AN: I'm sure you know by now, but the characters and Hogwarts are not mine.

I keep myself busy, knowing that if I stop to think, my world will come crashing down around me. If that happens, I'll end up kissing him, and then our friendship will end because he doesn't like me that way. After all, I'm an outcast everywhere else but here, in my group of friends. Didn't I tell you? I'm Remus Lupin, eighteen year old werewolf. And in case you hadn't guessed, the person I'm secretly lusting after is Sirius Black. In a way, he's an outcast too – he's been disowned by his family for not joining the Death Eaters, and being sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin. We're not so different after all, I suppose.


He's watching again. It's not that I mind, or anything, but I have to try so hard not to jump on him when he does that – he looks so adorable, biting his lower lip and pretending he's not really looking at me.

I'm Sirius Black, and he's Remus Lupin, and I want him. We're both at Hogwarts, in Gryffindor, and denying our feelings in public. Or, at least, I am. I'm not sure what Remus thinks – he might only be watching me to make sure I'm a reasonable distance away from him.


"Come on, Remus. Just go and do it. You can always obliviate him afterwards if he hates you for it.


"Oh, hell, I'm feeling brave. Let's do it."


They both stood at the same time and moved towards each other. They stood awkwardly for a moment, before wrapping their arms around each other and kissing. The entire Gryffindor house cheered.

AN: Do I have to say it? Read and review, please.