Battle Song

Abby Ebon


Against the stone floors of the palace of the Sun Lord, the clink of metal on granite alerted them to another presence nearby. Someone, Nëd was sure, who was not a servant (who wore cloth coverings on their feet) or a noble – who often wore the popular design of sandals. With a glance to Lorkia's calm face, she knew this to be the General Kiyamvir the Son of the Sun had sent for.

Her first impression of the man was one of wary neatness. He wore his dark hair in the military fashion of most of the hair on top and to the sides and back being sheered but for the wrapped ponytail allowed to grow as long as rank permitted. Nëd was grateful she had never worn her hair long, so she would not regret losing what needed to be trimmed.

He had light eyes – and she knew him to be a foreigner, for it was the only way a noble who was not entirely of their people's blood could gain such rank. His skin was as dark as hers, and he held himself in a manner that suggested he knew what he represented and was proud of his heritage.

A bold one… Nëd couldn't help but think, despite that he was now looking her over as carefully as she had him. She wondered what he thought of her civilian clothing and the very-not civilian sword on her side.

"General Kiyamvir, we are pleased by your presence." Lorkia greeted with a pleasant nod of her head.

"Anything I can do for you, Son of the Sun, is a pleasure." General Kiyamvir assured her with a bow.

"I introduce Lady Nëd, she saved my life – as a reward to her, I would like to place her in the military as your assistant and secretary – would you agree to this kindness?" Lorkia asked, though General Kiyamvir had little choice but to accept.

"Of course, Son of the Sun – it would be my honor." When General Kiyamvir replied it held no tones of stiffness or reluctance. Though Nëd knew the man could not be pleased by the development.

General Kiyamvir turned to her, and she knew it was expected of her to follow him. So she did, her first task was a test to see to her skills which, for the most part, Need led her through. Then began her life, and for weeks it did not change, until she was trusted enough to enter General Kiyamvir's personal chambers to escort officers and companions alike.

Then, one day, she overheard a conversation between General Kiyamvir and someone else – though she knew no one else was within his chambers.

"…of course, I indeed to leave this retched place soon. My people are in position to attack the Son of the Sun. Her little spy has been kept so busy she barely sees me let alone has time to reflect on my movements…" General Kiyamvir assured someone, his tone soothing, though amused.

"…Yes, yes, I've been careful, I know you can not possibly do any of this without me. Our false Son of the Sun is all set up to take over…" General Kiyamvir practically purred the words; he was so pleased with himself.

"Do make sure the Mage of Silence is otherwise occupied, would you? …Yes, those are my orders. I will see you in less then a fortnight." Nëd swiftly fled, going to her rooms where Need lay.

As she was about to reach to touch the sword, a hawk flew through the window. Wide eyes, she watched it – it seemed familiar, with confidence the hawk landed, proudly presenting its neck, which she noticed then had a band of leather wrapped around it, and a metal tube with a bit of leather stuffed in to keep the message in. With shaking hands, Nëd approached Suzy's hawk, taking the bit of leather out and unrolling the message.

Lorkia says you are in danger – I hope this reaches you in time, she orders you to get out as soon as possible. Be careful, Suzy.

She tensed as she heard footsteps approaching, quickly she scrawled; Lorkia in danger – too late, love Nëd. Stuffed the message in the tube, and the bit of leather – all that remained was to release the hawk.

"Do not release that hawk." Kiyamvir ordered, she turned to him – her hand reaching for Need even as he moved his own hand as if to stop her – he did, Need's sword tip dragging –as if in protest - against the floor to his hand. She relased the hawk, its wings whooshing silently, creating a gust of wind that stirred her hair before she felt magic encircle her.

She knew then, Kiyamvir was more then just a noble half blood; he was not of her people - for no General would have magic; that was strictly the work of the Priests.

"Who are you, truly?" Nëd demanded of the man who stood before her – she only hoped Lorkia got the message she had sent with Suzy's hawk. He smiled, sneering at her – he had her trapped, they both knew the only way this would end was with her death.

"Kiyamvir Ma'ar. I killed your predecessor – and now I will kill you with your own sword." Ma'ar sneered, and Nëd glanced to Need, which rested in Ma'ar's hands, she knew the magic trapped her – held her down and kept her still, immobile, she could not duck out of the way.

"Why?" Nëd asked – that was the only question she had, why did he want to kill Need's bearers – why be in her peoples lands at all?

"This sword has a history of killing men who rise in power – but I will see it locked away, so it can do nothing against me." Ma'ar hissed, lip curling into a sneer as he looked down at her.

He believes he is better then I am. Better then any woman. Nëd thought, mind struggling to find a way out of his trap.

