Looking for Help

This takes place three months after Robin's first attack on the Titans as Slade's apprentice. After Apprentice Part 1, it has sections from Apprentice Part 2 and some references from the comics.

Disclaimer: I sadly don't own any of these great characters; they all belong to their rightful owners.

Thanks for the reviews! Heres the last chapter.

Richard walked into his room and practically ripped off his clothes. He hated the feeling of Slade's uniform. He walked into his bathroom and stood under the icy water letting it soak into his tense muscles, numbing them.

He was slightly amazed that he had taken down Slade, finally. Of course he had help and quite a bit of motivation, Slade was killing his friends after all.

Dick quickly cleaned up and changed into civilian clothes. He had to go to Gotham and confront Bruce. Dick sighed as he gathered his Robin uniform and crammed it into a black backpack. He was going to turn in his colors. If Batman can't share Robin with Titans, Dick quits. After all Robin was Batman's sidekick, Batman made the rules for Robin. Richard will have to make his own way.

Dick walked downstairs with his bag slung over his shoulders. The rest of the team was in the main room finishing the debugging process.

"Hey Rob," Cyborg called out to the Boy Wonder.

Richard ignored to remark and continued out the door. Before he closed it he heard Raven explain he was going to Gotham. She must have heard his conversation on the roof. The last thing he heard was Beast Boy call out, "Oh, he's in trouble with Batman…scary."

Dick slammed the door and grabbed his fallen helmet and hopped back on his bike. Gotham was only a two hour drive up the seaboard from Jump. Dick peeled away from the tower and was on his way.

An hour later Richard was pulling up to Wayne Manor thanks to an enhanced bike by microchip. He climbed off the motorcycle and placed his helmet on the seat. He shifted the weight of his backpack and took a deep breath.

He meticulously climbed the stairs, slowly counting them to himself, to the large oak door and gently pressed the door bell. He waited impatiently, breathing even, until the door was opened by Alfred.

"Master Dick, Master Bruce was expecting you to come the other way," Alfred said kindly as the two enter the large mansion. He was referring to entering through the cave as Robin, not through the manor as Richard Grayson.

"I know," Dick replied gruffly and made his way to the library leaving the confused butler behind.

In the library Dick made his way to the clock and turned the hands to activate the door. The clock opened revealing the dark stairs leading down to the cave. Dick sighed and made his way down.

He reached the last step and opened his bag. Batman turned from his work at the computer and said, "I expected you sooner."

Dick threw a glare to him that could rival Batman's. "I had things to take care of." Like a shower and clean pair of clothes he finished to himself.

Batman gave a nod and fixed him with a steady look. Dick pulled out his Robin costume and threw it to Batman. It landed at his feet and Batman looked to Dick with a questioning look.

"If you can't share Robin with the Titans, you don't have to. Robin's done." Richard stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest. Dick raised his chin in defiance daring Batman to challenge him.

"So what are you planning to do now," Bruce asked as he pulled back his cowl.

Dick kept his face neutral and said, "I plan on stepping out of your shadow and going solo."

Bruce gave a small nod and asked, "What made you chose this? Last time I talked to you you were begging to keep your place beside Batman."

Dick's face fell and his bright eyes dulled darting to the cave floor. "Slade," he hissed. "I hate being a second, not being in control of anything. I like being with the Titans and making the choices. Slade just told me what to do and I did it. Even you didn't treat me as an equal, as a partner! I was always second!"

Now it was Bruce's turn to turn away. That was a blow to the older man because of the double meaning behind the words. "Are you saying that as Robin…or Dick?" he asked in a soft tone. Bruce knew he had hurt Dick when he fired Robin. Bruce had only wanted to firer Robin because he could no longer help out in Gotham anymore but he had inadvertently thrown Richard out as well.

Dick took a step back as if he had been punched. His eyes widened and his arms fell to his side.

"Dick," Bruce swallowed this was not his area of expertise, "I didn't mean to hurt you when I fired Robin. It's…just hard to be partners with someone whose priorities are somewhere else. I hope that in your future in this career we can still be strong allies."

Dick chewed on his cheek and gave a brief nod trying to keep his emotions buried. He turned and began making his way up the stairs to leave.

Bruce took a silent breath and finished, "Dick…I'm sorry."

Dick froze and turned to look at the man who raised him, who he would do anything for. Their eyes locked bright blue on clear. Dick gave Bruce a small smile that was returned with a rare warm one.

The End

Hoped you liked it! Let me know, please review!