Not what she seems

Hello everyone this is my first fic hope you like, I've been told from friends and others it's good, but I would like others to also enjoy it.

My first chapter, I'll update frequently I hope.

Any who, please R&R, it means a lot to me.

First chapter: Kagome?


slam! Inuyashas face planted into the ground.



thump! Inuyasha kisses the dirt. Again.

"Bitch..."he mumbled face still in the ground, while Kagome was seething.

"Can we rest now? We've been walking since early this morning, with no lead to where Naraku may be, I'm tired and so is everyone else...onegai...can we make camp here?" she pleaded, Inuyasha looked at her in the eyes how was he meant to say no when she pleaded like that.

"Keh...fine, weak human" he grumbled, with that he turned and walked into the forest.

"Inuyasha...uh we'll be having ramen soon okay"

"Keh..." was all he said, though his ears perked up at the sound of ramen, and walked off.


"Where do you think Inuyasha's going?" Sango asked, while petting Kirara who was sitting beside her.

"Not sure...but he'll be back for ramen" Miroku answered her, his hand inching to her backside.

"Yes" he thought as his hand reached it destination.

"HENTAI" Sango fumed and slapped him in the face, he fell over and went to get up and his hand landed on her breast while looking for support to stand (wrong place) "AHHHHHH...HENTAI" she screamed at the top of her lungs, she grabbed her Hiraikotsu and whacked him in the head (ow) "stupid houshi!" she mumbled, said monk was now on the ground unconscious with swirls in his eyes. (I love anime swirls)


"Shippo...Kirara...Sango, Miroku the ramen and the rest of our dinner is ready!" Kagome called

"Coming Kagome-chan" Sango called back


"Hey guys where's Inuyasha?" Kagome asked worried.

"We're not sure, he hasn't come back since he left to the forest" Shippo replied for everyone.

"Well I 'm gonna go see if I can find him okay" Kagome stated, she stood up ready to leave "Kagome-sama would you like for us come with you?" Miroku asked "no, that's all right I'll have my bow and arrows just in case" "okay if your sure becarful okay" Sango said "I will" Kagome replied, with that she headed into the forest in search of her beloved hanyou.


"K-kikyo..." Inuyasha whispered as he came into a clearing, Kikyo was standing a little distance away with her soul catchers surrounding her, making glowing streaks as they glided through the air.

The half-moon was out casting down giving everything an eerie glow.

Inuyasha took two steps forward but hesitated, all of a sudden he felt a wave of uneasiness come over him, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end as if something was going to happen, he stood ready just in case.

Kikyo took a step forward "Inuyasha it's time for you to go to hell with me" she stated in a monotone voice devoid of all emotion.

"No! No Kikyo I-I'm going to avenge your death with Naraku, so you can rest in peace" "Inuyasha you promised to come to hell with me" she said getting a little impatient "I promised to protect you and avenge your death, not to go to hell, that was you" he explained.

Her eyes then became cold and murderous "is it because of my recairnation? My copy? she sounded out in an angry yet agitated voice.

"Yes Kikyo, but she is not your copy, she has shown me life, and how to love again, I think what we had was companionship, an Infatuation, we were both lonely and needed someone, otherwise we would have held more trust in eachother" Inuyasha stated getting an distant look in his eyes.

Kikyo grew furious, all of a sudden a gust of wind blew and an light appeared around Kikyo "Inuyasha, this is not the end, you will come to hell with me, I'll get you and that pathetic recairnation of mine" she yelled, the bright light grew stronger and brighter, Inuyasha covered his eyes with his haori sleeve, the light then faded into the sky, leaving no Kikyo or soul catchers.

Inuyasha just stood there devastated "damn it" he didn't know what to do, his eyes then widened in realization "Kagome..." he whispered then took off, to the camp, to Kagome.


"You were right, but I have one request"

Red eye full of malice glowed out from the shadows, he stood there waiting for the continuation...

"You will get rid of her or even better curse her, she is ruining everything for me and you" "what's in it for me?" "You get the shards" "and what's in it for you Kikyo...?" "I get Inuyasha, to go to hell with me, so leave him to me Naraku" she spoke.

"As you wish...I have the perfect curse" you could practically hear the smirk in his voice, he walked up to Kikyo and whispered it in her ear, when he was finished explaining he stood back to see her reaction.

She did a very unlike Kikyo smirk and snickered, she than put her stoic facade back on "excellent, do it as soon as possible" she then walked of with her soul catchers trailing behind her, Naraku set up and left to the shadows.

Well that's it for the first chapter, hope you like, hmmm...wonder what will happen now? Please R&R. Thankyou.

Ja ne