Disclaimer: I do not own charmed I only own the storyline for this fic and the characters which I have made up.

I'd like to thank Leanne17 and Baraku for their great reviews!! Thanks guys this chapter is for you guys!!

It had been two days since the demons had attacked, and luckily Peyton hadn't asked any questions about the mess. It seemed she had learnt to ignore the weird occurrences which happened around the Halliwell Manor, at which Mel was definitely grateful. However, Mel kind of wished Peyton would find out about her secret. S he had spent many nights thinking about telling Peyton she was a witch but as soon as morning came and she saw her best friend full of life, with her trademark smile, she couldn't do it. She didn't want to drag her into the world of demons and warlocks, especially with no powers! She could avoid that life. She could live a normal life. Mel on the other hand wasn't so lucky. She was born into that world. One she couldn't avoid. But to be honest she didn't want to avoid it. She loved being a witch, she just hated the loss that came with saving innocents. Because there is always that one a good witch can't save and Mel doesn't want Peyton to be one of the innocents Mel couldn't save.
Peyton was Mel's best friend, they had known each other their whole lives! Peyton could easily hang out with anyone she wants, she's the most popular girl at school and everyone wants to be her friend. But for some reason unknown to Mel Peyton chooses to hang out with her and she will always be grateful for Peyton choosing to be her friend. S didn't know what she would do without her. That's why she couldn't tell Peyton her secret. She's rather lie than see Peyton killed by a demon. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if something happened to her. Mel shut her eyes trying to get rid of the thoughts plaguing her mind.
Mel was suddenly thrown out of these thoughts by a sound she definitely didn't want to be hearing.

"You have got to be kidding me" she muttered and without another word orbed out.

Mel orbed in and looked around. She was "up there" and she wasn't happy about it.

"What do you want?" she questioned, anger clear in her voice

"We need your help" Zolar spoke up. Mel's expression softened when she saw who had spoken. However much she hated elders for what they had put her family through over the years, Zolar had truly been there for her when she needed guidance.

"Please Mel we have a charge, a new witch. She needs help."

"No! You promised I wouldn't have to have another charge, especially after the last time." Mel blinked furiously trying to stop the tears which were forming from the memory.
"Find someone else!"

"Mel if there was, I promise you, I wouldn't' have summoned you. You are the only person who will be able to guide her. You have a ... connection with her, I guess you could say. A bond no other whitelighter can have with her."

Mel looked up curiously. "I know her don't I ?"

Zolar nodded his head. "She needs your help. She's in trouble. Demons are after her powers. She needs your help now."

"Well who is she? What powers does she..."

Zolar cut her off and held up his hand. "There's no time for questions. She's under attack, you need to help her"

Mel nodded her head in understanding. Zolar waved his hand and Mel disappeared in sparkling blue orbs.
"Good Luck" Zolar whispered

Mel reappeared in a street she didn't recognise. "Thanks for the lift." she muttered
Mel looked around for her new charge. "Where is she??"
Suddenly an explosion came from a dark alleyway from across the street.
"Of course a dark alley way where else." she said with a roll of eyes as she ran across the street.

Mel ducked as a fireball flew towards her. She looked up and saw her charge, however, her charge had her back to her so Mel couldn't see her face. Mel looked on impressed as her charge carefully avoided fireballs and threw some impressive fire throws towards the four brute demons attacking her. However, her charge was thrown off guard as one of the demons hit her and she went crashing to the floor.

"Hey!!" Mel yelled furiously.

All demons turned to look at her. They sneered at her and I unison fireballs appeared in their hands.

"You don't wanna mess with us little girl"
Mel's eyes narrowed
"Try me!"

The demons looked at each other and laughed. Then turned towards Melinda and threw the fireballs. However, Mel didn't flinch. Instead she threw out her hands and sent the fireballs back at the demons with a small wave of her hands. The demons screamed in agony as they were hit with their own powers and went up in flames.

Mel grimaced "Ouch that had to hurt"

Mel turned to find her charge, who by the looks of it was still unconscious. She found her on the other side of the alley. She grabbed her charge and turned her over. She gasped as her charge's face came into view.


There you guys a new chapter. Hope you like it. I'd really appreciate the reviews so please press that little button in the corner thanks!!