Author's Note: Sorry it took me so long to get this out, I couldn't decide who's point of view I wanted to start in. So I started in someone's view that was only a minor character. Well hope you like it!
Chapter 1
A sigh escaped him as he placed his chopsticks down. He had spoke with Kagome about his concerns over his family's safety. She had told him the safest place would be the temple where a constant eye could be kept on them, but he had been reluctant about bring them into his troubles. But now, with Naraku's constant attacking and with the abduction of Keiko, he was now willing to accept that he could no longer keep his family in the dark.
"Shuichi?" A hand being waved in front of his face snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Excuse me mother, I must have been spacing out. What was that you were saying?" Giving his mother and the rest of his family an apologetic look, he waited patiently for his mother to repeat herself.
"I asked you if you were all right?" Worry was evident in both Shiori's eyes and voice. She was concerned about the behavior he had been displaying recently and was worried that he was coming down with something.
With a sigh, he rested his head on his laced fingers and he looked passed his brother who sat just opposite of him; staring at something only he could see. That question was the opening for him to tell, tell everything that they needed to know at the moment. "If I told you that I was fine, it would be a lie." He voice was void of all emotion, just as he wanted it to be. "You're in danger. We all are." He didn't look at his mother when she asked him what he meant.
"Simple. If we stay here, we will either be killed or captured." He decided that he was sick of lying to one of the few who had earned his trust, the truth. "Think me crazy if you will, but I can tell you that it is the truth."
"Son, why are you saying these things? It isn't like you." Jiro was beginning to worry that his stepson was hanging with the wrong crowd. After all, everything he had heard about his two friends hadn't been good. Then there was the one little quiet fellow who seemed he was going to take everyone who spoke's head off. Interestingly enough, he'd never found any information on that one. It had been like he didn't even exist. The only reason why he hadn't spoke to his newly required son about his choice in friends, had been because of Shiori. But now, it seemed that he had been right in his assumption. "If your friends put you up to this, it isn't funny."
"Hush Jiro." There was something in Shuichi's behavior that wasn't right. Something was off. The person in front of her wasn't her son… or at least not completely her son. "Tell me… Shuichi. What do you mean?" As soon as she said that, it clicked in her head that it would probably be best if her other son were to head to his room. "Kokota, perhaps it would be best if you were to head up to your room now?"
"No." Kurama gave his mother a sideways glance. "No, he needs to hear what I have to say. I promise, that what I tell you won't be too graphic." Relief flowed through him as he watched his mother nod and Kokato return to his seat. "Now, to start my story… perhaps, it would be best if I start at the beginning; the very beginning." His eyes flickered to the clock, making sure that he had time. And he did, as long as too many questions weren't asked.
"My story begins over 1,000 thousand years ago, back when I was solely known as Youko Kurama." He kept a tight grip on his emotions as he watch disbelief cross his stepfather and stepbrother's faces. "I was a renowned thief, known for over coming every obstacle that stood in my way. Taunting my victims, playing mind games, stealing everything from gems to jewels to gold and even a few hearts. It was all a game to me then. To me, back then; hearts were meant to be crushed, jewels kept cherished, gems sold, and gold traded." He paused, allowing everything to sink in.
"Well, if you're so famous, why are you here?" Kokota asked. He thought that he older brother had finally gone off the deep end. Though he would have to admit, the story was entertaining.
"I was killed." His hair shadowed his eyes, as he spoke. "I made a miscalculation and paid for my mistake with my life as Youko Kurama." He paused, rethinking. "Or, to be more accurate, my body was killed. I, thinking myself the best, which to this day I do not believe that anyone has every topped me, would not allow my self, my reputation to end with such disgrace. So, being the clever fox that I am, I pushed my soul from my dieing carcass and watched as my body was eliminated. After that, my soul wandered aimlessly for who know how long and then I found you, mother… Shiori." He turned his now golden eyes on his human mother. He could see the amazement in her eyes as she watched his hair lighten and fade into silver.
"But this is not where my story ends. I had a plan once I found you and your fetus. I knew that your unborn child would not live through it second trimester, it had no soul of it own, so I made my self at home." He watched his mother carefully as he continue to speak, hoping that he would not upset her too much. "My plan was to live 15 years as a human and then…" He stopped and looked away; he couldn't bring himself to tell her.
"Go on, Shuichi." Shiori surprised her self by her calmness. Deep down, she knew what he was going to say, but she had to confirm it and when his golden eyes met hers, she knew.
