Author's Note: I know this story is flawed. It was made while playing Twilight Princess, and the muse suddenly hit me. Be forewarned, I havent finished the game yet, so if there is some monsterous flaw because of a plot advancement towards the end of the game, my apologies. It's based off of after the Lakebed Temple, where Zant confronts the two. If you know what happened, enjoy. If not, you probably wont understand the story, though I try to explain well enough anyways throughout it. That said, plot spoilers ahead. Well. Sorta. XD This story never takes place in the actual game, its just a spin off of what could have happened, but if you dont want any of the characters to be spoiled for you, dont read ahead.

Plot summery: In his desperate attempt to save Midna from Zant's attack, Link heads to the first place that comes to mind, but soon her health seems to be the least of his worries.

Disclamer: I dont own Zelda. Obviously :3

A heavy storm. Link trotted through it, his thick fur would only ward off the rain for so long. He could already feel the icy rain running down his back through his fur, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered now, other than getting to Renaldo's. Getting her to Renaldo's. He wasn't entirely sure if the Shaman would be able to do anything, but one had to hope.. Hyrule field wasn't exactly a friendly place to be these days, the monsters and thieves all running rampant usually, but luckily it seemed even robbers didn't like getting their feet wet. The very light weight on his back shifted slightly, so he slowed down, thick haunches shifting with it to steady his companion. The once vibrant Midna laid out on his back now, barley holding onto thick neck fur, her body burned and slowly giving into the wounds. She had been thrown into Lanayru's talons, and he had done what he was entitled to do -- treat her like the creature of Twilight that she was. Only, now... The rain came harder now, the empass of Kakariko Village ahead. Every drop, every pellet of rain that fell on Link's forehead burned. It hurt. After the encounter with Zant, he wasn't sure what happened, only that perhaps he was lucky to have gotten off with an odd scar and pains. It worried him, though. Midna was obviously here.. And yet, weren't they in the world of the light? Yes, ofcourse they were. The monsters here were all hell-bent on his demise, but not warped and twisted with the strange dark swirls of Twilight.

Turning a ledge, and fitting through the break in the poorly made gates meant to ward against the demons of the outside world, Link padded on into the small village. It wasn't exactly thriving, a dieing town at the edge of Death Mountain. It was so secluded, most of the income was from the Gorons, and various segments of rock couldn't exactly be bartered for in Hyrule's bank trade. It wasn't a late hour, he suspected all the children and inhabitants were inside to keep from the rain. Rounding the corner, he felt the spirit Eldin from the springs tense up. Eldin was nervous, Midna was here. Hopefully Renaldo wouldn't share the same feelings... Finally, reaching the town hub of sorts, the large stone dome of the Shaman's home. He could hear voices from inside. Renaldo was there, the children were too... They were afraid of him. He had made the mistake to wander into the village once before in his beast form, and they all but attacked him. And Beth, poor little Beth, ran off crying and screaming. Did he really look that hideous...? Midna didn't think so. Midna was the only one who really tolerated him in his form, even some animals fled at his sight. Link pushed back on his haunches to peer into the window, the softly lit room laid out before him. All of the children were in there, playing a game with tokens of such, Renaldo off to the left having a talk with Barnes, who looked rather flustered. Alright, if he could just get to Renaldo... Link's expression reflected in the mirror for a moment as lightening flashed in the background. A huge, great wolf's muzzle looked back at him. Large, shocking blue eyes, huge black and grey mane, sharp teeth snarled back in his moment of shock. He really was a monster, he couldn't go in there.. "...Link..." Came the dieing croon of the soft presence on his back, and he felt her grip on his fur loosen. A quick change and he was on all fours, steadying her. Another soft cry of pain, and he had made up his mind.

Renaldo sighed as Barnes went on about the weather. His rambunctuous friend usually had many things to complain about. The weather... The food... The odd growth on his neck... And tonight it was no different. One couldn't experiment with bombs in a storm, and while the children were contempt to play their tinkering game, they lacked the conversation that you could only get when talking to one in your own age group. ".. I was then thinkin' of rounding up a Goron brat and seeing how resistant he is to water bombs, but that might cause, ya know, tensions. We don't want what happened before, and besides, they give me alotta money to continue making bombs..." Well. In most cases, at least. It was then that Renaldo saw it. A gleam of light from a passing bolt, the outside lighting up momentarily, the quick silhouette of a large... something, outside.

