Disclaimer: I own nothing

Nothing could prepare her for the total sight of destruction in the hallway, every officer dead. She looked back into the room, and down at the nearest dead cop. `I can't cause any more destruction than I already have` she thought, she bent down and picked up the gun from the holster.

John was on the floor, the man standing over him with the knife.

"Before you die know that your love will follow you soon, only she won't be pure anymore when she reaches you." The man began lowering his arm with the knife, until a gunshot rang through the halls.

John felt blood hitting his face, and saw the knife drop from his hands as he slowly turned around. Jess had hit him, but in his arm.

The man smiled "you really should have just run if that was the best shot you could muster" he jumped up to chase her, but before he got anywhere John sprang up with the knife in his hands and caught him in the shoulder.

The man screamed and backhanded John; he turned around again, only this time with his gun drawn, before he could shoot John tackled him to the floor and they began fighting on the ground over the gun.


As Jess ran out the door she stumbled into the bomb squad, then another gunshot echoed outside.


The bomb squad rushed inside weapons drawn.


John stood over him, his gun in his hand as they entered

"Drop your weapon!"

John did as he was told, put his arms above his head and turned.

Jess rushed in and held John as the bomb squad observed the scene.

"What happened here?" John and Jess began to tell the story of their night.

Two weeks later

No one had ever called saying who, and where Jess came from, but day by day she began to remember more of her life.

As Jess was thinking John reached up and cupped her chin, he had just had his first match back since the whole episode and had parked in the hotel parking lot.

"What's wrong?" John asked

"Your life would have been so much easier if you had never met me that night, you nearly died three times because of me, I don't know why you still keep me around, and I'm healthy enough to be on my own."

"Because, darling I love you and nothing you say is going to change that, fate brought us together, yea it had a fucked up way of doing it, but nevertheless it happened and I'm not sad that it did."

"But" John silenced her with a kiss

"But, nothing do not dwell on the past for we cannot change it, but hope for the future that I hope we have together."

John exited the car and opened her door. They walked into their room, and as he shut the door Jess turned to him.

"You've saved my life more times than I can count without knowing who I am or who I was back then, I would be crazy to not have you in my life you're the knight in shining armor that most girls dream about when they are kids, and I love you so much."

With that John picked her up in his arms and kissed her. Her arms flew over his head and drew him closer. John pulled away and looked at her.

"I want you" he whispered

"You have me" she whispered back

He slowly carried her to the bed and sat her on the end of it; her arms went up his shirt removing it. She lightly scratched her arms down his abs as he shook.

"If you keep that up the love making isn't going to last long" he joked

"And I thought you said no woman has ever complained about being in bed with you" she smiled

He smiled and pushed her down on the bed "no woman has"

"You're so sure of yourself now aren't you?"

"You just wait" with that he slid his hand up her shit and cupped her breasts, she gasped. He lightly rubbed circles around her nipple and she pulled his head down for a kiss. He pulled away and lifted her shirt over her head bringing his warm mouth down to her nipple making her moan. "John" she gasped as he moved from one nipple to the other, making her squirm. She could feel John's hardness on her inner thigh and she craved to have it inside of her. John's spare hand began to rub circles on the inside of her leg, getting higher until it touched her wet spot on her jeans, but only briefly then down the other leg, until he finally unbuttoned her pants and slid them off. John kissed lower until he found her clit and took it in his mouth, she cried in pleasure as he continued his arsenal on her, and when he finally came up to meet her lips again she flipped him over on his back and straddled him.

"Well that was unexpected" he grinned, she kissed down his chest till she hit the hem of his pants, as she took them off him she kissed up his length and took him into her mouth as he groaned her name out in pleasure. He picked up her body and slid her onto him as she shuddered; laying her on her back he continued his lovemaking until they reached their peak together. John rolled over and she lay on his chest.

After a few minutes John looked down at her. "I never want to lose you, in such a short time you have become my whole life, and I'd give up anything you ever asked me to just to be with you."

She looked up at him "I could never ask you to give up your life just for me"

"You are my life now" with that John reached under the pillow and pulled a box out. "Jessica I know it's been a really short time, but what it's taught me is that you have to live life to the fullest, because you never know if tomorrow is going to come or when your going to lose the one you love. He got out of bed and bent on one knee "will you marry me?"

Jessica's mouth dropped with surprise "O John I would love to."

John picked her up and kissed her "I love you"

"And I love you."

I know the sex scene sucked, but I wanted to finish this for you guys; cause I keep forgetting to write, and about the story. The End