"I was going to kill you. I was going to kill you and leave." Kurama swallowed hard as fought to keep his emotions under control. "But, after those 15 wonderful years, I put it off by making some type of excuse. And then, just shy of my 16th birthday you fell ill and were dieing. That was when I realized the reason why I didn't go through with my original plan." He chuckled a little without humor. "You were my mother. You were the first and only one to give me unconditional love, to protect me, to give me a home and a reason not to return to my former ways. Though, I sleep in a cold bed at night, my heart is no long frozen and I thank you for that."
"Tell me, how was it that I survived my illness?" For the longest time, she had been curious but had been afraid to ask. She hadn't wanted to ruin her precious gift of life by questioning it. Now, she felt it safe to ask.
Kurama's lips curved into a warm smile. "I and two other accomplices stole three different items. I stole what was called the 'Forlorn Hope'. It was a mirror that could grant the wisher a single wish of anything, but it came with a price. That price being, the life of the wisher himself and I was more than willing to give it. As I was making my wish, Yusuke found me and he too offered his life. The mirror, finding Yusuke generous and giving, gave me my wish with no price. This is how you were granted your second chance."
Silence reigned for several moments, before it was broke by both curiosity and randomness. "Are your ears real?"
Kokota's random and innocent question had Kurama choking on his laugher. After everything he had said and that was the only question that his brother could come up with. "Yes."
"Quiet, Kokota." Jiro finally spoke up. "Where does any of this involve us being in danger?" At this point, he had decided that he was dreaming or something, since it was defiantly not normal for any teen age boy to change into a fox-eared man right before his very eyes. And he doubted that hormones were responsible for this.
Kurama eyes narrow slightly; he could smell the doubt that surrounded his stepfather. "It began a little over a month ago." He reverted back to his usual form, the form that was called Shuichi. "It would seem that Yusuke's sister got mixed up with a demon known as Naraku and he's out to his filthy hands on anything, anybody that could give him… leverage over us." His voice was filled with disgusted. "And since I've been assisting Kagome, Naraku will come after you guys."
"How do you know this?"
"This, I know, Jiro, because I've been killing the demons around the house. Demon that were spying and waiting till you were in just the right spot." His green eyes narrowed and there was a look on his face that made him appear much older and wiser for a 19 year old should be. "I know because I have dealt with demons much like him and I use to be similar to him." Kurama's eyes rest solely now Jiro, as if daring him to contradict him. When he wasn't questioned any farther on the situation, he relaxed.
"I suggest that go pack a bag of clothing and things you can live without. I'm going to take you somewhere safe." Getting up from the table, he stopped short of the door. "Oh, and Kokota, don't bother bring your games, they wont be any use where we're going." He chuckled a bit as he heard his brother groan. "But I can guarantee that you'll enjoy yourself." Flashing them all a sly grin, he left them, or at least left their sight. He wasn't planning on leaving any of them alone till they were safe at within temple grounds.
After much questioning and some complaints, Kurama was ushering his family out the door. But when they started for the car, he stopped them. "No, there is no way to get to the temple by car. We must walk." With much groaning on his brother's part, he led them down several blocks to the park.
"Why are we at the park? We could have just driven here!" Kokota threw his duffle bag down, anger and tiredness flashing in his eyes.
"Yes, what are we doing at the park, if you don't mind me asking?" Jiro questioned with a hint of sarcasm that make Kurama bristle.
He ignored their question and walked deeper into the deserted park. Coming to an ancient oak, he looked into the dark leafs. "Sasuke? Benten? Are you guys here?"
"Who are you talking too?" Shiori had come to stand next to her eldest son, curious as to who or what he was talking to. She found this whole situation unbelievable, but at the same time realistic. "I don't see anything." Seconds passed, and soon she could hear the snapping of twigs. Before she had a chance to question the noise, a boy jumped from the tree landing silently in front of her and her son.
The boy, who Shiori presumed to be Sasuke, had his hair tied back in a ponytail, keeping it from his face. He wore an unusual skintight black outfit that navy blue on the shoulders, elbows, knees, and on the groin protector. A chain with a scythe type blade hung from his sash and on the other side was a small brown, leather bag and silver colored mask. However, out of young warriors' outfit, what held Shiori's attention was the scythe-chain weapon.
