MD: heya! I am back with chapter eight and thank you all reviewers:

pritt : thanks for reviewing but I really can't help it if you didn't like the ray cat thing. Different people have different interests...

sky d





And I also want to thank the silent readers, okay, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: don't own beyblade

Chaos Central




"Okay chief, it's settled we all meet up at China and when is Max coming?"

"I think he told that he'll be coming next week but after hearing you he'll definitely change his mind."

In China-

"Huh? What you telling Ray? Wait, I've got an idea! I'll give you a pen and paper you can write what you want to say."

'Smooth Tyson, like cats can write' thought Ray momentarily forgetting about his anger (partly 'cause he got tired of scratching)

And our foolish one left to have some food entirely forgetting the fact that he had turned the heater of his bathroom on. (The room where Ray the cat was locked up)

And even a little kid could guess that further chaos was about to follow…


At China-

"No short one, I have found no cure for this" told the guard of the springs. Kenny had thought that it was wise to visit the cursed springs first and after Tyson in another one of their phone calls had rambled directions which even he couldn't understand ( he said near the huge brown mountain and under the blue sky and had a lot of bamboos in between) lets just say Tyson was no help there. So Kenny just typed the location in his home made GPRS and voila! He had made it there and with no thanks to Tyson.

"But please sir, "said Kenny completely ignoring the title that the guard had managed to give, "There must be something you could think of"

"No short one, there is nothing I can do for you. I only guard this place why would I even care about a cure?"

Kenny sweat dropped at this. He managed to get permission from the guard to take some of the water in his handy test tube and do some tests on it. With a gloved hand, he scooped water from the very spring that Ray fell into (after the guard told him the exact spring where Ray had fallen into) and smiled a rare smile. For this was a smile he gave when he knew that everything was gonna be alright. So you can very well imagine why it's rare (read chaos if you didn't understand)

In Japan-

Hilary paced back and forth. She checked on EVERY plane and NONE were available. Even detour planes were booked. Now just how could she get there? And to make matters even worse, our very own Hiwatari's private jet was currently under use by the team's super genius (Chief Kenny). Kai just sighed at her pacing. He was standing against the wall and had been observing the brunette for the past half an hour. Ever since the whole mock girlfriend thing, Hilary had been bickering about it non- stop and lately, there was no bickering at all thanks to the chaos at China. Hilary at least used to give him some amount of attention before but now she was only worried about Ray and Tyson. It did make him a little bit jealous and he half wished he could just see Nina again, so that Hilary would at least remember the whole mock girlfriend thing and start bickering again but so far, no such luck (and to anyone else, he might just come across as some arrogant sadist…)

"What are you staring at?" asked a bewildered brunette. She was pacing back and forth and slowly looked towards the two toned blader who was staring intently at her and it made her feel a bit uncomfortable( she also felt a blush invading her cheeks and so she quickly turned away so that Kai wouldn't see it)

Kai raised an eyebrow at her antics and could only say, "What?"


"What?" he again repeated.

She regained her composure and again asked, "What were you staring at?"

Kai said nothing and only smirked.

Hilary inwardly groaned. 'Not this again! Just why does he have to be so difficult and why can't I talk normally to him?'

"You" and he walked away smirking even more as he looked back and saw a dazed brunette. 'Taking her time to sink in what I said, I see'

And the said brunette took a while to register what he had said and when she had, Kai had already gone into his room and shut his door(more like slammed it to add to the drama)

"Hiwatari, you pervert!" she screamed as she threw a random lamp at the door of Kai's room and yes, it did break into pieces and need I say, she was blushing like a tomato the whole time she did that…

At China-

Ray the cat quickly searches the room while Tyson was gone and goes in the bathroom first. To his delight, the water heater was still on and with his fantastic cat skills, manages to open the hot water tap (with his two paws whilst standing on the other two on the corners of the bathtub)

'Wow! It feels good to be back again' happily thought our now human Ray.

Tyson was wolfing down on his hamburgers (which seemed to be his current favorite) and when he finally finished, remembered that Ray hadn't eaten the whole day either. He mentally slapped himself and went to a nearby pet store and bought some cat food. He whistled a merry tune as he walked down the corridors of the hotel and eventually unlocked his room door. The first thing he saw after he opened his door was a clean bed on which no cat sat (for that was where Tyson had left Ray). He frantically searched the room. 'Please, please if Ray gets lost, Hilary will kill me' as he remembered the death threat Hilary had given at the last call. " Tyson, if you screw up some more by the time I get there, I swear, you'll go to places where only people in the horror movies go or worse, I'll skin you alive!" her voice was still clearly ringing in his head. Knowing Hilary, she'd just do what she had said. Tyson gulped audibly and frantically searched again. And the airhead had completely ignored the very person he was looking for; he was sitting in the room.

