Title:Not The Same As Yesturday

Summary:Love will flow, flow like a river.But speak to love, and listen to it as it tells you it can't save everything.Rewrite of Nothing Is Going The Way It Should

Pairing:ShigurexTohru, bits of KyoxKagura, YukixMachi.

Disclaimer:I don't own Fruits Basket. Though I wish I did.-Heart.-

Warning:Eventually Language,Violence, Attempted Suicide, Character Death, yatta yatta yatta.

Note:I dislike how Nothing Is Going The Way It Should, therefor I am rewriting it.But don't worry, it will be better! I have more practice with writing now, and I planned it out s'more, so it's all good.

Chapter One

Feelings of Impatience and Fear.

-Tohru's POV-

I sighed softly as I looked out the kitchen window.It was Wednesday night and I was currently washing the dishes from dinner.Outside it was pouring rain, and Kyo had gone to the dojo, I guess he'll probably spend the night there.That left Yuki, Shigure and I. Yuki had a 'delayed' student council meeting, he had to go there at 6:00 instead of after school for what reason I don't know.He won't be back anytime soon, so I'm here with alone with Shigure.Dinner was late though, since Akito got better and wanted to talk to him.

Looking at the clock, it read 8:31.I let out another sigh as I started putting away the dishes.Shigure had retreated to his study to work on his manuscript, so he could get it done for tomorrow, do his teasing to Mii-chan, then finally admit it was done.I had so much to do still, though.I had to finish putting these dishes away, do laundry, clean around the house, do my homework, have a bath, and if Yuki-kun or Kyo-kun come back prepare them dinner, then get ready for bed.

I shreiked a little as I dropped a glass on the floor.Bending down I started picking up the pieces until I felt a slight stinging in my hand.Looking at my palm I realized a shard of glass had embeded itself into my hand, and disappeared.Frowning, I finished picking up the pieces of glass and threw them out.I looked around for a bandaid, and to my luck, there was none.

Walking to Shigure's study, I knocked on the door and a second later I heard him tell me to come in."Shigure-san, do we have any bandaids?" I gave him a small smile."No, my dear flower.Why?" Now I have to tell him and he'll phone Hatori and Hatori will come over here, then I'll apologize for bothering him and then ask him for tea or coffee then he'll declinde and leave, then I'll do my work.And I was right.

Showing Shigure my hand, he sighed and said he'll hall 'Ha'ri'.I sat on the couch as I heard him speak into the phone and make gestures with his hands, although Hatori couldn't see it.Hanging up he walked over and sat on the other end of the couch."Ha'ri will be over in five minutes to look at it, 'kay?" He gave me a small smile, and I smiled back nodding.He looked a little worried though, but then again everyone has been a little worried lately.About me, I mean.

I've been more of a clutz lately.They're all probably getting annoyed with it, Expetially Shigure, Yuki-kun, Kyo-kun, and mostly Hatori-san.I can't help it, I guess, though it should be easy to be more careful, right?I don't know, I've been thinking and worrying myself.Grandpa has been in the hospital for quite a time, and he's really sick.I'm worried.I'm trying to think positive about it, but it's hard.I'm a bit worried about Kyo too, he confessed he loved me but I told him I loved him like a brother.He was sad, and hasn't been fighting with Yuki.

Normally, I'd be happy about that.But for the reason it is I'm worried, more so sad.We don't talk as much, but we still do talk.I guess he feels awkward about it.But I'm glad he's found love in Kagura, they're not dating but he told her he doesn't hate her, but wants to be friends.Kagura-san was so happy that she cried, and I felt happy for them.She doesn't hurt him anymore now, and he isn't as rude.

And if Yuki decides to confess his love for me, he'll also be heartbroken.I love him like a brother too, but I know he thinks the same as me, as a sister more then a lover now.Everyone can tell he's getting feelings for Machi, so that makes me happy for him.I sighed as someone knocked on the door, Shigure answered it for me.

"Ha'ri! I'm glad your here, my dear Tohru-kun is bleeding!" Shigure cried in his over-dramatic way.I mentally smiled to myself, was he ever serious?"Hello Hatori-kun.I'm sorry for bothering you," I bowed slightly."It's alright Honda-san.Let me see your hand," He had his professional face on.I smiled a bit more, was he ever not serious?I showed him my hand and he held it lightly, watching.Reaching in his bag he grabbed a pair of tweezers and bandages.He pulled the glass out, and gave me the bandages.

"Go wash your hands, Honda-san, then wrap the bandages around it."He ordered, and I nodded walking off to the washroom.I could hear him and Shigure-san talking.I wasn't interested in their conversation, until I heard my name.They were worried about me, as I thought.And surprisingly, Shigure was being serious.

