AN: I don't own Vampire Knight

Walking through the school grounds at night could be very dangerous but Zero Kiryu wasn't afraid. He fingered the "Bloody Rose" and get moving, checking for vampires with each step. Suddenly, he was swarmed by them, glaring as he reached for his gun, "Oh, no, we can't have that." One of the vampires, pure-blooded probably given the use of a power to take his gun from him, said. Two more vampires grabbed his arms, holding him in place.

"What do you things want?" The cluster separated as Hanabusa Aido stepped forward.

"They don't want anything, but I do." He took at step forward and lifted the other boy's chin, smirking and running slender fingers along his neck, "Have you figured it out yet?"

Zero looked at him, "You bastard."

"Maybe I am." Hanabusa trailed his fingers down along Zero's chest and paused at the first button, slowly taking his time to undo it. Zero was busy suppressing the urge to squirm or give any form of reaction to Hanabusa's assault. Slowly Hanabusa had unbuttoned Zero's shirt and raising his head, he pulled Zero into a harsh, almost bruising kiss. Zero was never one to take things lying down, so he turned it into a battle for dominance as Hanabusa slid his hands along Zero's chest, scratching when the mood took him. Zero gave up on stifling the gasps and moans as Hanabusa slowly pressed his lips to his neck and throat.

"A-Aido" Zero gasped as the vampire teen ran his tongue along the boy's slender neck. When Hanabusa looked back up, Zero grabbed him by the collar of his shirt pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss, almost waiting as Hanabusa deepened it and slid his tongue out to meet Zero's. Once again it became a battle for dominance, when Hanabusa suddenly pulled away with a smirk.

"Nice moves, Kiryu, we'll have to do this again sometime." And with that the vampire walked off and Zero realized that the other vampires had long since left.

"You bastard." Zero hissed venomously.