Finally finished this. I did this chapter all at once, so I may go back and edit bits and pieces if I feel like it. That aside, I do not own the characters of Sailor Moon, nor do I own the lyrics.
Far Away
Michiru had eventually decided she'd had more than enough. She stood up from her seat, smoothed out her dress, and stomped out of the building, her heels clicking against the pavement. As if her night wasn't horrible enough, her dress came in contact with her shoes, sending her flying as her silky dress caused her to slip onto her knees. She winced and cursed under her breath. At least no one had seen her blunder. She brushed the dirt of off her attire and walked on as if it had never happened. Seemed like the world got a huge kick out of kicking poor, unfortunate souls when they felt low enough already.
This time, This place Misused, Mistakes Too long, Too late Who was I to make you wait
As Michiru continued to walk, Haruka kept driving, trying to go quickly without surpassing the speed limit. Considering that she had a tendency to drive when she was anxious, as well as she was a competititve racer, this was certainly a challenge. Somehow the sandy blonde was managing to do just that successfully so far. In the distance she eyed a tall, glorious-looking building at which the ball was being held. Haruka knew well she wasn't dressed for such an event, but that was the least of her worries at that moment. All she cared about was getting to Michiru before she had left. Her foot shook with anxiety as she pressed it heavily against the pedal, the vehicle steadily gaining speed.
"I'm coming Michiru," she whispered fiercely, mentally vowing to keep the promise.
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know
Michiru tried to ignore the pain on her wounded legs, but she could only take it for so long. Eventually she had to stop an lean against the wall outside of the building, falling weakly onto the messy grass. Gently she lifted her dress high enough to see her wounds and grimaced. They looked nearly as bad as they felt. Now she'd either have to wait for the bus to come for goodness knows how long, or miserably wait by the wall. In any case, the situation was agonizing. If only she had enough money to afford her own car. Previously she had always relied on Haruka for transportation, but ever since they went separate ways, she was forced to use buses and taxis and other unpleasant forms of public transportation.
Haruka miraculously managed to avoid the police and recklessly pulled into the parking lot of the building at which the ball was being held. Some cars honked and yelled at Haruka, but she was too preoccupied with her own emotions to notice or care. She drove into the first parking spot she caught sight of and parked the car. Haruka immediately got out of the car and dashed through the crowd of cars. The parking lot was bigger than she had expected and felt like a helpless animal caught in a maze. She cursed to herself as she looked around every corner, hoping the building's entrance would come into view. It took long enough, but this tactic worked. Haruka managed a victorious smirk while catching her breathe, and then headed toward the building entrance at a slightly slower pace.
That I love you I have loved you all along And I miss you Been far away for far too long
Still waiting to see a bus stop by, Michiru was curled up in a ball, trying to contain her emotions until she at least got home. Or the place she had tried to call home for the past couple of weeks, more exactly. She laid her head on a patch of grass, her throat stinging from trying to hold back the tears. Despite her efforts, her eyes fogged up with liquid, causing her to close her eyes. She tried to calm down by inhaling and exhaling deeply, along with trying to imagine happier times, but this only barely kept her from breaking down. This was too much for any human to bear. She buried her sloppy face into the grass as if trying to hide it from the world, her aqua hair sprawled around her. Her sadness was affecting her both internally and externally; her once luminous aquamarine hair that was full of life had dulled into a fade hue. It was like a healthy flower in the spring turning into a withered flower as the weather became harsher. At least the flower was fortunate enough to be put out of its misery. Michiru certainly wasn't.
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore
"Michiru, forgive me," Haruka said to herself as she wearily headed to the ballroom. Surely enough her outfit had drawn some unwanted attention to her, but Haruka told herself to not pay attention. Nervously she scanned the room, hoping to find a familiar blue-haired maiden, but after a while she didn't. Haruka's hand balled up in anger and she tried to quickly exit. Looks like that trip was for nothing. Great. Just great.
Or maybe it wasn't a waste. Haruka looked to the side and noticed a woman feebly curled up against the wall. She could have sworn that looked like Michiru, but she figured she was hallucinating. That is, until she thought she heard her name being called. Haruka froze in her steps to reassure herself that she hadn't gone crazy. Much to her surprise, that was her name being called. Alarmed, Haruka ran over to the women's side. "Michiru?!"
She turned over to reveal her face, her eyes still sealed shut as she repeated her former lover's name. Haruka gasped in horror. This was what she had put her loved one through? She felt lower than she ever had before. Haruka scooped Michiru into her arms and gently shook her head in an attempt to wake her up. After some time passed, the eyes opened, revealing teary yet beautiful teal eyes that could only belong to Michiru. At first Michiru didn't believe what she was seeing, but then she rubbed away her tears and saw that it was in fact reality. For a moment Haruka and Michiru stared at each other in disbelief, then guilt, then a whole spectrum of emotions before moving or speaking again. Michiru threw her arms around Haruka and burst out wailing, not caring at all if any passersby witnessed them together.
