Okay, this is just the prolouge, all my other chapters will be in the format of them writing entries in their journals. I tried to make the prolouge a little cheesy though, b/c this is somewhat of a funny story (or at least that's what it's supposed to be). So review please!!

"Titans! Report to the main room immediately!" Robin's voice echoed through the sound system of the tower. Everyone was a little annoyed, but hey, it was their job. They immediately dropped whatever they were doing and started sprinting to the main room.

"Robin! What is the problem?" Starfire asked anxiously

"Something horrible has happened!" Robin said in a firm voice. His eyes were glued to the computer monitor and his eyes were narrow.

"Well? What's the problem?" Cyborg asked

"The villains have freed themselves," Robin responded angrily.

The four titans gasped in unison. "But, they were all turned to ice!"

"Somebody freed them,"

"Who has done such a horrible thing?"

"Face it Star, it could be anybody," Beastboy responded.

"I'm tracking them now, we're trying to find them again before they do anymore harm," Robin said turning around to face the computer again.

"So I'm guessing you found someone for you to call us here right?" Cyborg asked as his arm turned into his sonic blaster signifying that he was ready for battle.

"Actually, no" Robin said quite sheepishly. The titans looked at each other with a very confused face.

"Well, then why did you send for us?" Raven asked quite agitated.

Robin stood straight up and cleared his voice, he was obviously stalling. "Team, villains are on the loose, and it is quite possible that we will be busy a lot this month, or months. It is good to come up with strategies and fight plans as a team, but a lot of times we are fighting a lot more then just one person. But we need to be strong individually just as we are strong as a team. So I have come to a decision." Robin paused for a moment, and rubbed the back of his neck, as if he was questioning his leadership in that one movement. His voice was still stern and serious, however. The titans at this point were very confused, and honestly they were getting a little impatient, if they didn't have to fight someone then they just wanted to go back and do there own thing. Robin picked up a box that he had hid until that moment. Now they were really confused. "Titans, we need to document each document in these journals, right down your own personal strategies. Document what each villain's weakness is. You can even record your own personal events to help the process go along." Robin picked up four journals and handed them to the titans.

"So basically, you're asking us to keep a diary?" Raven asked flipping through the pages.

"Not a diary, a journal, or a log, if you will."

"You are asking us to keep a diary," Cyborg said picking it up feeling a little less masculine.

"They are not diaries! They are-"

"Diaries dude!"

"Look just take the damn books!" Robin said irritated, he knew this was the response he was going to get.

Beastboy picked it up as if it were a time bomb, "dude, I feel so girly!"

"OUT!" Robin pushed the four out of the door and headed back toward the computer.