The Life Of A Ferret - Draco Malfoy

"Hello, and welcome to Life Of A Ferret - Draco Malfoy. I am your host, Fred Weasley and these are my co-host's, my brothers, George and Ron Weasley. Ron'll be doing camera." At this point a body identical to Fred's pushed his way on screen.

"I'm George Weasley, and today we'll be following a vastly interesting species of white ferret called Malfoyisaferret. These species only appear at school directly after attacking Harry Potter," a badly drawn picture of Harry Potter flashes on screen... it vaguely resembles a tulip, "in front of a mad teacher. However under more... interesting circumstances, the ferret will also appear, shall we?"

The twins (and Ron) made their way across the Hogwarts grounds before stopping in front of Harry Potter. Harry appeared to be holding a script of some sort.

"Harry, care to tell the people of your frightening encounter with the dreaded white ferret?"

"Well," Harry began, reading of the script, "I wouldn't exactly call it frightening it was emotionally scarring more than anything. The little bugger is more scary to look at than anything else."

"Well there you have it, an exclusive interview with Harry Potter about the all-round feared white ferret. Now, lets see if we can catch the ferret himself." You see Fred and George walking towards the dungeon. You see a net set up on the ground; in the center of the net there is a large moneybag.

"Stuffed the bag with dung myself," whispered Fred.

"That boy, the one with the camera always stuck to his face told me that Snape needed to see me," Malfoy told Crabbe and Goyle. They grunted unintelligibly in response.

"Paid Collin to say that," George whispered to the camera, trying to stifle his laughter.

Malfoy caught sight of the moneybag; oblivious to everything else, he walked on the net to pick it up.

"Ready?" Asked Fred, George nodded in response, "Alright then, one... two... THREE!" At this both Fred and George pulled the string that the net was attached to, pulling Malfoy of the ground and into the air.

"Let me down!" Malfoy screamed, "Wait till my father hears about this!"

"Ah yes, the defense mechanism of the ferret. Threats to tell his daddy. Now, I'm sure everyone is eager to see the ferret, yes? Alright then!" Fed whipped out his wand, muttered a spell and in Malfoy's place stood (or hung, in this case) a pure white ferret.

Fred and George were laughing manically, and they failed to notice that impending doom was headed in their direction... McGonagall.

"What have you done?! Moody, I couldn't punish, but you I can!" McGonagall grabbed both of their ears and dragged them to the office, forgetting about untransfiguring Malfoy.

"After your hosts served their detentions, they found out that the ferret had indeed hung in that net for 3 hours after we left." Fred announced proudly. "We believe that our hunt was not a waste of time!"

"Our detention, washing cauldrons, also brought to our attention the uncanny resemblance between our potions master and a bat..."

A/N: Hey, this is the first fic that I've ever written. If anyone actually likes this fic I'll write a second one with Snape... heh... Anyway, review! Hell, flame for all I care! Just... give me some feedback people!