I don't own the outsiders.

Sandy stared at doctor in disbelief. She'd been feel sick alright but this. She was only sixteen how was she going to cope. She brushed her naturally blond hair behind her ear and her crystal blue eyes began to fill with tears. To make matters worse her parents were Irish and strict Catholics they would not understand her shaming the family like this.

"Sandy would you like me to tell your parents?" The doctor asked.

His tone was cold not friendly or understanding like doctors were supposed to be. He was judging her too.
She shook her head unable to speak with the shock. There was another problem. Sodapop Curtis. What would he say?

Sandy walked along the road back home. She was pale and tired looking now. She'd only had sex once how could this happen. Her mother told her to stay away from Soda, he was trouble she said but she didn't know him. Soda was sweet and gentle and kind. He wasn't like anybody she'd ever met before. He didn't deserve this.

The ground began to blur through her tears. What was she going to do. What if her parents sent her back to Ireland to one of those places she'd heard about. She had a cousin who kissed a boy and was caught by the priest. She was sent away for that. What would they do to her. Sandy took a deep breath and let it out slowly trying to calm herself down. She still had a while before she had to tell anyone. She was only two months gone it was okay, this was not happening to her.