Curse of Uchiha Manor

Fan Author: Ashurii no neko-chan

Summary: A century ago, the town of Konoha suffered one of its greatest tragedies and unsolved mysteries. In one night, the residences of the Uchiha Manor were murdered. No suspects. No murder weapons. No blood splatter. No survivors…with the exception of the rumored Uchiha sons. Placed on the entrance… a sealed talisman by the town shrine's priestess. Legend is told that whoever breaks the seal will not only become entwined with the sons' fate but also will unleash an evil of great and untold power… Too bad no one told Naruto and Yume. Yaoi SasuNaru ItaOC and other pairings Vampirefic Rated: M College Years

And we're back. Sorry I was so late with update. I started College and if any of you are in it now, you know how it is. -; Anyway…Welcome to the new installment of Uchiha Manor. And boy do I have things in stored for you readers and… -Hears Crying- Uhhh… guys?

Naruto and Yume: -Crying- YOU KILLED US OFF!

Sakura: Why was I portrayed as some whiny easily scared wrench?

Sasuke: AND why haven't I been seen yet…

Itachi: -chuckles- No one really cares about you little brother. You're not really that important a character.

Sasuke: -glares, turns to Itachi- Shut up Ass Weasel!

Itachi: -stands up- make me Emo Ice Princess…

Sasuke: -twitches- What?

Itachi: -smirks- You heard me… princess

Yume: -weeping- I had so much to live for… I can't be dead!

Naruto: -crying- I never got to taste all the ramen in the world…

Sakura: I mean seriously I'm not a bitch. So stop making me looking like one…

Uhhh guys… -headache growing-

Sasuke: Princess? –Shouting- Give one good reason why I shouldn't kick your ass right now?

Itachi: -pretends to think- Hmmm… because… you… can't?


Sakura: I mean can't I be portrayed a good character that everyone likes? Is that too hard to ask? And what's up with me being with Rock Lee. You couldn't find a hotter guy for me or made one? You made Yume…

Naruto: …I never got to see New York. I never went to conventions like NYAF, Anime Central or ComicCon.

Yume: -still crying- I die technically a virgin…

-Straining to speak- Guys…

Sasuke: You wanna prove that?

That's it… -Screams over the noise- SHUT THE HELL UP!

-Quiets down, looking at Ashurii-

Ayame: Thank you… -puts away mallet-

Uhhh…Ayame? –points to mallet- What were you going to do with that?

Ayame: -sweetly- silence them… for good.

-sweatdrop- Okay, I won't even ask any further. – Turns to cast- to answer all questions…

-Takes out a notepad- Yume and Naruto, you'll have to see what happens.

Yume: -sighing- That can mean something good.

Naruto: -crying with joy- So I live… Sweet

-flips page- Sakura, you're portrayed like that… because it's fun. You're still a good person.

Sakura: come on!

You're with Rock Lee because he's the only guy I can see you with and he's the only one to stomach you, you know besides Naruto.

Sakura: but-

It's either that or being dead or a lesbian –still haven't told her of later plans-

Sakura: -gives up- okay then.

Now to you two. You guys are coming in now. In fact – flips through notepad at outline- Sasuke, you're the first vampire we meet. Sorry Itachi…

Sasuke: Hah, told ya I matter.

Ayame: Not really… you just happen to be there.

Sasuke: what's that mean?

Ayame: -sweetly- nothing…

-vein throb- Are we finished yet?

Sakura: -tearing up- Yes…

Yume: -hugging Itachi- yes mommy

Itachi: …

Naruto: -in Sasuke's lap - You matter to me Sasuke-teme

Sasuke: Hn…

Okay then, let's began the chapter...

Ayame: And remember: Naruto and company and me are not own by Ashurii and Yume, Yumi and any other new character are owned by her. And idiots remember; this is a yaoi story with usage of various OCs. So all homophobes and OC haters don't read or don't flame. All flames will be used to heat Ashurii's dorm and to cook ramen… -takes out bigger mallet- You have been warned…

Awww…-cuddles Ayame- ain't she something? So adorable. Devilina would be proud.

Naruto, Sasuke, Yume, Itachi, and Sakura: -unison- She's something alright… -under breath-something evil…

Ashurii and Ayame: -glare- what was that?