Looking in.

"Children, it is getting late." He said, standing up and leaving a flustered Barnes to blink at him then huff, folding his arms. The union of 'awwws' came from the group, his own little one, Luda, looking up,"But Father, it isn't even 8:30 yet, and we arnt finished." "You may finish tomarrow." Renaldo said with a smile, kneeling down to his daughter,"I wont touch it, and promise to protect it from Barnes. Come now, everyone up." The children all sighed and complained, but obediently pushed up. Beth, bless her heart, tried to help make herself look less childlike by shooting up first and shooing at the younger boys,"You heard Mr. Renaldo! Come on, its a baby's game any ways." Malo looked up to her with narrowed eyes,"It was your idea to play." She flustered up and moved to retort, when the door burst open.

The group was sprayed with wood chips and rain, as the dark, odd beast forced itself into the room. Renaldo threw himself in front of the children, Barnes flustered up and jumped up behind the great statue in the middle of the room, peering out at the wolf. It was huge, unlike any other wolves around the mountains. The entwined white markings made their way up its back, where an even odder creature of a pale grey and white clutched, one ailing red and yellow eye staring out at them. Beth screamed, Luda and her clutching onto each other. Talo stumbled back behind Colin, Malo gasping slightly as the beast reared, and turned to them, its own startling blue eyes staring up at Renaldo. The Shaman snarled, and grabbed the nearest torch, brandishing it, the flames crackling as the hard rain bared in,"Begone! Haa!" Link felt the warmth of the flame singe his face fur, but it didn't matter. He reared back, ears flattening and crouching slightly. They had to recognize him, or at least realize that he wasn't going to A great blow to the side of his head told Link maybe things wouldn't be so easy, as Renaldo waved the torch back and forth, ushering the children slowly towards the stairs around the statue,"Barnes! Get the children into the basement, right now!" "B-but Renaldo, I.." Barnes flustered, still shocked by the sudden sight of the intimidating beast. Renaldo growled and lifted his torch to deliver another blow, before Ilia shrieked and jumped, grasping onto the tall Shaman's arm,"No! Stop!" "Ilia, please, get back!" "No! Look!" She said, pointing with tearful eyes to Midna, who was looking to her now, her striking red and yellow eye narrowing, then finally slitting closed. With a soft, hushed cry she fell from Link's back, the strength finally leaving her. Link jerked, and turned to Midna, crouching on his feet to lick and nuzzle her worriedly. This wasn't right. Midna wasn't supposed to be the one in trouble, it was always him getting knocked in the stomach too hard, or loosing his footing while scaling the mountains. And he would wake up with her hovering over, with a smart remark or even, if he had been good, the slightest bit of sympathy for his injuries.

Ilia rushed over under Renaldo's arm, lowering to her knees in front of Midna,"Shes hurt! Oh, Renaldo, look, they both are hurt, so badly.. I cant even hear her breathing.." She said, tears welling up in her eyes as she hovered over the still form. Renaldo had came forward, weary of such a large monster around the young lady. But she did have a point. The small, odd figure laid out before her was in great pain, he could feel it. And the wolf was in a sorry shape itself. Large gashes lined its back, and one particularly nasty mark on its forehead, blood trickling slowly though its fur from it. "Yes... yes, alright. Barnes?" The portly bomb maker peered from the totem statue, looking over his glasses at the Shaman,"I know what youre going to say, and Renaldo, you're crazy if you think I'm going near that thing!" "No. Just, take the children downstairs. I don't want to take any chances.." The five younger ones all retorted, but after a stern look from the tall Shaman, they retreated down the basement's stairs to the cots set up for each of them. Barnes gave Renaldo and Ilia a worried look once, before following them down aswell.

Enjoy? Want to urge me to continue /:3 Review!