Story Title: BRoKen ORaNGeS

Chapter Title: Epilogue The End (is Only the Beginning)

Rating: PG-13

Pages: 3

Words: 1,590

Characters (With Spaces): 8, 860

Paragraphs: 61

Lines: 191

Disclaimer: I do not own Legal Drug or any other related characters.

Constructive criticism is welcomed, but nobody likes a flamer. So, please R&R, and read at your own risk.

Everything seemed to return to normal at the Green Drug store. Well semi-normal, maybe, especially since Rikuo nearly took Kakei's head off when they got back. He would have too, if Kazahaya hadn't have placed a hand on Rikuo's arm and shook his head gently. They handed over the constriction ring and Kakei wrapped it in some weird material before smiling at them and saying they had completed the mission satisfactorily and would both get paid 100

Then both Rikuo and Kazahaya fell back into the routine of taking turns doing chores and working. However, Kazahaya found more fun in his since Rikuo would hold him around the waist as he instructed him on how to cook in the morning, and Kazahaya studied his lovers beautiful face as he concentrated on the newspaper (though he was still not very pleased about the whole not saying grace thing), blushing when Rikuo caught him and smirked knowingly.

Saiga was still as vulgar as ever even though he knew that Kazahaya was now in a relationship. He would still grab Kazahaya or tease him in some way or another, making Rikuo either laugh or glare at him depending on the situation. Once Saiga found the lubricant Phee had given them in Kazahaya's bed side drawer, and both Kakei and Rikuo were surprised that he had still kept it, much to Kazahaya's horror of Saiga prancing and flaunting the small tube around the store.

And Phee was right about the tube, they were going to need it. But Kazahaya told Rikuo that he wasn't sure if he was ready yet, and Rikuo respected that (though it didn't stop him from making out with Kazahaya and ravishing him whenever he got the chance, and it usually ended up with Kakei catching them in the back room or Saiga happened to be 'just passing by').

Everything about the ring and side jobs seemed to be forgotten, until Kakei called them into his office about two weeks after the two had returned. He was smiling at them kindly, though there was something fishy behind it that Rikuo did not like.

"Ready for another side-job? I had put it aside for weeks but the client is really persistent." That explained why they had been given two weeks of peace.

Kazahaya looked hesitant. "It's not going to threaten my life is it?" This surprised Rikuo. Maybe the blonde was getting smarter?

Kakei grinned. "Of course not!"

Kazahaya smiled. "All right! I'll do it!" Maybe not.

Rikuo wanted to smack him. Kazahaya was way to trusting for his own good, and that was going to get him into trouble. He sighed and Kazahaya looked up at him questioningly.

"It's another far away job. You're going to the Ouran School down in Chocho as transfer students. You're to get a red mulberry from a cultivar that only germinates white ones. You have a week to do it, so I suggest you hurry along."

Kazahaya looked incredulous. "Another job in a school?"

Kakei smiled. "Yes. And I have your uniforms already packed upstairs. You can take off early in order to catch the train."

Rikuo and Kazahaya agreed and headed upstairs where their rooms were located. Sure enough, there were packs on the bed, one for each of them, and train tickets already set up. Rikuo sighed and grabbed his and Kazahaya followed his example. As they went back down the stairs Kakei waved to them and wished them luck from the front door of the Green Drug Store.

Kazahaya reached for Rikuo's hand and Rikuo smiled at him as he did so. Kazahaya may be an idiot, but he was an adorable idiot. One that Rikuo wouldn't trade for anything else. He took Kazahaya's hand, surprising the blonde and intertwined their fingers.

If this was the end, at least they were heading off toward it together.

There… the end. Phew… I think this is the second story of my life that I have actually completed out of like six! Ha ha!

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it, from the fun beginning to the corny ending. Don't patronize me about it… I couldn't come up with anything better.

Anyways, the story's plot kind of got switched around between three different movies. The Skeleton Key was one of them. The other two were low budget films which I don't even remember the names of, though most of the main characters were hot. (dreamily sighs)

Since I wanted each chapter to be around eleven pages, this one is probably more of an epilogue, and since I have a few pages to spare I decided to put in some teasers from the sequel.

Teaser #1

Kazahaya didn't know how long he could take this; another stupid job in a school, another private school full of boys, and another crazy scheme to put Kazahaya in a dress. Though it wasn't abnormal, all the girly boys in the school were doing it. He was just pondering why he had to do it as well. Not to mention Rikuou was probably having a blast watching him struggle with the dress, even if he was in a different classroom at the moment.

Kazahaya shifted uneasily in his seat, trying his best to hide himself underneath the impossibly short skirt. It was embarrassing beyond belief! The bell rang suddenly, making Kazahaya jump, and with his cheeks flushed he gathered his books and quickly headed for the door, trying desperately not to meet anyone's eye or bump into anyone who was a chatterbox.

Teaser #2

Eisei didn't even blink. "Do you know the story about the mulberry bush?"


Eisei smiled, an eerie smile which sent goose-bumps up all the arms of the people sitting at the table. "Well, you will know soon enough."

Same turned pale. "S-so… how do you turn a white berry red?"

"Passion," Eisei answered bluntly.

"Passion?!" The whole table echoed.

"What kind of passion?" Aoikosei asked.

"Like the deflowering of a virgin?" Same asked, obviously thinking vulgar thoughts. Kazahaya wanted to rip the smirk off his face; it reminded him so much of Rikuou. Eisei nodded her head to Same's question and returned to his book.

Aoikosei grinned and laughed. "Count me out." Same said the same thing, and Zakuro grunted with agreement. Suddenly all eyes were on Kazahaya, and he turned a deep shade of red. He knew what everyone of them was thinking, and he knew that with Zakuro reading his mind that there would be no doubt across the table that he was a virgin. This made him turn scarlet and he hung his head in shame.

Teaser #3

Rikuou turned to Kazahaya again. "Meet me tonight at the mulberry bush down front, okay?"

Kazahaya noticed the look of business behind Rikuou's eyes and nodded. "What time?"


The two other boys made hooting sounds and looked really excited now as Rikuou sat back at the table, giving him pats on the back and words of congrats. The last time that had happened Kazahaya had turned into a bride and had rumors spread all over the school, and though the rumors would be half truths, he felt a certain dread enter his being as he walked back toward his table.

All right… hope to see you guys in the sequel. Bye-bye (for now).