When they pulled up to the farm they were a little nervous about telling Uncle Jesse and Daisy what had happened. They knew it was going to be hard for them to take all of this in. It was going to scare them out of their minds. Bo and Luke always knew that Uncle Jesse didn't like it when they got into so much trouble that their lives were at stake. And that was almost all the time. Uncle Jesse knew that the boys could handle themselves in these types of situations but he still didn't like it. He hated the thought of his boys in danger.

When Bo and Luke walked into the house Uncle Jesse and Daisy were sitting in the living room. They both had smiles on their faces, but when they saw the looks on Bo and Luke's faces, their smiles turned into frowns.

"What's going on, boys?" Uncle Jesse asked.

Luke sighed as he and Bo sat down on the couch. "Something bad has happened."

"Are you guys okay?" Daisy asked.

"We're fine," Luke said.

"For now," Bo added.

Luke sighed again. "We went to Thomas's and he pulled a gun on us. We struggled to get the gun away form him, and…he shot himself."

Daisy gasped. "What?"

"Is he dead?" Uncle Jesse asked as he paled at the news.

Luke slowly nodded. "Yes."

"Oh, no," Daisy cried.

"We called Rosco and he came out there," Luke explained. "When he came out there we explained what happened. He was kinda shocked at seeing the body. He just told us to leave, and he'd take care of it."

"Who pulled the trigger?" Uncle Jesse asked.

Luke shrugged. "Thomas must have. Me and Bo only had our hands on his wrist as we tried to get the gun away from him."

Uncle Jesse nodded. "Well, you boys are cleared for now. We'll just have to wait and see what happens next."

Right that second they heard a car turn off the main road. Daisy stood up and looked out the window to see who it was.

"It's Boss Hogg," she announced. "And Rosco's with him."

"It's gonna be about what happened to Thomas," Luke said.

They all stood up and went outside to see what they wanted. Bo was shaking because he was so scared that he and Luke were in trouble for what happened to Thomas. It wasn't their fault. If they didn't try to get the gun Thomas would've killed them and Cooter. However, Boss never believed them before. Why should he start now?

When they got outside Boss and Rosco pulled up in Rosco's patrol car. They got out and walked over to the Dukes.

"All right, Boss, what do you want?" Luke asked. "We already know it has to do with Thomas, so just tell us and get it over with."

Boss sighed. "Okay, boys, listen to me for once. I know I've done a lot of mean things in the past. I did a lot of things that I ain't too proud of. And I want you to know that I ain't pressing charges against you boys."

"You ain't?" Bo asked not sure if he heard right.

Boss shook his head. "No, I ain't. It really wasn't your fault. I'm also gonna pay to have your barn fixed."

"What? Why?" Bo asked.

Boss sighed. "Bo, when you came to me looking for work, you were right. You and Luke have saved my miserable hide so many times that I couldn't even begin to count. I just thought that this was the least I could do."

Bo was shocked. Out of all the years he knew Boss he never knew he had it in him to be this nice…especially to Dukes. It really shocked him. He never expected this either. He thought Boss would charge them with something, but he didn't even try.

"Well, thanks, J.D.," Uncle Jesse said. Bo could tell that Uncle was surprised too.

"We both wanna apologize for what happened," Rosco said. "This ain't how we wanted things to end."

"It's all right," Luke said.

Within two weeks the Dukes had their barn fixed. Boss kept his promise, and he paid for it to be fixed. Bo had about $200 from working for Thomas. He gave half of it to Uncle Jesse for the farm even though Uncle Jesse tried to refuse. He wanted Bo to keep the money because he worked so hard for it. After a little bit of arguing Uncle Jesse took the money. Bo donated the other half to the orphanage. After the barn was fixed things slowly went back to normal. Well, as normal as things got in Hazzard County.