My Best Friend's Wedding



The décor was lavish—each flower holding a radiant beauty, each tablecloth silky and pure, and every guest chatting amiably amongst others, smiles resting upon their lips. The food was laid out in separate dishes, steam emitting from the silver contraptions, a light flame burning beneath it to heat the appetizers.

One girl however, was inside her head—trying to sort out the plethora of emotions swarming her thoughts. Part of her was happy, overjoyed to say the least. And the other part—well, it wasn't as pleasant.

She sighed, plucking a flower from the bed of roses ignoring the surge of jealousy chorus through her veins as the bride and groom entered the room. He looked stunning—his white hair flowing like a majestic ocean and his eyes—oh, his eyes. They were the first thing she noticed when they first met—the unusual mixture of honeysuckle and sunlight.

He looked at her, the ghost of a smile resting upon his lips, and her heart melted then and there.

Mostly his demeanor wasn't always pleasant but whatever made him happy, made her happy, despite the urge to ring his wife's neck. She was beautiful, waist long velvet hair and woodland orbs.

At first, many people had said that they could pass off as twins but she denied it, quipping they looked nothing alike. The groom had agreed with her, but only in private, confiding in her that she was much more beautiful than his wife.

She scoffed. Like he actually meant that. He was just trying to loosen me up. It was true; she had been extremely tense for the past few days.

Perhaps it was the enormous amount of envy she held.

But how else are you supposed to feel at your best friend's wedding?






"You're much too young to watch that my dear," a silky voice boomed, the slight hint of amusement in his tone.

"But Mr. Taisho!" the ten year old girl whined, banging her fists against the ground beneath her in protest. "I wanna watch it! It won't scare me! I promise!" she said eagerly, her eyes widening in excitement as he tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Well," he drew out, seeing her eyes light up even more. "I don't know…"

"I—I'll clean the garage!"

The man chuckled. "I highly doubt your parents would agree to physical labor. Nope, I've made up my mind—you are not to watch it," he said, smiling softly at her while taking the tape from her hands.

The girl made a small noise of disappointment and sat back against the couch. "When will Sesshy be home," she whined, pouting.

The older man boomed with laughter. "I don't know how you get away with calling my son that Kagome but he'll be home in a little while ok?"

She sighed. "OK…"






"I forbid you to see that boy again!" her mother yelled. "What were you thinking Kagome? A cigarette? Surely Sesshomaru put you up to this!"

"Mom! You're being—"

"I knew that boy was no good! I knew it!" The hysterical musings reached the fourteen-year-old girl's ears but she paid no heed. Her mother was completely overreacting. And though, no matter how many times she tried to tell her mother that it was indeed Sesshomaru's brother Inuyasha who had given her the cigarette she wouldn't listen.

"Mother!" Kagome pleaded. "It wasn't Sesshomaru! And I've never even tried one! Inuyasha gave it to me," she explained.

Kaori's face flushed in anger. "So it makes it better that his brother gave it to you? I'm calling the Taisho's this instant! You are never to step foot near those boys again!"

"You're completely overreacting!"

Kagome instantly covered her mouth. She'd never yelled at her mother before but she was just pushing her too far.

"That's it young lady, march to your room this instant!"

Kagome glared at her and stomped up the stairs, slamming the door behind her.






"Are you sure you're allowed to be over here Kagome?" Mr. Taisho asked as he let the girl in. Kagome sighed.

"I don't wanna lie to you papa so no."

"Kagome," he warned in a fatherly tone. "Where does your mother think you are?"

Kagome shrugged sheepishly. "Sango's?" she said unsurely.

Mr. Taisho sighed and shook his head. "I'm pretending I never heard any of that and you were never over here," he mumbled, walking to the kitchen.

Kagome's face instantly lit up and she hugged him from behind before running up the stairs to her best friend's room. "Sesshy!" she squealed, jumping on the bed, landing on him.

He made a slight noise of surprise and sat up. "Has your mother changed her mind?" he asked. Kagome shook her head.

"No, I'm still not allowed to see you but I don't care," she said with a smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. He inwardly rolled his eyes as she pulled back. Kagome was used to him not hugging her back by now, though she missed the warmth from when she was younger.

She sighed and laid her head on his lap.

"So what do you wanna do this weekend?"






"I now present to you, the class of 2006!" Cheers and applause sounded throughout the building, some parents crying while other smiled fondly at their children, proud that they were the ones to graduate.

"Kagome dear, I'm so proud of you!" Kaori said with a smile, rushing up to her daughter. Kagome smiled a watery smile and hugged her mother. "You did so well."

Kagome laughed. "Mama, all I did was take a diploma…"

"Oh, but you did it so well!" Kaori said, pulling her daughter back for another hug. Kagome rolled her eyes.

