It's my first Fanfic. So please no flames.
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or the characters or anything related! Ok! Don't sue me!
Chapter 1: Meeting the BPP
It was a warm August day in LaRousse as a 15-year-old brown haired girl ran to the west seaport. She wore a white and blue short-sleeved shirt that had a low cut V at the top. She also wore dark blue shorts with a makeshift aqua belt that was made of a long piece of fabric. Last she wore a sky blue colored bandana on top of her smooth milk chocolate colored hair and under this light outfit she wore a beautiful sapphire two-piece with a huge white star on the top. (N\A: I know May usually wares red but I think she looks better in blue, and if you need the name of the stone that I got her swimsuit from its called The Star Sapphire or Asterism) As the sun glowed a brilliant gold color as she ran to the docks.
"Which dock had Misty said to meet her at?" thought the chestnut haired girl as she came to a stop at a sign for docks 1-40.
"Hey May come on your five minutes late!" called a 17 year old girl with tangerine colored hair.
May ran to the girl and hugged her, "I'm sorry Misty. Max needed me to help with chores," explained May.
Misty wore a light rosy pink tang-top with the same colored fabric tied around the end of the shirt like May. Misty wore a hot pink one piece under the tang-top. Her tangerine hair was in its usually style and her emerald eyes gleamed at the site for May. (N\A: This is what the two trainers are wearing in a picture I found on on page 2) Misty pulled May off of her to see the girl.
Misty just smiled, "So what are we waiting for lets join Ash in the boat. And you do have Wartortle with you right May?"
"Of course I did Mist. How could I forget," May said to the older girl and giggled.
May's sapphire eyes shimmered like the sea itself as she and Misty ran to dock 20 were they saw a boy with jet black hair waiting for them. The boy wore a pitch-black shirt that matched his hair; he also wore Persian blue swimming trunks. His cute electric yellow Pikachu sat on his shoulder. His eyes were covered in the shadow of his red cap, but when he heard footsteps his head rose. His eyes were un-covered to show that they mirrored the sky above with the sun gleaming in their souls. He smiled as he saw the girls round the bend a neared the boat.
"Hey you guys are late!" called the guy as he saw the two girls running to the dock.
"Hey you were late last week so I have the right to be late once too," May retorted as she and Misty boarded the snow colored boat.
"She has a point Ash," Misty smirked. "Yah, but with out me you two could not do this or any thing for that matter," Ash said as he came up behind Misty and grabbed her waist.
"You now we have to met Mara and Jim in five minutes," May said as she saw Ash start to bring Misty closer.
"Yeah I almost for got! Ok Ash pack the boat up so we can get going. And for goodness sake let go of me!" Misty yelled at Ash. Ash reluctantly let go of Misty and pulled up the stairs.
"You do have the gliders right Ash?" questioned May. "Yes princesses I do. I have May's white and sapphire one, Misty's white and ruby one, and Mara's white and lavender one," Ash recited the gliders that were at the back of the boat, "and our white and black for Steve."
Once Ash finished he went to the captain's center and started the boat. As it roared to life Misty and May were at the bow feeling the wind blow their hair in all different directions.
"So May do you have a boyfriend yet?" asked Misty.
"No, but I do believe that there is someone out there for me. And I always get a granted wish if I wish on a shooting star and I hope that last night's shooting star will grant me my wish."
"You can't live in a fantasy world for ever May, one day you will have to grow up."
"So you keep saying Mist," May said as she rolled her eyes.
May hoisted her self on to the railing as Misty left to go cheek the gliders. Misty was thinking about what Misty had said when she felt a tug on her shoe. She looked down and saw Ash's Pikachu. May lifted the little pokemon on to her lap, May looked at the little mouse pokemon.
"I bet you don't judge a person by their looks, or by there maturate," May said to the yellow pokemon.
Pikachu smiled and put its paw on May's mouth. It tilted its head before sitting on its hind feet and looked up to the girl.
May looked down at it to see it's huge smile, "Pi. Pika. Chu. Pi. Pi. Pikachu. Pi. Cu. Chu. Ka " (Translation: Of course I don't, I judge them by how well they treat me. Silly.)
"Thanks now I know why Ash and Misty love you so much."
"Hey May," called a blonde haired girl form a small fishing boat below.
