I know... It's been forever. But it's taken forever for us to get the computer fixed and then it took another forever to get microsoft word. I'm sorry it took so long still...

Anyways, this chapter is a little short (all my chapters are a little short I find) but I just wanted to get it out so I didn't end up deleting it again...


Chapter 3.

Kiri came out of her supposed bedroom with a bag slung over her sholder.

"Okay, I just have to grab some food then we can be off." She announced.

"Fine." Edward mumbled. He was happy to be sitting down on such a comfy couch, as he would describe it.

The person who he and his brother had gotten a ride from was heading to one of the larger towns farther away from this one, so they had to walk a distance to get to the town after they were dropped off.

Alphonse was defiantly comfortable as well. A smile across his face. However, his eyes snapped open when he heard an 'oof' come from his brother.

When he looked towards his brother, he saw Ed clutching his suit case as if it had been thrown at him, which it had been.

"What was that for?!" Ed snapped at the thrower.

Before the confused Al had any idea what was going on, his own suit case was thrown at him. Luckily, he was more alert then what his brother had been and caught it with more ease then his brother had.

"Come on, were going now." The 'thrower' spoke.

Al looked up to see Kiri, with a knapsack and the bag that she had over her shoulder by her feet.

Edward just glared, maybe he was more aware of what was going on then his brother, we will never know.

"Are you coming?" Annoyance could be heard in the young girls' voice, she wasn't that patient I guess.

"Wha…?" The 'still confused' Al…. asked, I guess.

After a moment of processing, he realized what was going on.

He stood up quickly. "Come on Ed, let's go."

His brother just gave a grunt when he stood up.


"You said Pinako told you where to find me, so you've must've gotten a room." Kiri said as they continued they're way towards the cliff.

"Yea, what about it?" Ed stated simply.

Kiri turned around on her heel and be began walking backwards as her eyes narrowed dangerously in a glare towards the blonde. "I was trying to inform you that you'd be paying for rooms that you're not even staying at, but I guess if you don't want my input…" She turned to walk forward again.

"Wha…?" Edward was living up to his hair colour now, blonde.

"It takes a day or so to get up to the old mans house… if we're lucky." She mumbled the last part.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" It looked like the short one was going on a rampage now….

"Meh. You never asked." She replied, nonchalantly.

He was starting to fume now. As he opened his mouth to start a rant, his brother quickly –and smartly- cut him off. "Can we go and cancel the reservation then?"

"Sure!" She smiled sweetly turning on her heel again to walk backwards. "But only because you asked to nice… eh?!" She wasn't expecting on of the brothers to be so close to her when she turned around, as he walk into her causing the forces of gravity to take place. They both went tumbling on the ground. But with velocity and all that stuff I don't understand… their positions were somewhat… awkward.

"Ow." Edward and Kiri said in unison. As the two looked up, Kiri came face to face with the top of a head… and Edward came face to face with… well, breasts. Both their faces flushed a deep red, and Al snickerd trying to contain his laughter.

"Ai! Pervert!" She shrieked, as she punched the ex-alchemist in the face as he looked up to meet her eyes. He ended be pushed…. Punched back a ways, enough so that Kiri could stand up and narrow her eyes into a glare at the bewildered Ed.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mea-" He started, his face beet red, only to stop as the raven haired girl turns around sharply –again- and stomps off.

Al continues to snicker.

"Shut up! It's not funny."


Yea that was it. I'm just going to ask you just to R&R and stuff. So intill next time I guess.