On my knees, I'll ask Last chance for one last dance 'Cause with you, I'd withstand All of hell to hold your hand
Several minutes passed before either of them spoke, as if both were trying to absorb all the events that had happened recently. Haruka tenderly grabbed Michiru's hand and stroked it empathetically. Finally, Michiru asked, "Haruka, did you-"
"How did I know you were here?" Haruka finished, trying to hide a smile, since she figured this wasn't a good time to smile. "I guess you could say I have my sources."
At this Michiru couldn't help but grin a little too. Haruka did always have her own way of going about finding out such things. Neither were sure whether they should be laughed or crying, so instead they embraced until Michiru broke away due to her injured legs. She showed Haruka what had happened, to which her eyes widened. Immediately Haruka invited Michiru into her arms and walked all the way to the car, carrying the injured lady with determination despite being very tired. Michiru snuggled against Haruka's chest, hoping she wasn't staining her shirt with her tears.
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know
"In spite of all you've been through both tonight and over the past few weeks, I still think you look gorgeous," Haruka gushed as she cautiously set Michiru in the back of her car. Upon hearing this Michiru beamed. That meant more coming from Haruka than it would coming from a hundred people. Why'd she have to be away so long? Why couldn't this have happened sooner? Of course, then again, better late than never, as the overused phrase goes. Haruka gripped the steering wheel tightly as she drove off home. She told Michiru she'd help treat her legs as soon as they were inside. At last, Haruka and Michiru both felt the pain and sadness flow out of their bodies. The sadness that had been weighing them down all because they had been far away from each other for a long time.
So far away Been far away for far too long So far away Been far away for far too long But you know, you know, you know
Silence filled the car between that time and the time they pulled into the driveway. But unlike before, it wasn't a silence filled with tension. More of a silence that existed because both of them were still sorting out what had been happening and going through a wide array of emotions. It was more positive than negative, as both of them waited until their thoughts were sorted before speaking. They both knew all too well what would happen if you said something you ended up regretting later. Definitely neither would ever want to go through that again. So Haruka drove and Michiru stared out the window, wiping the occasional tear that slipped down her bony cheek, which in result washed away art of the thin film of dirt that had attached itself to her face when she had her head in the grass. Haruka tried to avert her gaze from the back view mirror as seeing Michiru possibly upset would result in her being upset as well. It was like they shared a heart and whatever one felt, the other felt.
I wanted I wanted you to stay 'Cause I needed I need to hear you say That I love you I have loved you all along And I forgive you For being away for far too long
Haruka guided her wounded lover to the door and snuck in quietly to not wake Hotaru or Setsuna. After closing the door, they shared another gaze. A forgiving gaze that told each other they were sorry for the pain they had unintentionally inflicted on one another. Neither of them spoke as they felt it was unnecessary, considering they could read each other's emotions so well that they could communicate without even speaking. Haruka grabbed Michiru's face and cleaned away dirt and tears with her thumbs before pulling her lovingly into a kiss. The kiss seemed to entirely cleanse any negative emotions from either of their bodies, as they also pulled each other into a tender hug as if they had never broken up. When they separated, Haruka remember she had to treat Michiru's wound. Strangely enough Michiru had seemed to forget it was even there.
So keep breathing 'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore Believe it Hold on to me and, never let me go Keep breathing 'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore Believe it
Haruka retrieved a wet towel from the bathroom and dabbed at the injury lightly before bandaging it. Michiru bit her lip to prevent screaming or doing something that might wake anyone up. By thinking about how happy she was to be in Haruka's presence again, she managed to do just that.
"I don't know about you, but I'm tired," Michiru said with a yawn. She stretched her arms out as Haruka flung her arm around her shoulders.
"I can't blame you. You don't know how many sleepless nights I had thinking about you," Haruka said, her eyes filled with passion as she led Michiru upstairs to what had been Haruka's own bedroom since Michiru had left. Hearing that reminded Michiru that she had experienced the same thing. But the pain was over. They could both put that behind them. Haruka jumped onto the bed, as did Michiru. They crawled in together and hugged each other tightly as if they hadn't seen each other for ages. As far as either of them knew, it had been ages. That aside, they cuddled each other for a while blissfully until both of them felt sleep overcome them.
Hold on to me and, never let me go Keep breathing Hold on to me and, never let me go Keep breathing Hold on to me and, never let me go
"Goodnight Haruka," Michiru mumbled in the blonde's ear before falling asleep. Her arm was draped over Haruka's chest with her hand delicately resting on her shoulder. Haruka reached up and put her hand over Michiru's, forming a firm yet warm grip. She knew Michiru was already asleep - and given the state she'd seen her in without really knowing what had happened before, she certainly couldn't blame her - but she answered back to her lover anyway before drifting into slumber herself.
"Goodnight Michiru."
The End
Well, there you have it. I'm not very good with songfics since I'm not used to them, but I think this was kind of good practice. I do intend to do more HarukaxMichiru related stories in the future, though they will probably be more light-hearted. Thank you for reading, and do please review.