A/N: Hello, it's been over a year and I've taken down the original 'Love For A Vampire.' I actually bothered to rewrite it so hopefully it's better than before. I lost my password so that's why it's taken so long for me to get back to you all. Sorry! Well, I'm back now, and hopefully I'll keep better track of my PW. I'll just put -break- where the scene ends.

Disclamers: I don't own Hellsing, Inori, however, is mine.

Alucard… You are a mystery. Who you are, what you were; strange. You thrill in killing, you stand for all I hate, but why can I not look away? Is it to be? What must never happen will occur this millennia? You are a monster, a beast, and a wonder. But now you rest unused, awaiting what will be your awakening. A young child, Integral Wingates Hellsing. As I watch her, I see she is clever. She will awaken you from eternal slumber. And then, we meet, be it for Heaven or Hell. We both shall live or perish at the will of God. Until then…


A young woman was passing a large building. She stopped and looked past the iron gate. She felt a strong pull. The wind, as if urging her on, blew towards the mansion. She would look into this after she spoke with her friend. She noticed the guards, they were watching her. She shivered and continued down the road.

"… into eternal damnation. Amen." Integra finished as she shot the last Ghoul between the eyes. She always hated seeing them. Monsters that had been human, now only mindless beasts. Seras ran up to Integra but stopped short. Integra looked at Seras with an inquiring look. Seras said nothing, instead pointed up. Integra followed Seras's gaze to the top of a building. She was shocked at what she saw. Standing there in the moonlight was a white wolf, watching them. It stayed a second longer then lept away.

"What is a wolf doing in London?" Seras asked.

Integra replied, "I don't know…"


Walter, the next morning, brought in a young woman who wished to meet with Integra. Integra was curious as to how this woman found out about Hellsing. She told Walter to bring her in and was quite surprised at what she saw. The young woman was striking, with silvery white hair, fair skin, and deep, but gentle, blue eyes. Her clothing suggested she was not very well off in the way of money, though she wasn't exactly poor. Even though Integra knew she had never seen her before, the woman felt very familiar.

Integra motioned at a chair in front of her desk. "Have a seat," she said. "What may I do for you today?"

"Well," her voice was soft. "I wish to be a solider for your organization."

"I see." Integra looked into the woman's eyes, searching for an ulterior motive, but saw only determination. "And may I ask how you found us?"

She smiled. "I did my homework." And she refused to say more.

Integra was silent for a moment. "Well then, have you had any combat training? Any battle experience? And what did you say your name is?"

"Inori. As for your other question, no, I have not had any official training. I am good with a gun though. If it shoots, I can use it with some efficiency. I am a pretty sharp shooter."

Integra raised and eyebrow. "How sharp?"

Inori thought for a moment. "Two hundred yards, I think."

Integra honestly doubted that. Only Alucard and Seras could shoot like that, and with good reason. They were vampires after all.

"Show me."


The sun was high over the training field as the assessment began. Inori held a standard rifle the soldiers used in combat. The target was measured two hundred yards away. Integra nodded and Inori took aim. She fired three times then lowered the gun. It was too far to see if she had made her mark. Integra stopped short as they neared the target. All three shots had made it, and with deadly aim. There was a bullet hole in the head chest and gut, each in perfect alignment.

Walter was speechless, even Seras had a hard time shooting like that, even when she hit the target.

"I think I out did myself this time," Inori said smiling.

"Very impressive, indeed," Walter replied.

Integra continued to think about this. There was something about this woman that didn't seem right. Then, as if on cue, a voice spoke in her head.

"Could you ponder any louder?" Alucard asked, though not annoyed .

"You should meet our new member, she's quite remarkable."

"I'm sure I'll meet her tonight," He said, withdrawing from her mind.

Integra then realized she was being spoken to. She flushed and asked Inori to repeat herself.

"I asked if I was acceptable."

Integra smiled. "Welcome to Hellsing."


Seras was awoken by her master almost immediately after sunset.

"Get up you bum!"

Seras leaped out of her coffin and tripped over herself. "Master! I told you not to do that!"

"What?" Alucard asked all too innocently. "Integra has been waiting for us, so get up here as soon as you can."

Seras sighed. She got up off the floor and brushed herself off. I wonder what Integra wants with us so early? Oh well, I guess I'll find out soon enough.


Alucard was waiting outside of Integra's office door when Seras came up.


"Come, Police Girl, Integra wants us now."

They walked into Integra's office, and stopped short. The woman standing next to Integra was indeed remarkable. Her most noticeable trait was her hair, pure and white as fresh fallen snow that fell just past her shoulders. Her eyes spoke of nothing but kindness. Not the usual appearance of a soldier. Alucard couldn't see her on the field. She looked directly at him and smiled. Alucard felt a chill go down his back Who is this woman? Or should I say what? She can't be human… He wondered to himself.

"-is Inori," Integra said breaking his train of thought. "I expect both of you to show her around the mansion."

