So I was thinking, after Cell died and Gohan did his shit, bringing everyone killed by Cell back to life, including 17 who went to live in the woods somewhere… what if 17 finally decides to make an appearance to see his darling sister and came when present Trunks was the same age as Mirai?

Then again, this is just another excuse to write some shounen-ai? Or perhaps just a perverted 17 and freaked-out Trunks… because Trunks is adorable when he freaks out. Takes place at the tournament, when everyone is going to leave because… so I don't have to be all like 'I'M CHANGING THIS AND THAT JUST SO YOU KNOW!! LOLZ!!1!!' and stupid stuff like that.

Ehh… just read.

Pairing (sort of): Seventeen (17)/ (present) Trunks

Warnings: language, offensive terms, SHOUNEN-AI WARNING!! If you don't like, then don't read, duh!

So I Figured…- One-shot

"I swear to Kami if I see that damn fag again…" Our lavender-haired teenager paused, thinking seriously for a moment, "I'll just do something really drastic!" Clenching his fists, he hurled a fist into a nearby wall, creating a decently-sized hole and pretty much scaring off anyone that was nearby, save Goten and the rest of the gang.

Goten sweatdropped, thinking of the tall, bulky, mustached man in the kinky police get-up. "Hey, at least someone was interested in you." He teased, trying to lighten up the mood… poorly.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Trunks screamed, electric sparks flashing around his clenched fist that he was holding up menacingly. "Do you really think I was fucking enjoying that?!"

"Trunks!" An older woman, with short, blue hair parted at the side, yelled, slapping her poor son upside the head. "Watch your mouth!"

"Tsk, tsk, old ladies shouldn't be abusing little boys." A deep voice cut in, causing everyone to jump, spinning around to face the newcomer.

"Who are you calling old!?" Bulma screamed, ready to smack the disrupter until she saw his face.

Eighteen gasped loudly, immediately placing a protective hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Seventeen! What are you doing here?"

The shoulder-length, black-haired man stared blankly at his twin sister, cocking an eyebrow at her short hair. "Well, you know, after I came back, I figured you would be getting chummy with cue-ball, so I thought I'd just hide in the woods for seventeen years to give you a chance to pop out a kid or two… which I see you succeeded in doing." He finished off, giving Marron a critical look.

The blonde woman blinked confusingly. "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard."

"Okay, fine. I lied." Seventeen mockingly sighed, raising his hands in the questioning manner. "I actually wanted to see if Trunks would end up looking like his future counterpart."

"….. Are you serious?"

"I can be." Shifting his cold blue eyes towards the bewildered purple-haired boy, the android scanned him up and down. Then he smirked. "Ahh, how lovely." Taking a few steps until he was a few inches away from the teenager, the black-haired man placed his hands on the boy's cheeks, much to Trunks' horror. "They look exactly alike, how cute!" Seventeen cooed sardonically, pinching the cheeks.

Trunks, wincing at the sting, finally snapped out his bafflement, slapping the man's hands away. "What the hell?! You don't do that to strangers!"

"Oh, but I have met you before." Seventeen whispered, leaning in closely, his warm breath blowing lightly against the tanned face. "A number of times."

Goten, catching sight of Trunks' seriously disturbed look, raising his hands slowly. "Hey man, I don't think you should really be doing that… Trunks already had troubles with another dude hitting on him earlier."

"SHUT UP GOTEN!!" Trunks roared, crimson instantly flashing on his cheeks.

The black-haired man pursed his lips thoughtfully, watching the purple-haired teenager with curiosity. "So men hit on you as well as women?"

"Yes, Kami, it's so fucking annoying!" The poor boy huffed, crossing his arms defensively. Growling, he bared his teeth. "Nobody keeps their hands to themselves!"

"Hands, huh?"

"Yeah, I swear this guy was trying to feel me up and it took everything I had not to smash his head in the wall!" Trunks' fingers twitched as he held up his hands in a strangling position. "What a nice sight that would've been."

"Trunks, you're so violent." His younger, black-haired friend complained, grimacing. "You have anger issues."

"Goten, I'm gonna kill you if you don't shut it!"

Seventeen cleared his throat. "Hey kid."

Trunks snapped his head back to the android. "I'm not a-" Unfortunately, he was swiftly cut off by a pair of lips, pressed against his own.

And then the world went silent.

Leaning back with a wicked grin, the black-haired patted the currently stunned purple-haired boy on the cheek. "You didn't say anything about keeping your lips to yourself."

Wow, that was… pretty lame. Flame me if you must, but not without a decent reason… no 'EW! OMG! THAT'S SO WRONG! YOU'RE A SICKO!!' please. Otherwise, if this tickled your feathers, drop a note and let me know. Toodles!