A/N- I love oban star-racers so I decided to write a story and it's a crossover too!! not telling u with what but if u know then feel free to say it lol.
the prologue is supposed to confuse you, okay? Just in case it does...
The Moon's Inheritance
Once...earth had been connected to everything within itself and it's moon. Everyone around them had marveled at it's king and queen's power and mercifulness.
But that was not meant to last.
'With great power comes great responsibility.' someone once told him or did he read it somewhere before?
That had been in the early 1990 to early 2000 when the kingdom had once been rebuilt. It had been like the Queen's mother's empire. Everything has flourished and they had many alliances and many different people from different planets on their court.
'Like mother, like daughter.' everyone had said, those who remembered the former kingdom before the new one.
How true those words were now that he thinks about it. The King and Queen had fell and the princess had fled to sanctuary with her guardian.
No one knew where she went for her guardian disappeared with her also.
No one...not even the dreams knew.
Where was his maiden princess now?
Silently, his hair swayed in the wind as shattered mirror pieces flew across the dusty floor. All around were ruined buildings and scorched land. Here and there were weapons scattered as well as few patches of earth still growing.
Nature will not be defeated here.
In the huge still growing grass, very hidden laid a person or two motionless.
Yes...once they were respected with fear and admiration by all. When the times comes, will they rise again and will peace reign forever?
Or will it all be for naught?
The once proud standing temple bent with age and ruined, it's marvelous garden dried and wilting. No sign of life dwell within these hidden ruins except...
'Hurry...my maiden...hurry...your kingdom...awaits once more.'
A/N - gonna take me awhile to get the other chapter up so wait a little okay?
review plz