Title:I Am Alive
Author: Za Webmaster Authoress
Chapter: One
Summary: Chris is alone, reflecting while a top of the Golden Gate Bridge. Unfortunately, a series of horrid tragedies sends Chris into a whirlwind of emotions and life-shattering moments. He has to stay alive, but maybe he might not want too...
Note: This was written when I was unreasonably depressed and feeling very inspired by Chris. I'm not normally this dark, but I was bored. Originally meant to be a one-shot, it evolved into a full-blown story! So, enjoy!
Rated For: Language (minor mostly, but one or two severe words), violence, emotional writing, and some self mutilation. Also for some bloody scenes.

Chapter 1: Sulking

Chris stood tall on the Golden Gate bridge. Biting winds blew through him, cutting an icy chill through his clothes and skin and down to his bones. The noises of cars and of people below rang through his ears as if he was down there with them. It was those noises and that cold that made him think the only three words that kept him sane.

'I am alive.' his mind repeated.

Those three words stuck to him like a hangover after New Years Eve. Those three words reminded him that no matter how much pain there was, he, Christopher Perry Halliwell was alive.
It was the one fact, that one phrase, those few simply words that drove him to win in that curse, blessing and precious thing call life.

It made him blink back tears as ripping pain surged through him. It made him forget his heart shattering into pieces every time a person he loved threw a cruel remark at him, and every time he remembered that all of his loved ones were dead. It made him who he was. No other person would find so much joy in being alive as Chris.

Chris had watched his family die before him as he clung to his own life with such desperation. He had held his mother as she died, and learned that his own brother was her killer. He had formed a Resistance after spending months and months fighting for that precious thing called life. He had lead that Resistance, he had made a difference! Then it crumbled, and was rebuilt but as delicate as a flower.
He went back to the past. His own family distrusted him, hated him and cared nought if he lived or died. But he had survived it all and was still going strong.

Oh sure, he was pale, close to anorexia, deprived of sleep, malnourished, and emotionally being killed, but he was freaking alive. And to him, that was enough, enough to stand down the seemingly unbeatable barriers that stood in his path of completing his mission.
The mission to save his brother, Wyatt.

Chris stood there, at his sides, clothes and hair blowing in the wind.

His haunted and beautiful eyes stared blankly at the scene, as his mind addressed a swarm of thoughts.A strike of lightning broke his trance, and he jerked at the loud thunder accompanied by the lightning.Sighing, he orbed safely into a deserted alley. He walked down to catch a ride on a bus. The bus was crowded, and he check his watch.

10:21 pm

No wonder the buses were filled, especially since the new gas shortage. Most took to riding the bus in an effort to save money.

He boarded, walking up the steps and standing in the aisle. There were no seats, and there were more people coming onto the bus. After a minute, the bus lurched forward, rattling a few of the passengers. Chris observed the passengers with bright eyes. To see people happy, it aided to the reasons of why he needed to succeed in his mission.

Suddenly, there was a blinding light...

Sort of a cliffie, no? Okay, ye have been warned, this is about nine chapters long. It is incredibly tragic, depressing, and kind of odd. Reviews are greatly appreciated! Hope you guys liked it!