Yondaime-kun: Two words. At it again. So, that is three, well, here I am again. Time to write a new fic. Again. Anyways, I'm deleting my other fic, They are My Master. I don't have any inspiration for that anymore and so, if anyone wants to continue it, then fine with me. But it'll be deleted. Also, this is an AU. Don't read if you don't like it.

Disclaimer: I'll never own Naruto or Kingdom Hearts. This is a DIFFERENT type of crossover.




Haruno Sakura entered the Ninja Academy at age 6. She was known as the weak forehead girl. Sakura sucked at everything and she could do nothing right at all. The only thing that she was able to do correctly was to be the smartest person in the class. Every kid picked on her and she had no friends at all. Until one day, she sat on a small corner and she heard a voice say, "This is not your destiny little one."

Sakura stood up shaking violently as she was scared of what is to come. She then ran away and she ran into a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. She noticed that this boy had whiskers on his face. She then asked shyly, "Are you okay?"
Before the boy could say anything, a guy with silver hair came up and said, "Naruto, it's time to leave. We need to get going so that we can meet up with the Hokage."
The boy, Naruto looked at the silver haired guy and he said, "Coming Kakashi-sensei."

He then walked right past Sakura noticing that she wasn't there. After he left, Sakura sat down on the ground and she began to cry her eyes out. She then felt a shove as she was pushed on the ground and she looked up and saw a bunch of girls beat her up. All of a sudden, she saw a blonde boy with blue eyes with a staff yell out, "Oi, get away from her. You hear me?"

The girls then moved away from the boy and he went up and said, "Oi, my name is Tidus. What's your name?"
Sakura pointed to herself and whispered, "I'm Haruno Sakura."

"I can't hear you."
"I'm Sakura," she yelled out.

"That's good to hear. I'm glad that you yelled that out. Want to be friends?"
Sakura looked at Tidus and she asked, "You want to be my friend?"
Tidus nodded his head and he said, "Yes, I would love to be your friend. Besides, you look like that you're alone. Come on, I want you to meet some of my other friends as well."

Tidus took his hand out and he grabbed Sakura's hand and she stood up landing on Tidus' chest. She blushed in embarrassment and he led her to another place in the park where she saw three other girls and a lot more guys. Sakura then felt Tidus pull her towards the group and he then said, "Guy, this is my new friend. Her name is Sakura. Haruno Sakura."
Sakura hid behind Tidus and then she felt Tidus' hand gently push her towards the group. She gave a small wave and the three girls saw Sakura and then one said, "I'm Olette and the girl over there in the pink is Kairi and the girl in the white is Namine. You probably already know Tidus, well the guy in the black jumpsuit is Sora and the silver haired guy is Riku. The other guy behind me is Hayner and that's Roxas."

"It's nice to meet you," whispered Sakura.

"You too. Anyways, why don't we go and play something."
Sakura nodded and saw that Tidus let go of her hand and she followed the group to the playground where they played there all day until Sakura saw that she had to go back to class. She turned to Tidus and said, "I've got to go you guys. I've got to get some training in and I've got to go back to class."
"School gets out now," said Sora, "So, why are you going back?"
"I'm training to be a ninja."

The group stood up and yelled out, "NO WAY!"

Sakura nodded her head and then Tidus said, "That does it. We're going to become ninjas with Sakura."
The group nodded and they followed Sakura to the Academy. When they got there, Sakura saw that Iruka was talking to the same blonde, Naruto, before and then Tidus gently shoved Sakura closer to Iruka and he slightly nudged her. She then asked, "Um. Excuse me Iruka-sensei, but I have some friends that want to become ninjas as well."
However, Iruka didn't hear anything because he was busy and that got Sakura upset. She was about to run out when the Hokage came in and he turned to the children and he asked, "You would like to become ninjas as well?"
Tidus and his friends nodded and the Hokage happily agreed letting them become ninjas and he said, "Alright, time to place you guys in a class…"
"We want to be with Sakura," yelled out Sora and Tidus.

"Is that so?"
"Yes, besides, she's cool and she'll want us to be around her. Also the fact that we ARE her friends."
"All right. I'll allow this. But, the others will have to be in separate classes due to the fact that Iruka already has a large class already. Plus there will be another new kid as well."

Tidus turned to the group and they talked to each other when he then turned back and he said, "Alright, Riku, Sora, and myself will become ninjas with Sakura while the others agreed to go back to regular school."

"That's fine."

Tidus, Sora, and Riku slapped each other a high five, more like Tidus and Sora while Riku just stood there. Tidus then turned to Sakura and said, "Come on, let's go to our class and we can meet up with the others later. How about that?"
Sakura nodded her head and Sora and Tidus grabbed each of her hands and they dragged her back to the classroom. While the Hokage turned to Iruka and he said, "You're going to have three more students in the class besides just Naruto."

Iruka turned to the Hokage and asked, "Why is there going to be three new students?"
"Because they are interested and plus we should give them a chance. They all have potential."

Iruka nodded and he showed Naruto, along with Kakashi to the classroom where all the other students were held. Iruka turned to the Hokage and asked, "Why is he coming with me again?"
"Because of the seal," said the Hokage.

Iruka nodded and he dragged Naruto back to the classroom with Kakashi following him from behind still reading his book that Iruka turned to him and said, "You're NOT going to be reading that in a classroom full of children. I won't allow it at all. Do you hear me?"
Kakashi looked up from his book and he said, "Huh, yeah, sure. Why not. Besides, I love this book. But I guess since it IS for Naruto, I can place the book down."

Iruka nodded his head and to the classroom with Naruto and Kakashi walking behind and the other classroom girls were looking out and they just stared at Naruto and when they saw Kakashi, they drooled, but stopped after they saw the book.

Yondaime-kun: All right, I know that this is short, but I've got a few things to say. First off, this IS an AU. Don't like them, and then you shouldn't have read this. No offense, at all. Next is the fact that SOME characters will be OOC. Mostly Sakura and Naruto. This story also takes place when Sakura is little, when she's six. Last thing is the pairings. There will be no SasuSaku at all. Sasuke will NOT be paired. This is a Sakura based fic and the pairings will be like this, SakuRiku, SakuTidus, and SakuSora. However, only one of them will be Sakura's lover. So, I hope that you can please review if you want to. I would like to know if it's good, or if anything is wrong with it, or if the idea is taken. Well, until next chapter.