Disclaimer: I do not own FullMetal Alchemist, even though I wish I did. But, I have bought all of the manga that's out and seen the anime and the movie!

A/N: Hey, everybody! This is my first FMA fic, and I'm really nervous on how this will turn out. It's based off of a dream I had a while ago, and it's been in my head for so long! I hate thought bunnies…. They keep me up at night! So, I just had to get this one down, and I'm going to run with it. Hope you all like it!

Chapter 1- Brown Haired Girl

"Man, why do I have to do this? Lazy old man…" Ed groaned as he walked down the street, glaring at a list of groceries that Hoenheim, his father, had sent him off with.

"Did he forget that my arm's still busted?" But, he knew that wasn't true. Actually, it was the exact reason he had sent him off grocery shopping. He was busy trying to create a new arm for him, and possibly a new leg in case he broke the one he has already. Which, by the way, is a very big possibility given his past. They had almost run out of food! But, it helped him to complain. Suddenly, there was a large crash, and a man ran out of a nearby restaurant, scared as hell.

"And stay out!" he heard a young woman yell. She was only a few years older than Ed, and had beautiful dark brown hair that curled down past her shoulders. She had light green eyes, right now burning with anger. Ed stared at her for a second, startled. Then another, older woman came up to her.

"You know, Kyoko, you can't keep chasing away our customers. It's bad business and bad manners." She said with a sigh.

"Don't you think I have a reason to chase them out?" she yelled angrily, now focusing her wrath on her. "Almost every single guy who's come here has either said something really gross and inappropriate to me, hit on me in a gross way, or tried to grope me. Believe me, Yamako, you don't want those kind of customers." Yamako just sighed again, not wanting to fight with her.

"Hey, anybody know where I can find a grocery store around here?" Ed asked tentatively as he walked up to the counter. Kyoko immediately answered, clearly still irritated.

"There's a market just down the road from here." But Yamako quickly recovered.

"But, if you want to, you can get your groceries here. I'm sure we have anything you need." Yamako smiled, and Kyoko rolled her eyes.

"Sure, thanks." Ed said as Kyoko grabbed the list from his outstretched hand, took a quick look at it, and through a door into the back of the store.

"I'm sorry about Kyoko. She's always like this after that guy comes in here and talks to her. Don't worry about it, I'm sure she won't attack you." Yamako apologized.

"Don't apologize, it's fine. I'm just glad I wasn't the person she chased out." Ed said jokingly. Yamako laughed. Just then, Kyoko came out with a bag.

"Here you go." She said mechanically.

"Thanks." He said as he paid her. Kyoko turned to serve another customer, and Ed started to walk back home.

"Come back soon!" Yamako said, waving goodbye. Ed turned to face her, and waved back.

"Geez, Yamako. Are you really so desperate for customers that you're going to sell groceries here now?" Kyoko said, seeing her wave goodbye.

"Well, I have to make up for all of the people you scare away!" Yamako said, and laughed. "No, I was just being nice. Besides, he looks like a nice young man." She said, nudging Kyoko's arm.

"Oh please. I'm not interested." But Yamako just shook her head and smiled. "But, you know, I wonder what's wrong with his arm. He didn't use it once, even with that heavy bag. He just let it hang there." Kyoko said.

"Really? I hadn't noticed…" Yamako replied, leaning over the counter to try to get a look at Ed's arm.

End Chapter 1

A/N: So, how did you like it? I hope you did, and that you'll review, because I don't want to post the next chapter until it get a few! (Hey, that rhymed!)