ok, this is a story I originally posted on ((pen name is: skateisawordjateisnot)), but i decided on putting it here too, so... hope you enjoy it!


Katherine Austen woke up to the annoying buzzing of her alarm clock. She rolled over and slapped the snooze button. As she was drifting off to sleep she realized what day it was and shot up. Today was her first day of school, and now she was a senior. It was also her first day at a public school. She'd been attending an all girls private school since kindergarden. She quickly jumped out of bed and rushed to her closet to decide what to wear.


James Ford woke up to the feeling of someone shaking him frantically.

"James! James get up! James Sawyer Ford get out of bed NOW!!" His mother was shaking him and slapped him in the butt with a wooden spoon.

"OW! What the hell was that for?!" James said getting up and glaring at his mom.

"You need to get up and go to school! You're going to be late!" She threw some clothes that were sitting on his chair at him and rushed out of the room so he could get dressed. All of a sudden his mother ran back in as he was uncovering himself.

"Also, I don't want you using that kind of language." She scolded him. Then she quickly left the room again.He grumbled as he got out of bed and got dressed. Since there wasn't enough time for him to eat breakfast, he grabbed a piece of toast on his way out.


"Class quiet down now! Quiet down. Now, my name is Mr. Locke and I'll be your-" The door to Mr. Locke's classroom banged open and a tall blonde boy with sea blue eyes rushed into the room.

"Nice of you to join us, Mr. Ford. Please take a seat." James walked over to the first seat he saw. He felt something poking his arm. He turned to his left to see his ex girlfriend, Ana Lucia sitting next to him.

"How's it goin' asshole?" She sneered.

"Of course I'd get stuck next to the class slut." He groaned. She glared at him.

"Fuck you, Sawyer." She growled and turned back to look at the front of the classroom. He rolled his eyes at her. His eyes landed on the person to his right.

"Hey Michael! Long time no see." His best friend turned to him and smiled.

"Hey how's it goin', Ford?" He asked. They chatted for a couple of minutes while Mr. Locke spoke with the principal, Mr. Gale. They finished talking and Mr. Locke turned to the class.

"Well, I just recieved some very exciting news. We have a new student." Everybody went quiet. It was rare for them to get new students, especially Seniors. The only new students they were used to were Freshmen.

"Class, I'd like you all to welcome Miss Katherine Austen." A slender, curly-haired brunette walked into the classroom holding her books to her chest. James leaned forward a little bit. He'd seen pretty girls before, but there was something special about this girl. She wasn't only pretty, she was gorgeous and the shy smile she gave as she adressed the class with a small "Hello" was the prettiest smile he'd ever seen. He was intrigued. He wanted to meet this new girl.

"Here, you can take a seat next to... Miss Littleton." Mr. Locke pointed to a shy blonde girl on the far end of the classroom. Kate quickly walked over to her seat and sat down. The girl turned to her.

"Hey Katherine. I'm Claire. Welcome to Island High." She greeted Kate with a distinctive Australian accent.

"Hey. Thanks. You can call me Kate." She smiled at Claire.

"Do you want to join me and my friends for lunch? I can show you around the school then." Claire offered. Kate smiled and nodded. Claire grinned as she turned back to face the front of the room. Kate followed suit. She was liking this new school already. James watched her from the corner of his eye. There was something special about her, but he just couldn't place it. He snapped back into reality at the sound of Mr. Locke's voice. He sighed as he opened his notebook to start taking notes.


Kate followed Claire down the hallway to the cafeteria. They walked through the double doors into a noisey, crowded room that smelt like old meatloaf. Somebody across the room shouted to Claire and motioned them to come over. Claire and Kate made their way over to a table on the far end of the cafeteria and sat next to a blond boy.

"Heya Claire. How was your summer?" The blond boy said. Claire blushed slightly and said it was fine.

"Who's your friend?" He nodded to Kate.

"Oh! This is Kate. Kate this is Charlie. He's one of my best friends." Kate smiled at Charlie and said hi. A Korean girl came up and sat on the other side of the table.

"Hi Sun. This is Kate. Kate this is Sun." Sun smiled at Kate.

