It was a lovely evening, though the skies were low, and dark.
The sun was setting, and a thin, blonde boy was running on his way home.
to a dark, cold apartment.
Colder and darker than the grey road here was.
Because he knew, that there was no love, no feelings, no one at home, so why hurry?
He stopped up and looked to his right. On the edge of the bridge, was a dark silhouette of a person, sitting all alone.
The person looked back, and looked at Naruto.
Naruto whispered to himself.
When Naruto returned his look, Sasuke looked almost surprised, but looked away, and Naruto continued on his way home.
There was a touch of sadness in his eyes now.
When he reached the kinder garden, he heard steps behind him.
First slow, patient steps, but soon he could hear they were running.
He continued to walk, until…
A stone came flying, and hit him in the head,
thrown by a boy sitting in a tree not far from him.
He heard the boy scream
"Go away!! Bakemono!!",
as he fell, and another stone was thrown at him.
Soon followed by another.
'Not again'
Naruto thought, and closed his eyes, as he hit the cold, hard ground.
'not again. Why me?!!'
A single tear escaped his eyes, which were shut firmly.
When the children discovered, that he wasn't moving, they finally stopped throwing things at him or kicking him.
"Hey, hey! He isn't moving anymore!"
"Damn, he's unconscious!"
"SHIT! Keitzu why did you aim for his head?!!"
"I didn't! fuck we are in serious trouble!! Let's get out of here!!"
"Run, or well get in trouble if the grown-ups find out!"
The boys all ran away, leaving Naruto on the ground,
bleeding hard from the wound he got on his forehead.
Luckily, he took his headband off when he left the school.
He would never be able to forgive himself if he had scratched it.
A drop hit his cheek, and melted together with the tears escaping from his eyes,
and the blood, from where the stone hit him..
Soon he was soaked though, but he was still just laying there, he wasn't unconscious.
He was just lying there..
'Why? … why again?'
' Why only me?!'
He thought, while it continued to rain.
He didn't care if it rained.
Another tear fell from his eye.
He didn't understand why no one would ever be his friend, or even try.
Two more tears.
No one ever asked him how he was feeling, why he was sad, or anything.
They talked about him behind him, pushed him away when he asked if he could play with them, and they were always moving away from him in school.
He heard himself whisper, as another tear ran down his cheek..
"enough… "
"I don't… "
"I can't take this anymore"
He trembled.
He was sick and tired of always hiding his emotions behind a smile.
Tired of ignoring the whispering behind his back, even though he was perfectly aware of it..
The whole village, old people, adults, children, even infants seemed to be afraid of him or hate him. He was just tired of the whole world. He just wanted to stop running from it..
Just lay here.
He closed his eyes, and finally the unconsciousness took over his mind.
An; Heh, Im just resubmitting the chapters cuz i just figured out that when i submitted it, half of the signs and some of the text was missing Oo so, even if you may have read this chapter before, please read it again, because I think its a little easier to understand now.. Well, and plz review 33