Ray was now sitting on a couch in the room and only looked up when he saw that the door clicked open. He chose to keep quite and was also smirking as he could clearly see that Tyson was searching for his cat form. Tyson in the meantime searched under the very couch Ray sat on and looked up (and sighing exasperatedly at the same time). His eyes widened when his maroon eyes, looked into yellow ones and he instinctively recoiled in fear. But Ray didn't do anything; he just watched Tyson and was actually enjoying the fact that the egoistic Tyson was afraid of him. Tyson in the mean time chose not to speak and began walking back and forth, back and forth until he felt a tap on his shoulders. He turned around and was instantly tackled down to the ground by none other than Ray (surprise, surprise!). Ray was about to punch him when the room door opened wide. Apparently, Tyson had forgotten to lock the door from inside when he had entered the room just a while ago. Both the bladers looked up curiously to see who it was and Ray's eyes widened at the entry. 'O blow! Here's another idiot to deal with!'

And sure enough, the redhead's jaws were wide open. To him it looked like the two bladers were about to make out.

"Gee Tyson, Ray" quipped Daichi, "You both should have told me you were gay!"

"Hey that rhymed!" Tyson pointed out to which he received a thump on his back by our raven haired blader. "He's talking about us being gay you idiot!" said Ray.

"O about that, look Daichi, it's not what it looks like"

"Sure, Tyson I believe you! Tyson and Ray sitting on a tree…"

And Tyson tackled Daichi to the ground punching him in the process and also stopping the insensitive song that Daichi was singing. After a few minutes of fighting and calling truce, Tyson and Daichi sat up and Tyson quietly explained the turn of events that made him and Ray in a very um 'compromising' position. Daichi could only laugh at it.

"So, Ray, is it true that Tyson's turned you into a cat?"

"That's very true, Daichi" he said whilst glaring at Tyson. Tyson only squirmed at the glare.

"Okay, wait a sec while I go somewhere" and Daichi just dashed off toward the bathroom. Tyson looked at Ray and Ray just shrugged in response. He mouthed 'nature's call' and Tyson grinned and nodded in agreement.

Daichi comes back from the bathroom holding two buckets of water. Tyson and Ray shot him a bewildered look. Daichi first pours cold water on Ray, and sees that Ray's turned into a cat and again pours hot water on him to find Ray turn back into human form.

"This is so cool, Ray! You look better as a cat" and without giving Ray a chance to speak, he again pours cold water on the raven haired blader and claps his hand in glee when he sees the cute cat and abruptly, pours hot water on Ray again, to find Ray in human form again. Tyson tried hard not to laugh at the scene before him. 'Daichi's so dead' thought Tyson.

Ray in the meantime is naturally pissed off but he was too bored of getting angry and so just shakes his head at Daichi's insensitivity and heads out towards the nearest restaurant to have something to eat.

"Ray, no fair! How come Daichi doesn't get any hitting or even a scolding while I got scratched at for a day?"

Ray heard Tyson and chose to ignore him as he still headed towards his destination.

Our Ray was finally back…

At Japan-

After Kai went in his room, Hilary was still rooted to the spot and her mind was running in circles. 'Okay, Hilary, calm down. Just because Kai flirted with you, it just doesn't mean that he's interested in you, right?' she sighed as she looked around her but still her thoughts were on a certain two toned blader. 'O great, now I'm worrying over whether he likes me or not. Although, I do hope he likes me a teeny bit…'

In the meantime, Kai came out of his room and looked at Hilary. Hilary was too lost in her own thoughts to even acknowledge him (she didn't even know that he was there!)

'What is she thinking about?' thought our stoic captain as he walked towards the stereo and blasted it at full volume. He thought that could break her out of her own reverie, but no such luck. Kai sighed and walked out of the dojo when he heard a voice call out to him. "Kai! why's the stereo on full volume?" (Perhaps Kai should have been thankful that the neighbors were out on vacation or he would have definitely ended in trouble for the loud stereo.) 'So now she notices..' thought the very guy in question as he back towards the dojo.

At China-

Max Tate grinned to himself as he reached China airport. He was finally there but with no Mariam. Apparently, Joseph wanted to meet his sister as he was facing some sort of a crisis. Max deduced that it had to be something related to the saint shields but never asked Mariam about it. His team was in too much of crisis as it is and it would only add to their woes if he butted in the saint shields business. Maraim kissed him goodbye and headed off to Japan immediately after she was called. And the couple split at America, the blonde headed toward China and the bluenette headed toward Japan.

Max quickly took out a paper in which the address to the hotel where Tyson and Ray were curently staying at was written. He called a cab and headed towards his destination.

MD: that completes chapter 8 of chaos central and this also means that chaos part of the story is complete and in the next few chapters, the chaos created will be solved. Woot! So stay tuned for the next chapter and o, review and tell me whether you liked this chapter or not and flames are always welcome.

C ya'll later!