"So Sun, is that guy Jin still stalking you, or has he asked you out yet?" Claire asked her giggling. Sun blushed and looked down at her food. Just as Charlie was about to say something, two more people walked up and sat down at their table. Claire introduced them as Hurley and Sayid. They all started chatting about what they'd done over the summer, and events that had happened the previous year. Kate pulled out her paper sack containing her lunch and pulled out some leftover pasta. She picked at it quietly, feeling isolated because she didn't know what they were talking about. She looked around the cafeteria, surveying the teachers and other students. She scanned over a table of what looked like football players. Her eyes met with one guys and locked. He smiled at her and waved. She smiled back shyly. He turned back to his friends, then got up and started walking toward her. Her heart started beating. She quickly turned back to Claire and the others.

"Umm... you guys... that guy behind me is coming over here. I just smiled and he got up and started walking toward me! What should I do??" They all turned around and looked at the guy heading towards them.

"No! Don't look!" Kate slapped her forehead. They all turned quickly back around. Now he probably knew she had talked to them about him. She wished she could disappear right then and there. He finally reached the table.

"Hi. I've never seen you here before. You new?" He was adressing Kate. She slowly turned around and looked up at him. He was smiling down at her. She gave him a small nod.

"What's your name?" He asked her. Claire nudged her.

"Kate." She said quietly.

"Kate. I'll be sure to remember that. Nice meeting you Kate, and welcome to Island High." He turned around and walked off.

"Kate do you know who that was?? That was the captain of the football team. He's one of the most popular guys in the school!" Claire said excitedly.

"What's his name?" She asked.

"Jack." Sun said. "He used to be best friends with my boyfriends best friend."

"Isn't he cute?" Claire was grinning at Kate. She shrugged, still blushing a little.

"I think I'm gonna go outside and explore the courtyard a little." She got up and threw her mostly uneaten food back into her backpack and walked off. She pulled the door to the outside open and a breeze of fresh summer air licked her face. She stepped outside onto the football field. There were a few students out there eating lunch. She started to wander toward the basketball court, thinking about the guy, Jack. Why had he come over to her like that? What would a popular guy like him want to do with her? She had gone to an all girl school, so of course she knew about cliques. She was so lost in thought that she wasn't watching where she was going and she tripped over a rock and started to fall. She fell into two strong arms who grabbed her so she wouldn't push them both over. She looked up to see a pair of sea blue eyes staring down at her. She kept staring into his eyes until he cleared his throat and she realized she was still leaning into him. She turned crimson and quickly pushed herself off of the blond stranger and stood upright.

"You alright there, Freckles?" He asked raising an eyebrow, smirking slightly. She turned an even deeper shade of red as she nodded, becoming very aware of the fact that there were eyes on her.

"I-I'm Kate." She stuttered, looking at anything but his face and those gorgeous blue eyes.

"I know. You're in my first period class. My name's James, but I prefer being called Sawyer." He took a step toward her.

"You sure you're ok? 'Cause you look scared out of your mind. It's kinda cute." He said flirtatiously, his smile growing even bigger. He took another step toward her, daring her to look up at him. Finally, she did.

"Thank you for catching me, James. I'll see you in first period tomorrow." She started to walk away.

"Aww don't I get some kind of reward?" She sighed and turned back around.

"Like what?" She crossed her arms.

"I dunno... How 'bout a kiss?" He grinned at her suggestively. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Aww c'mon, Sassafras." She kept walking.

"Maybe next time then!" He shouted after her. She rolled her eyes again.

'What a jerk.' She thought to herself. 'And who does he think he is giving me nicknames?' She walked angrily back into the cafeteria and sat back down next to Claire.

"You okay, Kate?" Claire asked. Kate sighed angrily.

"No. I just met this jerk, "Sawyer"." She said, putting quotes around his name. Claire gasped.

"No way! Oh you're so lucky! He is the hottest guy in school!" Claire was practically drooling.

"And the biggest asshole!" Kate said angrily, crossing her arms.

"Oh, so you admit you think he's hot?" Claire said raising an eyebrow. Kate blushed.

"I never said that!" She said defensively.

"You never denied it either." Claire and Sun giggled. Kate put her head down on the table. She felt something sticky on her forehead. She lifted her head up.

"Umm... Dude... There's strawberry jelly there..." Hurley said. Everybody was trying not to laugh. She groaned. It was going to be a long day.


I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. let me know what you think. I love reviews D