Naruto, Sasuke, Yume, Itachi, and Sakura: -unison- Nothing… TT_TT

Thought so… now to the story…

"Blah"- talking

Blah- thinking

"Blah" –flashback/or in mind

"Blah" -Kyuubi

"Blah" -Aku

Chapter 4: Decade-old Reunion pt. I

"Naruto! Naruto! Can you hear me?" Sai yelled kneeling over and into the black abyss. He had been doing so for the past few minutes.

"Naruto! Yume, answer me!"

"They can't hear you." Gaara said causally. "We're way too far up from them I'm guessing."

Sai looked at Gaara, pissed and angry. He walked over to him, grabbing Gaara's shirt collar.

"How can you stand here and act so god damn calm?" He yelled at Gaara. Some of the others tried to get him to let go and calm down, but they were deaf to him. "They're our best friends and you're acting like you don't give a damn that they're not here, you heartless bastard!"

Gaara switch positions, pinning Sai to the ground. Neji, Temari, Kankuro and the others looked in fear. It wasn't every often that Gaara showed any physical signs of someone getting to him. And then again, it wasn't often Sai got like this neither.

"First off," he said still in a calm but low, tensed voice, brushing his hair as spoke. "Don't ever call me a heartless bastard. Got it?"

Sai nodded his head.

"And secondly… I am worried about them. More than you know. But I'm not going to act hysteric and try to jump head first into something and get myself killed. Now relax and think logically before you get yourself or someone else killed."

Sai turned his head, not wanting to admit that Gaara was right. That as an affirmative response; Gaara unpinned him and walked to a corner.

"Now that that's over with." Sakura said to break the silence. "How are we going to find Naruto and Yume?"

"We'll on the- what- sixth, fifth floor right?" asked Hinata. "Maybe they fell onto one of the other floors."

"Yea," Ino looked in the hole in the middle of the room. Even she could tell it was a longs way down. "But who could survive a fall that? Any other person would have died on impact."

"Yea that's true." Shikamaru yawned. "But let's not forget, Naruto and Yume aren't like any other people."

"Good point," Tenten agreed. "Those two seem to survive anything and everything."

"SO how are we going to find them then?" asked Temari.

"Aren't we on the sixth floor?" asked Sakura. "So… if they fell, shouldn't there be holes where they fell through on the other floors?"

"Of course!" exclaimed Lee, "That can tell us where they are now."

"I doubt it." Sai said, returning to his regular tone of speaking, interrupting the hopeful mood. "I don't even think we will find them like that."

The girls, and by girls meaning every other girl but Hinata, stormed towards Sai, shouting at him all at once.

"Well why not?" yelled Sakura.

"What do you mean it won't work?" shouted Ino.

"Weren't you just the one saying we need to get them back?" inquired Tenten.

"Give me one good reason why it won't work?" Temari sneered, her hands at her sides.

Sai just chuckled, putting on his trademark fake smile. "None of you have noticed? I'm should Shikamaru, Gaara, and Neji have? I mean even Hinata is noticing."

"Noticing what?" Sakura yelled. "How about instead of talking fill us in!"

Sai laughed again. "This house is very old. Right?"

"What's your point?" inquired Ino.

"So answer me this then?" Sai inquired back. "Why is it that we can stand on the highest and weakest point of house and not fall through it while Naruto and Yume did?

"But there's no proof of that?" said Tenten.

"Well Chouji is still here."

"WHAT THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?" yelled Chouji, pointing at Sai, vein throbbing at his side.

"It means that if this floor can hold your weight in this weak state, why not those two?"


"Ye-" Sai's mouth was clamped over by Ino's hand.

"No, no, no! Of course not dear! He's trying to say you're buff." Ino covered up. "I mean you're buffed up since you started going to the gym. The wood shouldn't withstand your muscular body mass."

Ino laughed nervously as inside she was saying: "Please go with it! Please go with it! Please go with it! Please go with it! Please go with it! Please go with it! PLEASE GO WITH IT!"

Chouji smirked, scratching the back of his head. "Well I have been working out lately."

"Yes." Hinata said cheerfully. "And it shows right guys? Right guys?"

"Ohh yes…" Everyone agreed. Nothing was worse than a pissed off Chouji.

"Okay, how about this example?" Sai called out.

He stepped over to the hole that sucked in their friends. Going around the edge, he started jumping on what should be the weakest section near it. The others watched, cringing, worried that he would fall in afterwards.