"Hey Mara," May replied.
Mara wore a white and purple striped bikini top that was white with a light purple hibiscus on it. Her skirt was white with a light purple fabric as her belt. Her skirt covered the bottom of the swimsuit. Her long blonde hair was put into two long ponytails on the side of her head. And her sky blue sapphire eyes shined with hope and joy. Next to Mara was her brother Jim. Like Mara he had a head full of blonde hair He wore a baggy shirt with worn shorts.
"All aboard," called Ash as he throw a rope latter to Mara and Jim. May helped Mara up on to the boat.
"Are we ready to go?" asked Misty with her Corsola in her hands.
"In a minute," said Mara as they all took off their shirts and shorts to reveal their cute bathing suits.
"And we can't for get our signature scarves," said May as she untied her aqua scarf from around her skirt, and retied it around the top of her bathing suit bottom. The other two did the same.
The girls were now ready to saddle their pokemon in to their harnesses and then start their patrol.
"Go Wartortle," called May as she tossed a red and white poke ball, out of it appeared her pokemon.
"WARRR," it called as it saw May.
"Now it's your turn Vaporeon," called Mara as she thought her red and white poke ball. (Note: I can't really describe the pokemon so go find a picture if you need to see what the pokemon looks like.)
"Now where ready to go ride," cried May as they placed the gliders into the water. The girls jumped onto their gliders.
"Go Wartortle, Vaporeon, Corsola," called all the girls at once, "Lets Ride." The three pokemon all jumped into the glistening sea below. The girls looked down from the railing to see the gliders floating on top of the rippling seawater.
"Me first," called May.
"Yeah hhooo," cried May as she jumped of the boat and landed on her glider below.
Soon Misty and Mara jumped down off the boat and landed on the gliders, Misty tying the extra glider to the back of her glider.
"Hey slow pokes move so I can pull my boat aboard," called Jim who stood leaning on the rail next to Ash on the boat's dock were the girls were only minutes ago.
"Fine," the girls called in unison; they turned the gliders and headed north. Once they knew the two guys were not looking they hung a left and flew on top of the water till the boat once again floated on the water in front of them. They soon saw Jim in his small fishing boat trying to hoist the boat tiny boat up onto the much larger boat.
"One. Two. Three," called Mara as they charged to Jim and did a sharp turn and made a wave of water that soaked Jim to the bone.
"That's what you get for calling us slow," laughed the girls looking at drenched Jim.
"Hahaha now go find Steve's ferry boat and get that lazy captain to work and give today's passengers a great show," called Ash as he waved the team off, "and well met you guys soon."
And with that they were off to find the furry from Lilly Cove City to LaRousse, which was to be driven by Steve the captain and his first mate Tom.
"I'm board it seems like we have been riding for hours and all I have seen are a school of Chinchou and a school of Lapras," complained Mara.
"Don't worry we're almost there and I can see the ferry now," Misty reassured the younger girl as they rapidly approached the small white dot on the horizon.
Meanwhile on the Ferry…
"Hey Steve I think trouble is coming," smirked a 16 year old boy with sun kissed blonde hair as blonde as the sun it self.
"Do you mean the BPP team, Tom," asked Steve who looked straight ahead at the steering wheel guiding the large ferry.
Tom only smirked and then nodded silently laughing at his captain. Steve had turned a bright shade of red when he had seen Tom nod. Tom who like his captain wore a spotless white uniform, but Tom's ascot was a light blue were Steve's was a black. Steve had long soft hair that was pulled into many small brads with yellow, blue, red, green, and black beads at the bottom of each brad.
"Fine then I guess I will go and change for there arrival, I leave you in charge with a crew member or passenger of your choosing that is not a girl," said Steve strictly.
"Fine then I chose Drew," Tom said in a huff.
"Then now I must leave before the show starts," said Steve as he turned and his brads flipped around after he had turned his head with small 'clicks' as the beads hit one another, and Steve walked away.
Steve walked briskly out of the captain's control cabin and walked to his room. On his way he saw a passenger with jade green hair. The kid looked like he was 16 years of age. He wore a thin purple jacket with a pair of black trucks on along with a pair of black sunglasses that covered his eyes. He lay on one of the many lounge chairs on the ferry's deck and next to him was his Roseila.
