Dumb Naruto

Naruto, Gaara and Kiba climb a mountain every morning and have lunch.

Gaara: (opens lunch) "Dammit, if I get a sandwich one more time I'll kill myself."

Kiba: (opens lunch) "If I get frozen pizza one more time I'll kill myself."

Naruto: (opens lunch) "If I get Ramen one more time I'll kill myself."

Next Day…

Gaara: (opens lunch) (jumps off mountain)

Kiba: (opens lunch) (follows suit)

Naruto: (opens lunch) (follows suit)

At the funeral…

Kai&Kira: (Crying) (look at Hinata) "Aren't you sad that you're the reason Naruto's dead?"

Hinata: "Naruto made his own lunch."

Gaara, Kiba and Naruto are running away from the ANBU.

Gaara: (hides behind a cow) (ANBU come by) "Moo, Moo."

Kiba: (Hides behind a horse) (ANBU come by) "Nay, Nay."

Naruto: (Hides behind a haystack) (ANBU come by) "Haystack, Haystack."

Naruto invited Hinata over to do a puzzle with him.

Hinata: "What's the puzzle of?"

Naruto: (valley girl tone) "It's of a tiger."

Hinata: (walks over to counter) (sighs) "Naruto, there's no tiger here, you can put the cereal back in the box."

Naruto and Ino living in Oklahoma were sitting on a bench talking.

Ino: "Which do you think is farther away... Florida or the moon?"

Naruto: (turns) "Helloooooooooo, can you see Florida ?????"

Naruto pushes his car up to Shikamaru's house.

Naruto: "My car died."

A few minutes later…

Naruto: (car works great) "What's the story?"

Shikamaru: "Just crap in the carburetor."

Naruto: "How often do I have to do that?"

Naruto walked into the Suna hospital with a new dye job (no one recognized him)

Naruto: "Everywhere I touch, it hurts."

Doctor: "Impossible! Show me."

Naruto: (touches his arm) "AHHH!" (Touches his shoulder) "AHHHH!" (Pokes knee) "AHHH!"

Doctor: "Your not a natural red-head, are you?"

Naruto: "No, I'm a blonde."

Doctor: "thought so, your finger's broken."

A Highway patrol man pulled along side a speeding car.

Highway Patrol man: (looks over) (sees a blonde knitting) (Takes out bullhorn) "PULL OVER"

Naruto: "No! It's a scarf!"

A rock-ninja, a mist-ninja and Naruto are sitting around talking.

Deidara: "We were the first in Space!"

Zabuza: "So?! We were the first on the moon!"

Naruto: "SO?! We're gonna be first on the sun!"

Deidara & Zabuza: (look at each other) "Idiot! You can't land on the sun! You'll burn up!"

Naruto: "We're not stupid! We'll go at night!"

The rookie nine are playing Trivial pursuit one night.

Naruto: (Rolls dice) (gets 'Nature & Science)

Q: "If you were in a vacuum and someone call your name, will you hear it?"

Naruto: "Is it on or off?"

Ino is walking down when she sees Naruto on the other side of the river.

Ino: "Yoo-hoo! How can I get to the other side?"

Naruto: (looks up and down the river) "You are on the other side!"

Sasuke was visiting Naruto when he saw he had gotten two new dogs.

Sasuke: "What're they're names?"

Naruto: "Timex and Rolex."

Sasuke: "Why would you name you're dog's that?"

Naruto: "Helloooooooooo? They're watch dogs."


Don't ask, I just felt the incredible urge to write this. Kira and I were telling each other dumb blonde jokes and we decided to make it for Naruto since he's so dumb. Not my best but, hey, it's something.

NOTE TO BLONDES: I hope you do not take offense to this, it was meant to mean to Naruto (not that we don't like him) not to all blondes, just him.