When I received a review I became reinspired to add another chappie to this. Enjoy

Roxas walked into the preschool building…literally. "Ow…" Roxas rubbed his forehead and hoped it wouldn't leave a mark. When he gets to the room with all the other children he spotted one with black hair that was pointing and laughing at him. Roxas went to him and stopped right in front of him and held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Roxas" He said pleasantly.

The boy finally stopped laughing and shook the hand. "Xaldin" He said. But right after, Roxas pulled him down (considering how much shorter Roxas is compared to Xaldin) and held a key to Xaldin's eye.
"Laugh at me again and this key goes into your eye" He said quietly, then walked away as if nothing ever happened.

Meanwhile, Demyx walked over to Riku nervously and stopped a little bit away. "U-um…Hi Riku" He said. Riku didn't look up, just continued to spell complicated words with letter blocks. "Um, I-I just wanted you to know that…you can play with my toys…if you wanna…I mean…" Demyx noted that Riku didn't even look up and walked away without saying another word.

"Demyx!" Riku called. Demyx turned around and saw what Riku had spelled with the blocks. 'Demyx is my friend' Demyx also noted that the X in his name was just a Y with an extra line drawn on. "There were no X's" Riku smiled.

Xigbar turned on the CD player and put in one of the CD's off the top of the player. Once it started playing Xigbar realized he put in the wrong CD. "It that the Lion King??" Larxene asked. "EWW" She shrieked when it played The Circle of Life.

"You're not the one who should be 'eww'ing!!" Kairi yelled and then ran away as the 'bug' chased her to the washroom.

Xigbar quickly changed the CD to a Miyavi one. "That's better" He said and started dancing on Cloud's desk as Coin Lockers Baby started playing. He heard Namine and Xigbar cheering in the background so he started taking off his shirt.

This is where Cloud walks in. "Xigbar! Get off the desk!" He yelled.

"But you told him to strip dance on your desk to Miyavi music" Axel said.

"Did I?" He scratched his head. Then shrugged. "Okay, keep going then" And with that he left.

Vexen tripped over Marluxia and while he was falling he grabbed onto Luxord and pulled him down too, who in turn grabbed Lexeus and they fell into a big heap on the floor.

Saix and Xemnas finally came down from the roof and saw the large puls of people in the middle of the floor.

As soon as Sxel saw the people fall he jumped into the pile too. He was a very simple minded child.

Zexion just sat at the side and watched Axel and daydreamt about him

Okay, there we go. Now we got everyone in the story! w00t!! Also, I LOVE Miyavi!! He is my musical GOD!!! Anyhoo, review plz!! Or else the green crayon will be hurt…MWAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!! XD