But it never happened. He jumped two more times before stopping. "See? I jumped with all my force and weight and it didn't collapse from under me."

"But that doesn't prove anything." Sakura said, folding her arms.

"Then watch this."

Sai walked over to a table, picking up a heavy-looking metallic pyramid paper weight. He extended it out and dropped it. The pyramid still stayed in place on the ground.

"Uh... Sai…" Tenten started to say. "I don't get the point of -"

As she spoke, the wood under the object began splitting before it fully crack, sending it to the floor under them.


Sai smiled smugly. "See what I talking about? And look, I can see the next floor through this hole."

They gathered around the hole and sure enough they could see a bedroom on the floor under them.

"Ok, this is freaking me out now!" Tenten exclaimed. "Now do you explain that?"

No could answer. But who could explain why Naruto and Yume fell through a floor that was obviously weak but no else did and how when an object fell through; they could see the floor under them but not through the hole that took their missing friends.

"I don't how or why this is happening. But I tell you that standing here isn't helping us getting them back." Shino concluded, walking to the door. "I know this may not work but at least we're trying something. After all we know they're still in the house."

"That is right." Lee agreed. "One way or another, they have to be somewhere in the house. We just have to find that place."

"Great…" Shikamaru sighed. "More work and walking." Temari jabbed him. "It's for Naruto and Yume."

"Let's go then." Gaara said in a monotone voice walking out the door.

"Who made him leader here?" asked Kiba, rolling his eyes.

Gaara poked his head back in, his eyes its piercing green glare. "What was that mutt?"

Kiba cringed. "No-th-ing … You lead the way, team leader." He laughed, trying to hide the crying.

Loser… The girls thought as his girlfriend tried to calm him.

"Let's get going before Kiba gets himself killed." Tenten whispered.

Everyone agreed. Following Gaara's lead, they each left the room and went into the hallway.

The door closed, echoing sound through the room. Then was quiet.

In the corner, a snake watched them leave. It red eyes watched intently. When they left, it slithered down a hole in the floor.


Hey Kit. Wake up! Started poking at Naruto.

"Wanna sleep…" Curls up.

Sigh…It's on you then…


"Ouch…" Naruto sat up with a start, holding the lump throbbing on his head. "What was that for?"

He looked up to see a smug smiling face. The body that went with it was slightly similar to his own. Blonde hair that reach a little at the end of his neck. Unlike his, it was streak with red throughout of it. Not to mention the pair of red fox ears. Blue eyes that were more purplish closer to the cat-eyed slit irises due to the red that seeped from them. On the face, the same whiskered scars on Naruto's face were sharpened, darkened and thicker as it stretched out in more space and distance. Fangs poked out the soft lips. His was more angular and lacking much of the baby fat roundness Naruto's held. And to Naruto's dismay, instead of his usually toned body, the other had a body that was marginally more muscular than Naruto's with a strawberry tail swaying behind him.

This was Kyuubi in 'his' male form.

"I see you with male form this time." He added as he glared. "And why did you hit me?"

"You wouldn't wake up." Kyuubi spoke in a feral voice. "The fall really knocked you out."

"Fall?" Naruto looked at Kyuubi confused until he remembered the events that unfolded.

The Manor… The Uchiha Mansion… The painting and the eerie inscription… The Fall… Yume unconscious as he held on to her for dear life.


"What happened to Yume?" Naruto asked Kyuubi.

Kyuubi shrugged his shoulders as he spoke, the tail swaying still. "How the hell should I know?"

"I gotta find her!" Naruto exclaimed, thinking of many worse scenarios of what could have happened to Yume.

Kyuubi there with a dull look on his face as his picked his ear. He watched Naruto pacing around, now thinking of the worse things that would happen. One involving her being cut up by the vengeful spirits of the family member and cook like barbecued pork.

He was sure that one was because he was hungry.

"And how do you suppose you'll find Yume?" Kyuubi asked, flecking a flea from his hair. "You're probably in on better position than her. You were not even woke neither."

"I'm not." Naruto looked. The area around was dark and closed off. Behind an iron barred gate. "Oh that's just great. How am I going to get out of this one?" He started pacing around ranting to himself. "For all I know, I could be dead."

"You ain't dead kit." Kyuubi answered. "If you were do you think you would be having this conversation with me in this place?"