"Hey Drew can you head to the caption's cabin and stay with Tom while I go do something?" Steve asked as he stopped next to Drew and looked down at the younger boy.
"Fine but what are you going to do that would pull you away from the cabin and leave Tom and I in the cabin?" asked Drew as he sat up and looked up at the captain of the ship.
"You'll see," Steve said as he flashed a smirk at Drew before he turned and ran for his room.
"Now that was very wired, wasn't it Roseila?" Drew asked his pokemon as he stood up and looked at her.
"Rose. Ros. Ila. Ila!" replied Roseila as it cocked its head to one side. (Translation: "Yes. Yes it was")
Drew and Roseila got up and started to walk to the captain's control cabin when they heard three shrill cries, "STEVE!!"
Drew turned and saw three pokemon strapped to water gliders that held three girls o top of them. Drew squinted at them to see them clearer, but the pokemon soon sent out three water gun attacks that blocked them and their trainers.
"Hey everyone the Blue Pacific Patrol is coming," called two little, kids who stood each holding a squirming, little pokemon.
The one with black and white hair held an Aipom, and the other one who had rose red hair held a Castform whose head was the shape of the sparkling sun above.
"No way."
"Yeah I see them."
"They're soooo hot."
"They're SOOOO AWSOME!!"
"My favorite is the blonde one."
"No way the red head is the best."
"You're all wrong it's the HOT brunette."
Drew turned and saw all the passengers running to the railings and he noticed that he was going to be squashed.
"Drew move you're ass NOW!" yelled a voice from far away.
Drew did not need to be told twice he grabbed Roseila and ran to the captain control cabin. Once inside the cabin Tom slammed the door to stop all of Drew's fan girls outside.
"Well I'm glad you're O.K," Tom said as he turned to help Drew to his feet.
"Yeah I'm fine, but who were those girls and were is Steve going?" Drew asked as he walked to the window to see if he could see those girls again.
"Once I stop the boat you can go and see," Tom said as he slowly stopped the huge boat.
The two of them walked out of the cabin and walked to the loading dock at the back of the boat. There stood Steve in a pair of black trunks with a white strip down the sides.
"Come on Steve! I think you've been standing there for half of the summer," called a voice from down on the water. Drew walked with Tom to were Steve stood looking down at the sea.
"I'm board already! Can we just white wash was him already? PLEASEEEE," asked an irritated blonde.
"If he doesn't come down we'll have to push him down into the water," said the red head with an evil grin.
Out of nowhere appeared a beautiful chocolate hair girl with eyes that sparkled like the sea, she had a blue Hoenn symbol bandana to tie back her hair.
"May, deary, make sure Mara and Misty don't kill me," Steve said with a worried smile to the sweet brunette.
"Sure Stevey," she smiled.
'Know that was so cute. Wait what am I saying I don't even know her yet' thought Drew as he looked down on to the lovely sapphire eyed girl as she looked up to him.
"Hey Tom who's your friend?" asked May with an innocent smile as her head cocked to one side.
"Oh yes. Mara, Misty, May meet Drew he is the new transfer student from the main land of LaRousse." Tom explained.
The girl's all waved and said hello. Drew in response flipped his hair and replied with a warm hello.
"Now that all the introductions are over," said the blonde who Drew found out her name was Mara looked evilly at Steve, "You," Mara pointed to Steve, "GET. DOWN. HERE!!"
"Ts Tsk Mara dear yelling will get you and me no were." Steve said as h wagged his finger at her.
"Hey lets help chicken out," Tom whispered to Drew and then he winked.
The two of them backed up slowly and silently went behind Steve before they grabbed his arms and though him over board down into the sea below.
"Pppphhhhh-- What was that for!?" Steve said after he got all the water out of his mouth.
"Because Captain YOUR SLOWWWW," Drew yelled down to a drenched Steve.
By know the BPP girls were all laughing their heads off, because of Steve being pushed into the sea and at the new kid's cockiness
"Stevey maybe we should let the new kid try before you since you don't want to play with us," pouted Mara.
"No No No I'm down here now so we can start now," Steve said as he pulled out a poke ball from his belt.
"Go Kingdra," called Steve. And so he strapped his pokemon into the harness and then once he had climbed on they were off.