"Kagome." She knew that voice; the same silky, deep, baritone voice that comforted her and guided her through their high school years together. She smiled as she turned around.

"Sesshomaru!" She launched herself into his arms, feeling as if she was fourteen again when he did not return the hug, merely looked down upon her fondly. She giggled and pulled back, a few girls around her sighing in envy as they witnessed the whole scene. No one but Kagome, they had come to learn, could get away with touching Sesshomaru in such a way.

Kaori smiled at the boy who was like her second son despite the detours along the way in his and Kagome's high school years. "Hello Sesshomaru. You did wonderful on your speech."

Sesshomaru gave a curt nod. "Thank you ma'am."

Kagome looked up at him, his figure easily topping her by a good nine inches. "So is there something you want to tell me," she asked.

He nodded. She knew him too well. Though he did not show much—if any—emotion Kagome was still able to see right through his apathetic mask, straight to his heart.

"Come," he said. Kaori had long disappeared, knowing what he had been waiting to talk to her daughter about and figured she should leave them alone and go and chat with the Taishos.

Kagome followed him, a befuddled glance resting upon her face. He led her to the gardens outside and Kagome smiled. It had always been her favorite place to get away.

"Kagome," he started, looking into her eyes. "I was accepted to Harvard."

Kagome jumped for joy. "Oh, that's wonderful Sesshomaru!" she said proudly, hugging him once more—but this time—he hugged back. She was getting more and more confused by the minute.

"Sesshy," she said, pulling back slightly so she could look at him. "What's wrong?" His arms were still wrapped around her.

"This means we will be separated."

"Oh," was the only thing that came from Kagome's lips. "Alright well, at least you'll be able to live out your dream."

Sesshomaru inwardly sighed. Kagome had always been too kind, thinking of others before herself. She grabbed his hand, leading him back into the hall.

"When do you leave?"

"My plane leaves in an hour," he answered.

Kagome stopped in her tracks. "Oh…so I guess this is goodbye…?" she asked softly, ignoring the tears threatening to spill.

"I suppose."

"I'll miss you," she said with a smile.

He nodded. "I will be seeing you Kagome."

And just like that—he left.

Just like that—her best friend of eight years was separating himself from her.

Just like that—

He was gone.






Three years later…

"Kagome!" a female voice yelled from outside the door, muffled from the wood. Kagome looked up from her morning breakfast and rushed over to the door. One of her best friends was standing in front of her, a pink and white box in her hands as she balanced two coffees in the other. Kagome shook her head in amusement.

"When are you ever going to learn?" she asked with a giggle.

Sango glared. "Oh shush, I brought you your favorite food—be thankful."

Kagome shrugged her shoulders and snatched the box of donuts from her friend after letting her in. She set them on the table and eyed her current breakfast wearily.

"Ew Kagome," Sango said, taking a glazed donut for herself. "You're eating that healthy shit?"

Kagome patted her tummy. "Gotta loose some of this weight."

Sango rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Oh please, that's all skin and bones right there Kags. Do you not see yourself in your reflection or what? Here," she muttered tossing her a chocolate covered donut with sprinkles.

Kagome took a bite and smiled, savoring the taste in her mouth. "Where's Miroku? He's usually always with you," she observed, noticing the atmosphere was quiet clam for a Friday morning.

"Eh, the lecher had classes so I guess its just you and me," Sango said, grabbing a glass from the cabinet. "I was thinking we could see a movie?"

"Oh sure," Kagome answered. She slipped on her sandals before opening the door, half a donut in her mouth. "I'll be right back! I need to go get the mail."

"Yeah, yeah."

Kagome closed the door behind her before taking a deep breath. Sometimes that apartment was just plain suffocating no matter how much she loved it. The fresh air was wonderful. The day was so calm and serene—its beauty was almost surreal.

She walked to the clump of tin that rested off to the side of the apartment complexes and looked for her number. She found it and opened it with the key. Grabbing her mail, she quickly shuffled through it and stopped once she got to a single letter.

She squealed when she saw whom it was from and quickly shut her box, locked it, and ran back up to her apartment.

"What's up?" Sango asked, seeing Kagome walk into the kitchen with the biggest grin.

"I got a letter," she practically sang.

"Ah," Sango said knowingly. "The great Sesshomaru writes again."

Kagome smacked her friend lightly on the arm before tearing it open. She couldn't remember the last time she had gotten a letter from her best friend. Her face instantly fell once she saw what it was. Her heart was crushed to a million pieces and her world seemed to be falling apart right before her eyes.

"Oh no," she heard Sango whisper. "What is it?"

Kagome shakily handed over the letter. "His—his wedding invitation…"



A/N: Don't worry it is Sessh/Kag, just a bit of detour oh and all the parts after the wedding part are flashbacks, just in case you didn't get that--anyways, review