Care about you

Ok this is my seventh chapter.

Naruto and Sakura walked rather happily today considering what happened yesterday. They were both heading towards Tsunade's office to receive their next mission, on the way they got many glares from certain villagers mostly people that Sakura's mother knew. It didn't really bother Sakura that much that her mother didn't want her anymore, she would do anything to keep her love. When they arrived at Tsunade's office Naruto and Sakura were informed that Naruto would be sent on a mission for the next three weeks with Shikamaru, Kiba and Neji. As they were leaving Tsunade gave Sakura a talk to cheer her up although she didn't really need it. After she talked with Tsunade she and Naruto went to what they now call their apartment to pack for Naruto's mission he was to leave at 5:00 at night.

"Now Naruto-kun don't get yourself killed because I need you alright?"

"I know Sakura-chan, besides I won't let myself die with you as my inspiration." Before he left he kissed Sakura passionately for a long period of time, when he broke the kiss he gave Sakura his trademark grin a ran out the door to his mission leaving Sakura smiling happily. After he was gone for about two hours she called the other kunoichi and arranged a get together at her new apartment, she only invited three people Ino, Hinata and Tenten. For most of the night they compared eachother's love life, it came to an end when Ino and Sakura had to be restrained from fighting eachother over who had the best boyfriend. They then came to the subject of her living with Naruto. "So what's it like living with Naruto so far?" asked Ino curiously.

"Yeah, is he annoying like he normally is?" added Tenten. Sakura gave Tenten an evil glare, then answered:

"It's not as bad as you think, it's actually really...amazing." from hearing Sakura's response Tenten and Ino sat there speechless for a while.

"Does she really feel this much love toward him, if so then he must be really charming?" thought Ino.

"I'm happy for you Sakura, now we both have someone who we love, so exactly how is he amazing?" asked Hinata. The other three girls paused and noticed that Hinata didn't stutter for once, maybe it meant that she was confident in that statement. Getting back to reality she finally answered Hinata:

"Well he's amazing because he would do anything for me even if it would hurt him. When he holds me in his arms he gives me a sudden comforting feeling that takes away all my troubles in the world, and his personality fills me with courage. When he kisses me I feel so warm and happy, at times it seems like I don't want it to end. So I guess that's just some of the reasons why I love my Naruto-kun." She gave the others a smile to indicate that she was serious about her reasons. Hinata smiled back right away while Ino and Tenten smiled after a few seconds. "But enough about my love life what about you Tenten?" Teased Sakura. Tenten blushed madly.

"W-what do you mean?" asked Tenten nervously while still blushing.

"Oh come on Tenten, we've seen you staring at Neji don't you like him?" asked Ino.


"Then why do YOU always want to train with him?" asked Sakura.

"Y-you h-have to admit t-that is a bit suspicious." added Hinata.

"S-so that doesn't mean I like him" Tenten defended.

"Then why are you always blushing at him when he closes his eyes." after an hour of Tenten attempting to defend herself with simple explanations she finally gave in:

"Ok, you win I'll admit it I've been interested Neji for a while now." admitted Tenten.

"Sooo, what are you do?" asked Sakura.

"I-I'm going to tell him that I love him." replied Tenten in a determined way. The other girls gave her an encouraging smile. Hours after her friends had left she laid in her bed thinking about her and Naruto together. An image in her head flashed by of her and Naruto watching the sunset under a giant tree. She imagined their lips moving closer and closer until they touched and held for a long amount of time that seemed to pass by as slow as possible that made her melt in her bed.

"Oh Naruto-kun your so good to me." she blurted out while still in the thought of her and Naruto watching the sunset. Coming back to reality she suddenly became concerned for Naruto. "Please Naruto, stay safe." with that done she drifted back to her romantic thoughts about her and Naruto.

That's it for that chapter. The next chapter will involve Naruto more on his mission. I'll have more soon.