A/N;; this one goes out to my loyal fans. luff luff you!

Chapter 6;

"Harry—we aren't even out of the cab yet" Draco sniggered pushing his boyfriends lingering hand away from his crotch. He couldn't allow Harry to know how much the feeling of his mere presence turned him on. The driver glanced behind the seat carefully, a disgusted look on his face.

It was a few weeks past since when the two had reunited. Draco had been accepted to work at the beauty salon and Harry was supposed to move in with Draco in a few months. Outside the rain was pouring heavily. Harry and Draco had just returned from another famous dinner with their friends. Slightly tipsy and rather horny they stumbled from the taxi in a rush.

Draco grinned and tackled Harry in to the wet grass, his muscular body sliding against Harry's with ease. He felt as if all the blood in his body had gone straight to his cock. He placed a tender kiss to his mouth then pulled away his eyes intently on Harry's.

"I love you," Harry whispered, the small amount of yellow-orange light from the street light lit up his face perfectly.

"I love you too" Draco replied almost completely soaked to the bone. He brought his lips back to Harry's, their tongues beginning the familiar battle for dominance. Draco slowly moved his large hand up Harry's shirt, his hands roaming his chest in a sliding motion. Harry moaned out his whimper covered by Draco's hot pulsating mouth.

"Maybe we should go inside" Harry groaned out as his lovers lips found the sensitive spot on his neck and suckled it lightly.

"This is far too kinky" Draco hissed back planting gentle butterfly kisses down his neck. Without warning he aligned his body with Harry's and slowly began to grind their hips together. This caused Harry to grow stiffer than before. He groaned inwardly as Draco went down on him again.

"Shit-Draco…you have to fuck me…" Harry pleaded after their hips met for a fourth time.

Without and objections Draco stood up pulling Harry towards his house. The couple didn't make it in to the door before Draco had Harry pinned against the side of his house, their tongues frantically searching each other's mouths.

"I am going to cum right now—I'm dead serious" Harry said as he pulled away breathlessly.

Draco didn't have to be told twice. He found his belt buckle and undid it, unzipping his pants and pulling his boxers lower around his hips just far enough for his cock to escape. He turned back to find Harry's naked ass to him, his palms pressed to the siding, his head hung between his arms.

"Ready?" He said lining himself up with Harry's hole, cautiously. Harry grunted as he pushed himself in. The two had been making love so often the lack of lube was barely noticeable.

"Draco just do it" Harry hissed. Draco was being too vigilant again—he wanted to erupt in the well-known feeling. Draco growled at his impatient partner and slowly began to pound in to his tight hole. He felt Harry's muscles contracting around him. He thrust himself deeper causing Harry to bend over top of the soaking bushes.

Draco could feel his oncoming orgasm as he fucked Harry forcefully against the shrubs. The rain still came down as Draco's hand met Harry's throbbing member. He began to jerk Harry off in time with the action of his hips. As Draco pinched the head of Harry's cock skillfully he found his prostate. He began to stroke against the spot over and over again. Harry soon became a moaning, sweaty mess.

Draco came inside his lover, Harry on the poor bent in bushes. They both collapsed in the mud, panting heavily trying to come down from their high.