Author's Note: Last chapter. Finally. At least I can be at peace for a short while knowing that I've got nothing more to update. It's still the first week from school and I've already found a teacher I hate more than another teacher I had last year. But anyway, enough of my constant blabbering that always comes at the beginning of every chapter. I know you're dying to know the ending. So without further ado, CHAPTER 15-- the last chapter! Thanks for reading, everyone. And please review to tell me what you thought of this story overall.

Disclaimer: Everyone knows the drill, right. I don't own, so you can't sue.

Sakura just stood there dumbfounded, touched by Sasuke's song. When she saw Sasuke going near her, tears kept falling freely from her eyes as she ran towards him.

He saw her getting closer to him and he stood there, arms wide open, ready to embrace her with a regretful smile on. As Sakura finally reached him, she hugged him tightly as she cried onto his chest, her hands clutching his shirt tightly.

"Sakura, I'm really sorry for what I did."

"Don't worry, Sasuke-kun. It's okay now," she said while tears were still falling and sniffs came from her as she looked up into his eyes and got drowned in them like she had months ago when he had just returned from his life-long goal.

Slowly, Sasuke lowered his head until their lips met. It seems that they almost forgot how each other tasted like. Missing each other so much, they deepened the kiss as the background music started to play with Sasuke's hands on her waist and hers around his neck.

You came along
In an unexpected time
It was so divine
Knowing you are mine
It feels so right
When I look into your eyes
I never knew that love
Could make me feel this way
I can't wait for the day
When I can truly say

I see beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
You've touched my heart so deeply
And I can't thank God enough
For all the beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
Everything is just so wonderful
Every little thing is just so beautiful
When I spend it with you

with you I felt fine
So right

I've sang so many songs in stages
With thousands of them watching me
But you're here with me now
And I sing this song to you
To you, baby
Just for you
Just for you

I see beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
You've touched my heart so deeply
And I can't thank God enough
For all the beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
Everything is just so wonderful
Every little thing is just so beautiful
When I spend it with you

They slow danced to the song, just as they did months ago when Sasuke had proposed. Now, they are reunited once more, ready to face any more trials that come their way.

"I promiseā€¦ I'll never cheat on you again, Sakura," he vowed, as he smelled the strawberry-scented locks of Sakura while resting his chin on her head, almost forgetting how it felt like to have her in his arms and realizing he was more of an idiot than he thought for cheating on her before.

"Good. Because if you ever do that again, it's gonna take you more than a song to patch things up," she stated in a half-serious half-joking manner.

He smirked in reply and looked into her eyes lovingly once more as he bent down and for another kiss. Their kiss was filled with so much passion, and with the fireworks booming overhead, they thought that they could feel beautiful days ahead for both of them.

THE END ...but not quite

When they broke their kiss, they looked around only to see that they weren't the only ones in love. Naruto and Hinata were also lip-locking with obvious blushes on their cheeks. Tenten and Neji were glomping each other while occasional moans came from the female. Ino and Shikamaru were smooching as well while Shikamaru's hands were on her -ahem- behind while Ino's hands were busy tracing Shikamaru's torso.

Seeing the other couples, they looked at each other and sweat dropped, and started another kiss.

THE END (seriously this time)

A/N: Well, you read it right. THE END. Thanks a lot to those who reviewed, especially MimoriFanForever who always reviews on every chapter. Thanks! And to everyone else that reviewed too! And to those who haven't yet, please do. See you next time!

Peace Out!!

-zaGooRiaN aTheNa/sWeEt pRincEss123/eMo.pRinCess123