"Ha'ri, I'm worried about Tohru-kun," I could hear the frown in his voice."Aren't we all?" Hatori sighed."She hasn't beem herself.She's hurting herself more, alot of times she's in her own world.Yuki and Kyo have said she hasn't been doing good in class, and she doesn't pay much mind to anything.She's been more silent too.It's worrying me, Ha'ri.What if somethings wrong?She always tells us to speak when something is wrong, to make it better, yet she won't say a thing when somethings wrong with herself."

"I've noticed.I have been coming here quite a bit every week, and I can see it," Hatori's voice sighed.I could see Shigure about to speak, and I figured this could be when I made my enterance.Walking into the room, Shigure smiled at me.

I smiled when I entered, acting as If I hadn't heard anything.Nothing important.No, it was important, to them.I guess everyone was noticing, not much I could do though."Hatori-san, would you like a glass of tea or coffee?" I offered, and surprisingly he accepted.I got him a glass of coffee, then walked away to collect the laundry.

I looked around Yuki's room, and unsurprisingly it was nice and clean.Grabbing the clothes from his hamper I put hem into the asket.I went to Kyo's room next, it was also clean, but not as neat as Yuki's.Taking his laundry as well, I grabbed the clothes from my room.Emptying the clothes onto the floor by the washer, I walked to Shigure's room.It defenitely needed to get cleaned.Shaking my head I grabbed his laundry as well, and sorting it I put a load in and started the machine.

Walking into the livingroom, I sorted the bit of a mess there was.This was the home that had taken me in.I remembered what the house was before I came, and smiled lightly.Looking at the clock, it read 9:03.My smile faded as I went back to cleaning.I was supposed to visit my grandpa.I would have to do it tomorrow, since the rain was still pouring, and I didn't want to bother Hatori anymore.

The rest of the cleaning would have to wait, I was quite tired.Walking into the kitchen were Shigure and Hatori were talking, I spoke, "Shigure-san, I'm going to take a bath, alright?" I smiled, trying to seem happy.I could tell they knew I wasn't."Alright Tohru-kun." Walking away, I closed the bathroom door, and turned on the taps and watched the rising water.When it was done, I pealed off my clothes and placed them in a hamper. Looking in the mirror, I gave a soft groan at my reflection.I looked so ugly as Akito-sama would say.Bags under my eyes, my skin was quite pale, and I had a rather noticeable scar on my cheak.

Slipping into the water, I gave a content sigh at it's warmth, and turned off the facets.Hopefully Yuki-kun would get home soon, it wouldn't be fun sleeping at school, neh?Closing my eyes, I sunk into the water a bit more, enough so that I could still breath.A sudden pain across my chest made me suddenly sit up, and my hand was quickly over my heart.

Of course, it wasn't a heart attack, no, it was a cramp.. right?But then I remember, I had the same pain when my father died, and my mother.My eyes widdened a bit, I hope so bad it's just a cramp.I hope there is no coincidence with it, that might involve grandpa.I couldn't stand losing another loved one, one who shares my blood, my family.Not so soon.

The phone rang just then, and my heart sank more.I hoped to god it wasn't the hospital, or my grandpa's home.Once.Twice.Shigure probably answered it by the fifth ring.I wish to god that I could reverse time, freeze it, or just maybe hear Shigure's conversation.He didn't call for me or anything, so I feel a bit better.I sighed and drained the tub, wrapping a towel around my body.Walking into my room, I put on pajamas.

I stared at the door for what seemed forever.Shigure never came to get me, so it must've been someone else.Slowly I opened the door and walked downstairs, into the kitchen.Shigure and Hatori looked up at me and must have saw my worry, my fear, and both just smiled, Hatori not so much."That was Yuki-kun, he'll be home soon," Shigure grinned.I gave a nod in relief, and a small smile was on my face.I looked around for a moment before the phone rang again, and I froze.My eyes widdened.

Shigure probably sensed I wasn't going to get it, so he answered."Hello, Shigure Sohma speaking." "..Yes, hold on a minute," Shigure covered the phone and turned to me."Tohru-kun.. it's for you." I nodded, and time seemed like it froze when I heard those words I dreaded so much.I wish it would never come."Tohru, grandfather.. he died," My eyes widdened and I nodded, though my cousin could not see.I buest into tears and hung up the phone.Staring at it for what seemed forever.

I fell down to my knees, holding my face in my hands as Yuki entered the kitchen, wet from the rain. Shigure and Yuki rushed to me, and Hatori stood a little behind them.I just continued to cry my eyes out.Why?Why did he have to die?He's the only other family I had that I loved, that loved me.Why him?WHY NOW? I sobbed into Yuki's shirt as he rubbed my back, soothingly.That's all he could do.Shigure was holding me tightly, as I continued to leak out tears.