Hush, little baby

Chapter 1

Arrival One, Child to the Prodigy and Weapon's Mistress

Neji and Tenten... at 2:30 in the morning

An ear piercing scream was heard, he swore the Sand village in the Land of Wind could hear it. Neji was holding Tenten's hand, while her was practically trying to crush it with her bare hands. Tenten was giving birth to her and Neji's first baby and this was no walk in the park, but I'm sure some of you know this.

" Do you have to scream so loudly?" Neji asked, trying to keep himself from going deaf, Tenten looked at him frustrated and in so much ficken' pain " YES!!!!" . They were at home, she wasn't going to make it the hospital, luckily Sakura, Ino, Hinata and everybody else was there to help and Sakura did most of the work, next to Tenten of course.

After a couple hours of excruciating pain and screaming…

" C'mon just a little more, Tenten and… there we go…" Sakura encouraged Tenten, then finally she was done, the baby was born. "It's a boy!" the pink- haired, 19 year old medic-nin stated. A few minutes of rest was all Tenten, needed then she would be ready to hold her baby boy. The child was handed to Neji, I swear the kid was a baby version of his Hyuga father, Dark brown semi black hair, pale soft and adorable skin, and the lavender/supposedly white eyes just about all the members of his fathers side of the family had.

Neji gave the kid his smile, the smile he only gave when he was truly happy, he handed the boy to his mother who sooed her little boy she loved more than her own life. " What should we name him?" His father asked his mother still quite tired, but not enough to ignore her husband and little baby boy. " Y'know since he looks so much lke you, we should give him a name that resembles yours" she received a look from her love that said ' not a bad idea' " how about" and together they decided on the child's name "Jin, that's his name Jin Hyuga".

Hope you liked it! I will update as soon as possible! The chapters will hopefully get longer as the chapters add up. PLZ. Review, I would really enjoy it!