A/N: I just have to say, in advance, that I'm really sorry for what I am about to do. REALLY SORRY. But, I couldn't just let this idea slide. You'll see what I mean in a second, but don't let my previous apology sway you from reading this chapter, because it's really important for the future. Just remember that this is set in "FMA London", and any characters are not the same as they are in the FMA world. (except Ed, of course.) I'm just exercising the idea. 'Kay?

Chapter 5-Problem Child

Kyoko stood at the counter, tending to her customers and cleaning up their messes. It was relatively peaceful, that is, until a young man with sandy blond hair stepped up to the counter.

"Hey, Kyoko! So what's your answer now?" the young man asked as he eyed her up and down.

Kyoko shot him a look of pure distaste and hissed, "Don't you ever give up? I've shot you down and ran you out more times than I can count, and yet you still come to ask me out almost every day. Can't you take a hint?"

"Heh heh… some would say that my perseverance is my strength." He said suggestively, eyeing her hungrily.

"Alphonse, stop looking like that and get your perverted ass out of here. I'm really getting sick of this." Kyoko threatened.

He chuckled. "And it's that hard-to-get personality of yours that I'm so attracted to. I like the challenge…" he cooed as he leaned in closer.

Thinking quickly, Kyoko grabbed a menu and stuffed it in his face.

"Either order something or leave. I don't want to deal with you today."

Alphonse took the menu, setting it down with a smile. "Okay, K-chan. I'll order something just for you." He said, opening it.

"Don't call me K-chan." Kyoko snapped, grinding her teeth.

"Okay, K-honey."

"Not that either!" Kyoko yelled, anger flushing her face.

"Then what should I call you?" he asked innocently, flaunting his charm while staring at her with an amused look. Kyoko stood there for a while, fuming. How did he have this power over her? How was he able to pull at her anger like she was a marionette, and he was the puppeteer?

"Kyoko, just Kyoko. Don't change it into anything else." She huffed, trying to calm herself down. She wasn't going to let him get under her skin this time.

"Kay…" he said in a sultry voice. Boy, was he really getting to her, despite her better judgment. He did this almost everyday; hitting on her and all-around annoying the hell out of her. But, he was unusually calm today; normally he would be grabbing at her an all around sexually harassing her. He was doing that a couple of months ago, the day she met Ed, and she had run him out for it. For reasons unknown to her, her heart fluttered as she thought Ed's name. What was that feeling? It happened whenever she thought of him, when ever he came close enough to touch. It felt good, whatever it was, so she didn't dispute it, but it confused her. She had never felt this way before. No. She can't be thinking about him this way. Shaking her head, she turned her attention to Alphonse, who was staring at her intently, his mind so obviously on something she didn't want to know. She decided to ignore him for the time being, and stay out of his reach.

"I don't know, Kyoko. I'm having trouble deciding…" he purred, his eyes on her more than the menu. "How about you come over here and help me pick?" He licked his lips.


A look of surprise dawned on his face, for whatever reason he wasn't expecting that answer.

"I'm not going over there so you can grab at me. Either decide for yourself or leave." Kyoko answered defiantly. Alphonse smiled, amused by her caution.

"And what makes you think I'll do that?" he asked with a seductive grin.

"You've done it a million times before, and I'm sick of it. Get over yourself." She said, and Alphonse's grin dropped into a disappointed frown.

"Fine." He said, and ordered a sandwich, putting the menu down. As she went to work, she realized one fatal flaw in her plan to stay away from him-she still needed to give him his meal. She would have to find a way to give it to him while staying out of reach. She slowed down, trying to brainstorm. She could always ask one of the other customers to pass it to him. No, scratch that-the last one just left. She snuck a glance at him, but it only fuzzed her judgment further with anger when she found him staring at her butt. She finished making his food, and, to her dismay, still hadn't thought of anything. She quickly decided on a speed tactic, to give him the plate and pull her hand away as fast as possible. She went for it, but, unfortunately, he was faster and grabbed her by the wrist. Startled, she pulled away, but he had her in a death-grip. His strength was surprising; he was skinny and looked frail.

"Now now," he cooed as he pulled her closer, their faces nearly touching. "Don't be so shy. I don't bite… much." As he pulled her in to kiss her.

A resounding slap danced around the shaded booth, and Alphonse found himself with a throbbing red hand mark on his left cheek; and far, far away from Kyoko, who was fuming at the other end of the counter. She had slapped him, and hard.

"Kyoko? What was that sound?" they heard Yamako call from behind a door. "Did you… oh, hello Alphonse." She said as she noticed him. He flashed her a glittering smile despite the growing red splotch on his face. She closed the door behind her and walked up to Kyoko.

"Please, kill me now." Kyoko pleaded into Yamako's ear, but all she got in response was a reassuring smile. Kyoko looked away with a sigh, her energy drained. "I don't want to deal with this today… I'm taking a break." She told Yamako, who nodded in response, and walked into the same door Yamako just came out of.

End Chapter 5-Problem Child

A/N: Ooh, I can feel the flames a comin… I just have to remind you that this is not the real Al, thus he is in character. I'm just exercising the idea that their "twin" in this world doesn't have to have the same personality as the FMA world one. I personally love Al, (as a fan! I don't LOVE love him or anything.) so this is not a character bashing either. I just couldn't let this idea slide. Plus, this is going to be important for future chapters. So, I'm sorry for any misunderstandings.