"I will kill you – but first, watch as your sword is silenced." Steam seemed to escape form the hilt of the sword – the gleaming blue gem that had seemed so alive only the day before was dull – as if it was merely another jewel. Nëd felt as if her heart had been torn from her chest – Need had not only been teacher and mentor – but friend. She knew she would never see Need as she truly was awoken in her life time.

Nëd did not know she had cried out – but she found herself shaking – heaving with sobs.

"Now, die." The magical bonds pulsed, changing from cage to torture chamber as blood blossomed on shirt and pants, great gashes torn into her skin – some through her bones; she did not know if the magical attack had missed her organs – it did not matter.

She felt darkness creep to the edges of her vision – what little she could see was veiled in white.

Those metal soled boots trunked away – a ringing reminder of the day that seem ages away – when she had dreamed of this – of dying; and then heard Need's pervious barer killed.

She faded in and out of consciousness only aware that…


She is bleeding. Blood pools around her, seeps into the dry earth, and the muddy blood presses against her nose and mouth, slowly smothering her. It surrounds her on all sides- all of it hers.

She is Nëd.

She is too weak to move her head the little ways needed to not drown in her own blood. There is too much of it- and she knows with a sense of serenity that she is to die here. The only question is which turn death will take- drowning in her muddy blood, or from the savage wounds.

Her salvation is mere inches from her, if she could only reach it. The elegant steel blade forged with pure magic, and the black hilt- a blue stone mounted on the top. It is her only chance, yet she is too weak, too tired, to reach for it.

Too tired of life, tired of death, her lips- half coated in bloody mud, twitch into a grim smile her teeth bared, a smile one wares into a battle they know can't win. Or if they don't care if they do or not, so long as they have done what is needed.

She slows her breathing- meditating, and opening herself to any power that could strengthen her to move those last few inches.

After all…she may be tired, but she will not give up without a fight.

: Vkandis…: Nëd called out mentally, reaching for a connection that had always been there. A firecat appeared – but it was not Sheba – it was larger, grander, then any firecat that she had ever seen.

: Oh, Nëd…I fear I can do nothing, but what would you have of me? : The firecat was Vkandis – of that she was sure.

"Will the Son of the Sun know of Ma'ar?" She asked her speech slurring. Vkandis moved closer, his warmth was something she could feel even in her moment of dying.

: Yes. She knows, she works even now to move against him – fear not, he will not be within your homeland much longer. She mourns for you; she will tell your family you died a hero. : Vkandis reassured, nuzzling her hand and meowing pitifully.

"Ma'ar spoke of a second place – a hidden place he could flee to. I want revenge Vkandis, I do not want to die like this – please, don't let me die like this." She pleaded with her God, tears clouding her vision. It seemed the whiteness was all she could see – other then Vkandis.

: As you wish – so it shall be. : Vkandis promised gently, faintly she felt his claw dig into her wrist – then she wasn't in her body anymore – could not smell, or see, or sense anything – merely him.

Slowly, she returned to awareness – and it was as if she could sense everything around her again. No – there was more. She felt life and magic pulsing as if it was adrenalin. She looked around – all around her were stars, like the night sky – but it was not as it appeared she knew somehow that was beyond her understanding, it was the lives of everything that had ever been or ever would be. Bellow her feet as silver, like a moonbeam path.

"W-where am I?" She wondered around, looking for someone.

"Forgive me, my Star-Eyed. You asked for mere vengeance, but I could not see you turned into a restless spirit." Vkandis spoke from beside her.

"What am I?" She asked then, for she knew she had to be more then human.

"You are what I am, only, a Goddess." Vkandis told her soothingly – it made sense then. She found herself smiling – if only a little.

"Call me Star-Eyed - Kal'enel. I like that name, it suits me now. What are you to me?" She – who had once been Nëd, asked him.

"An equal – a partner. I am Vkandis; Sun Lord - Rover, Guardian, Hunter and Guide. You are Kal'enel, Maiden, Mother, Warrior, and Crone. Now you and I can watch our people – and you may watch Ma'ar. I will help you find him." Vkandis promised solemnly.

So it was that the two followed Ma'ar – and saw the Mage Storm to come, and placed Need within a building that would survive the Storm. When it was over, they saw that Ma'ar's fortress was beneath the waters of Lake Evendim. And Urtho, who Kal'enel thought of in fondness for his stand against Ma'ar (and the gryphon's for which she thought were lovely) tower became a smaller crater, which atop was black glass.

Kal'enel and Vkandis saw that the Kaled'a'in came to the Plains; and appeared before them – one side was given charge of using magic to restore the damage done to the land through magic; these people became the Tale'edras. The other side who shunned the use of magic except by shamans were to live in the crater and guard the weapons still sealed in Urtho's tower. The clans who accepted the second task became the Shin'a'in, and the Goddess covered the ruined land with grass so that they could live there.

Kal'enel watched over both her people, and Vkandis watched over his – both knowing that one day the two peoples would reunite and become allies.


The End