"Yes, Master," both vampires said in unison. They turned and led Inori out of the room. Seras was chatting about anything and everything that came to mind. Alucard knew she only did this when she was nervous. Did she sense what he did about Inori? Inori was smiling and listened. He was losing his patience with Seras when Inori stopped and faced down a different hallway. Alucard walked up behind her and saw a wolf walking towards them. Its coat matched Inori's hair and also had blue eyes. It trotted over and stared up at Alucard. Inori walked over to the large white wolf and knelt in front of it. She rested her hand on its head. The wolf whined and wagged its tail. She smiled and stood, watching as the wolf turned and walked back the way it had come. In the blink of an eye, it was gone. Alucard and Seras looked at each other and back at the strange woman. Inori looked back and blinked.

"What?" she asked.

"An explanation?" Alucard suggested. "What is a wolf doing here?"

"Oh. That was Heartbreak. She is… a good friend of mine." Inori smiled at him. He had a strange feeling. No one smiled at him, ever. Except Seras when she was telling some stupid joke. Then he would just glare at her. But Inori was different somehow. He would look into this later.

"Whatever. As long as Integra doesn't mind, I don't care if a wolf is roaming the place. I like dogs." He smiled, full fanged.

Inori cocked to her head to one side, as if thinking, then laughed.

"You should smile more, it suits you," she said, and then continued down the hallway.

Alucard and Seras glanced at each other. Seras started to laugh and caught up with Inori. Alucard lingered a moment longer then followed. I think we might get along just fine.


It was almost midnight and Inori was bored. She had been living in the mansion for almost a week and nothing interesting had happened. So she decided to explore the place a little more. She had already seen the firing range and the training fields. She and Seras were becoming good friends, but Alucard seemed to be avoiding her. She sighed. She didn't understand why she was drawn to him, for she had heard rumors of his behavior, but it was almost like she couldn't stay away.

She continued to focus on where she was going. She wondered where everyone was, what they were doing. She figured Integra was doing paperwork, as usual, and Walter was most likely doing what butlers do around a large house. At least that's what she guessed.

She walked up to one of the large windows that over saw the court yard. She saw Heartbreak wandering the area with her nose to the ground. Inori reached out with her mind to touch the wolf. She got images of reds and scarlet. Heartbreak was growling as she tracked something. Inori looked closer and saw a figure with a gun and screamed as it fired at the wolf. Heartbreak's head exploded in a crimson shower.


Inori woke up screaming. She looked frantically around the room for her friend. Heartbreak nosed the door open and hopped up on the bed. Inori wrapped her arms around the wolf's broad neck and cried with relief. There was a light press in her mind and Inori opened her thoughts to it. Heartbreak was concerned from the blue-green color message she was sending. She whimpered.

"I'm fine, really. It was only a bad dream," Inori whispered.

"Can I come in?" It was Seras.

Inori started. She forgot vampires could use telepathy. Inori was unaccustomed to using words when using telepathy as she only used colors and pictures when talking to Heartbreak, who was a wolf after all. She focused her thoughts and spoke.


Seras opened the door further and walked in.

"I heard you scream. Are you alright?"

Inori smiled. "Yeah. Just a bad dream."

Seras looked a little worried. "What kind of dream?"

Inori looked away. "It was nothing."

"Well… if you're sure."

Inori smiled again. "Thank you for your concern."

"Isn't that what friends are for?" Seras said smiling back. "Well, if everything's okay, I'm going back to bed." Seras walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Inori had a strange feeling, though not bad. Aside from Heartbreak, she had never had a friend. It felt good. Heartbreak wagged her tail once and rested her head on Inori's lap and closed her eyes. It was almost dark. Well, I can get another hour of sleep before everyone's up, Inori thought and drifted back to sleep.


Alucard was drifting around aimlessly. I should talk to her but… what do I say? Every time she looks at me she smiles. Why? She can't possibly like me. She barely even knows me… Damn! Why am I acting like this? She's just a human. Even if she is a little different… Alucard continued his musings and bumped into someone. He whipped out Jackal and aimed it straight at his "enemy."

"My aren't we jumpy tonight?" It was Inori. She only came up to his shoulders. He felt… embarrassed? He shouldn't. Vampires don't get embarrassed. Except Seras.

Alucard lowered his gun. He was flustered and mentally kicked himself. What the hell are you doing?! "Well, you should watch where you're going."

"I was just standing here. I wasn't going anywhere." She laughed. He felt himself start to blush and looked out the window.

"Nice night."

"You're acting strange. Are you okay?" Inori moved in front of him and looked straight into his hellfire red eyes. She didn't flinch away from him as everyone else did when they saw him. No, she never did that. Not even when they first met. She stood on the tips of her toes and kissed him. He was shocked at first but then returned it with equal force. He felt a warm liquid against him and pulled her away. There was a long dagger in her back, the tip of the blade reaching her chest. Anderson was standing behind her, hands covered with her blood. Alucard howled with rage.


He awoke yelling (things that probably shouldn't be repeated as to keep this to the set rating.) Seras ran into the door, still half asleep. She opened it and ran in.

"Master!!!" She said, out of breath.

Alucard blinked a few times and got out of his coffin. "What do you want?" he growled.

Seras stared at him then sighed. Looks like no one is sleeping well tonight. "Anyway, Integra wanted to ask you something. She wouldn't tell me what though…"

"Oh, joy," he said and walked out of the room.