Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar.

# 66: Touch

The dark colors of the forest pressed in on his eyes. He could barely see where he was going. Every once in a while, he would trip on a branch or a stone and nearly lose his balance. Zuko cursed his plight silently, not daring to create a small flame to light his way for fear of being found. In the darkness the smallest fire would be a beacon to others from miles away.

It seemed like an eternity ago that he had left Ba Sing Se and Azula. He had overheard his sister telling a guard that he was to be executed as soon as they returned to the Fire Nation. Fearing for his life he had fled, taking his uncle with him. Iroh had refused to speak to him. After a few days of traveling with him in silence, Zuko had awoken to find himself alone.

He bowed his head, keeping his eyes on the ground and promptly walked into a tree. Scowling, he rubbed his smarting nose. Fine. He wasn't about to let a forest beat him. The tiniest flame he could conjure appeared in his hand. The path appeared before him and he continued onwards.

Where was he going? If Zuko was going to be honest with himself, he did not know. All he was sure of was that he was alone. The Fire Nation could only offer him death and nobody would want to help an enemy of the Avatar. Right now the important thing was to stay alive.

A soft sound echoed from behind him. Someone was there. His eyes widened and he stepped to the side trying to avoid the incoming attack. Ice incased the area where he had been a moment ago. Zuko let his fire fill his hands and he shot long whips behind him. He turned, trying to face his opponent, but failing as whoever it was retreated to the shadows.

He growled, realizing that he was at a disadvantage. This was the worst place for him to be. Zuko was standing in the center of a group of trees. There had long trunks that stretched up towards the night sky, providing plenty of coverage for his enemy. Sending fireballs out in all directions methodically, he slowly turned around. Breathing hard, he saw that he had gone in a circle and still had not managed to find his attacker.

Zuko heard the soft sound again, as it smashed the back of his head with a well placed water whip and he lost conciseness.

When he awoke, it was morning. He lifted himself off of the ground slowly, expecting resistance from his mysterious foe. He found none. Blinking his eyes in confusion, he found himself not more than a few feet away from the forest path. Green bushes covered him from its view. He could see the scorch marks that he had made the day before. Zuko frowned. He checked his pockets, expecting to find all of his small savings gone.

Instead he found all of his money, a few extra coins and a letter.

You're a moron Zuko, but I keep my promises.

Try and keep yours too.


He lifted his left hand to his hair and ran his fingers through it, confused. He let them fall slowly downwards. They brushed against smooth unburned skin.

A/N: In case it's not clear, Katara healed his scar.