a good overview of everything so be sure to read it! ) And please review. The next chapter will definitely develop a plot.

It was the friends' last year at Bayside. The high school had been their home for the past three years, though it had seemed like forever. They were finally seniors. Alas, the six teenagers embraced the first day of their last year together as a group.

Zack Morris slung his bag over his shoulder and caught the eye of a group of girls who stared at him and, after receiving a glance back, giggled. Zack was the boy all the girls in the school wanted to date at least once. He smiled casually, ran his fingers through his blonde hair, and made his way to his locker, putting in the combination mindlessly. Flinging his locker open, he dumped the one notebook he brought with him to school. He wouldn't even have brought it, had his mother not insisted. Zack was one of those people who did alright in school, just enough to get by. He rarely paid attention, was the class clown, and was notorious for never doing a day of homework.. (at least not on his own) The locker was adorned with pictures of Kelly, his first serious girlfriend. They had broken up shortly at the end of last year, but the summer had only brought them closer together. Speaking of which..

Kelly Kapowski strutted down the hallway, her medium-length brown hair set perfectly. She brushed the brown bangs out of her face before greeting a group of cheerleaders. As head cheerleader, Kelly had to maintain a certain look, though she did it effortlessly. Growing up in a family with many siblings, Kelly never had it so easy at home, but once she saw her friends at school, it seemed as if all her worries went away. Suddenly seeing Zack up ahead, she smiled and made her way through the crowded hallway.

A.C. (Alfred Clifford) Slater came in next, Jessie Spano by his side. The two were notorious for having an on and off relationship; they constantly bickered, but they loved each other and that was all that mattered. Slater, a Latino with dark curly hair, was the captain of the wrestling team. Jessie, a very tall brunette, loved Slater and saw past his dimples and very muscle-toned body. She never judged others and fought for animal rights. She was also one of the smartest girls in the grade, as well as Class President. Upon seeing Zack and Kelly catching up on summer memories, both joined in to their conversation.

Lisa came running in through the doors and into the hallway, Screech tagging along, right behind her. Lisa Turtle was a part of the Fashion Club and knew all the gossip that there was to know, about everybody. The dark beauty with the main interest in clothes, boys, and more clothes, always rejected the poor boy who loved her ever since they were little. Samuel Powers, nicknamed Screech, was a curly haired annoyance to Lisa, whom he asked out on dates every chance he could. The typical 'dork' around school, he never stopped making a mess out of pretty much everything and lacked common sense. Yet his grades were high; he almost always got himself into weird situations. Lisa's mood perked when she saw her friends huddled around Zack's locker.

For this chapter, I just wanted to introduce the characters to those who haven't watched the show at all, or if you haven't seen it for awhile. Either way, it's a good overview of everything so be sure to read it! ) And please review. The next chapter will definitely develop a plot.