Title: Harry Potter and the Love of a Lifetime

Author: bloodyromance647

Rating: T

Genre: Romance

Ship: HP/CD

Summary: Alternate ending to GoF. Harry saves Cedric from the Killing Curse. How will this affect their lives? Books retold with Cedric inserted in them, so canon events may be tweaked. This story is AU.

Disclaimer: I own only the plot, the rest belongs to the lovely J.K. Rowling.

A/N: This is my first fic so no flames please, but constructive criticism accepted and appreciated. I'm not sure how many chapters this will have but I'll try my best to do at least 5.



"Kill the spare!" Voldemort hissed.

Wormtail obeyed, crying out, "Avada—"

"Expelliarmus!" interrupted Harry, effectively deflecting the Killing Curse and saving his newfound friend from death.

After a few more unsuccessful tries at the Killing Curse, all which were deflected by Harry, Wormatil whined, "But Master, the boy is too fast!"

Voldemort hissed angrily, first berating Wormatil and then hastily barking out instructions.

While all of that was going on, Harry whispered to Cedric, "Take the cup and go! It's me he wants. I don't want anything to happen to you." He didn't even give Cedric the time to answer, just grabbed his hand and forced it on the Triwizard Cup, pulling his own hand away just in time before he was transported as well.


Cedric woke with a start, remembering that day with unusual clarity although it was five years ago. Cedric remembered his initial shock at being transported by portkey to the graveyard and regretted just standing there like a scared puppy while Harry had enough sense to save him from the curse that would have ended his life.

He remembered being portkeyed back to Hogwarts and running to find Professor Dumbledore. He felt like a fool, stuttering so bad that the Headmaster could barely understand him. Before Cedric could get the whole story out, Dumbledore had called a team of Aurors to the school and they all used the cup to portkey to the site. By the time Dumbledore and the others got there, Voldemort had already been resurrected and was currently caught up in the tangled web of light with Harry. At the sight of Dumbledore, Voldemort fled.

He remembered being reduced to a quivering mess, hoping against hope that Harry survives his (as far as he knew) second encounter with the Dark Lord. He didn't even get to see him yet due to injuries and also the Barty Crouch Jr. ordeal.

When he finally saw Harry again, it was an experience he would never forget.


A/N: Short, I know, but it's a prologue so that's why it's short! Expect the other chapters to be way longer, I hate reading short chapters so I'm not going to write them. What did you think? Review please!