"It's called a chain blade." Sasuke answered the woman's questioning gaze, before turning his attention back to Kurama. "I had Benten wait. I didn't want her to scare everybody." He gestured towards the people behind Kurama.
"Wise." Kurama nodded. "But they will have to her sooner or later. It'd be best just to get it over with."
Nodding in agreement, Sasuke looked up, into the thick treetop. "You heard the fox, now come on down Benten." He was rewarded when a hug silver and sky blue cat jumped from the tree, landing beside him. He smirked, but said nothing as watched the three humans jump while the woman yelped. She surprised him, however, she was the first to regain her composure and step forward.
"Can I touch her?" Kurama merely nodded his head and ignored the warning being told by his stepfather.
"You'll find that she's very lovable, and still just a kitten." He explained to his mother as Benten leaned into Shiori's hand. "You and Kokota will be riding on her back. Susake, Jiro, and myself will walk behind you, carrying your bags. Once Benten drops you off at the temple, she'll come back for us. Understood?"
"Can she actually carry us?" Kokota asked.
"Of course. She wouldn't be here if she couldn't." Susake answered. "Now, just get on. It's getting late and I have to train in the morning, so I'd like to get some sleep to night!"
So that's what they did. Riding doubt, it took a little under two hours for all of them to reach the temple. Kurama showed his parents to the room they'd be stay in and Sasuke show Kokota where the kids where bunking at.
Naraku's Palace, Dungeon
His footsteps echoed through the narrow, stone corridor that would take him to the dungeon. The dungeon that held only two survivors of the captives that Naraku had brought in nearly a month ago. He had yet to be acquainted with them, but he knew that couldn't allow anymore of them to die.
Stepping into the dungeon, he moved to stand in front of the only occupied cell. His anger swelled as he saw the deceased still hung from the wall chains, their decaying flesh buzzing with flies. Also, he took note that the ones who had survived so far, the young boy and the ice maiden, where huddling in the furthest corn away from both the door and the bodies, their thick collars and chains making hard to move.
"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you." Kneeing so that he was at their level, he gripped the iron bars that separated them. He dared not to open the door in fear of Naraku hearing. "I promise." He reassured when he saw them flinch away. "Listen, I hear to help. Please, I need you to believe me. I don't want to see you hurt!"
"Why come now! After my mom and grandpa are dead!"
"Quiet!" I visibly winced as the boy's voice echoed through the stale air. Several minutes passed before he decided to speak again. "I'm sorry about your family. I truly am, but there's nothing I can do for them now." Taking a quick glance at the entry. Reaching in to his pouch, he pulled out two small, lime green balls. "If you eat these, it'll help you regain your strength as well as easy the pain your wounds are causing." Reaching his hand through the bars, he waited patiently for one of the two take his gift.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Kohaku and I one of the last demon exterminators in the world." He gave a small sad smile, to the ice maiden. "My sister, Sango trained a priestess by the name of Kagome in the way of the exterminators, making a total of three of use."
"That's my sister."
"Yeah, I know. Also so know that I don't deserve to know your names. So I will not ask you, but what I will ask is that you trust me." He paused for a moment, debating. "I understand if you don't trust me, but that won't stop me from doing everything in my power to get you out of this place. It would be easier on all of us if you would trust me."
He watched as the boy's shaking hand hesitantly reached out to take the medicine from his hand. "Listen, I have to go but I'll be back soon as I can." He left, turning his hardest to forget the looks of hopelessness and defeat that he saw on both of their faces.
Else where in the palace, with Naraku
"Kanna, show me my Jewel." Naraku's blood colored eyes watched as the mirror began to mist over before becoming clear once more. Only, instead of reflecting his image, it showed Kagome, sleeping peacefully.
He became silent for a moment; his eyes gleamed dangerously in the low light of the candles. "Show me Hiei." Patiently, he waited for the image to change to show the fire Koomire, not even 10 feet from his priestess.
He became intrigued when saw Hiei drop into a fighting stance and his eyes began roaming over the room, as if trying to pinpoint something that wasn't even there. "It looks like my little pet hasn't forgotten about me, yet." Chuckling darkly, he placed his hand on the mirror's surface. "Let us see how much damage my Jewel has done to my control over you." His hand began to glow.
"Kagura." He didn't need to wait long before the wind witch showed herself. "Send Kohaku."
"Yes, Naraku." He merely chuckled at the hatred in those words.
Author's Note: Finally! Sorry if it was boring, but it'll get better soon! Please Review!