Naruto shrugged, "I could be in hell, apparently to churches, being gay is an evil sin."

He then smirked, "Having you nag me for all eternity, that's more than enough hell for me."

Kyuubi's ear twitched. "I'll pretend you didn't just say that and just consider it a moment of your stupidity."

Suddenly Kyuubi started snickering.

Naruto turned and pouted. "What's so funny?"

I'm feeling nostalgic being back in this damned house. It's how we met in the first place."

"Oh yea, I remember that too… How did it go again?"

"You were running for your life…"

That's right! I saw that vampire and ran out the room…


I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I. AM. GOING. TO. DIE!


Naruto didn't look back. If he had, he would have seen the boy, Sasuke, running after him.

"Go away!" Naruto yelled back, running through the hallways.

Naruto felt something brush past him. He suddenly skidded to a stop when he saw Sasuke in front of him.

"How did you…?" Naruto asked in short breaths.

"Naruto… Let me explain…" Sasuke slowly walked forward as not to scare the blonde more than he was now.

"No…" Naruto shook his head as he stepped back, "You're going to give me to your brother and he's going to kill me."

"I'm not going to give you to my brother." He replied. He took a step forward.

"But you are going to kill me." Naruto retorted, taking a step equally back.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Dobe listen! If I wanted to kill you-"

"Ah hah!" Naruto pointed at him, "You do want to kill me. You just admitted it."

"No I didn't dobe."

"Stay back teme!" Naruto stepped farther back just as Sasuke began to walk closer to him.

"Naruto stop!" Sasuke grabbed the blonde's wrist, trying hard not to pull him hard.

"No," Naruto struggled against the vice grip of the body, walking back as he did so, "Let...go of ME!"

As Naruto moved back, he managed to shift his weight on weak wood and the pressure broke the boards under him.

Sasuke watched as the floor around them gave away. On instinct, Sasuke pulled Naruto closer to cradle him. As they fell from the top floor, Sasuke made sure that his back would take in the impact.

Naruto was in shock from the fall. All he remembered was Sasuke yelling his name and pulling him before his world went black…


"Nice going Aniki. You nearly got him killed!"

"I didn't chase him."

"But you scared him half to death!"

Voices surrounded Naruto. He couldn't open his eyes but he knew what voice belong to whom. The brothers. They seemed to be arguing but he didn't know what. He probably did but he didn't want to know the answer to it.

"I was bored. It's been a while since we had a human in this place. A decade or two?"

"You can't be scaring kids like that. He's my age."

"'…'" The name was muffled. "-he's not your age."

"You know what I mean-'…'" That was name was also fuzzy.

"So what are we going to with him?"

"I'm sure he has people looking for him. We can just leave in the front gates."

"And if he doesn't, you know what we'll have to do."

The younger inhaled sharply. "No, I wouldn't let you. You can just make him forget us. He doesn't need to…"

"And since when have you care about what happens to people when they come here. In the past you didn't mind. Why is this boy so different?"

The younger was silent. Naruto could weight being shifted on whatever was holding him. He felt cold finger touch his hair and cheek. "I don't know… I just know we can't kill him. Not this one."

"Sa…" the deeper voice sighed. "Okay. He can stay here until he wakes up and then we'll put him where he can be found…"

"Thank you '... '"

Footsteps indicated that the other brother left, leaving the younger one as he heard him sigh.

"You're lucky." The younger said. "I just hope that someone is looking for you. Just sleep now."

Naruto wasn't sure why, but he heard that, it became harder to stay and think as he drifted off to sleep.

Hey Kit Wake up….

Kit... who calls me Kit? The voice was rough and male. But not a man but a kid's.

Hey Kit Wake Up….

There it goes again… who are you...

Kit..Naruto wake up.


"Naruto, Naruto wake up."

He felt someone shake him, talking in the voice of a girl.

"Come on Naruto, please wake up."

"Yume?" Naruto's eyes fluttered, slightly opening to see a tuft of silver hair and purple eyes. But that was as far as they went.

"You're okay." He felt droplets fall on him. She was crying for him.

"I told you I did no harm to him." The voice of the older brother spoke in the room.

"Now you sleep."

Naruto faintly head someone dropping to the floor and being lifted up, along with him a few seconds later.


"I remember that." Naruto said. "And when we came to, we were outside the manor and surrounded a few minutes later by the search parties. That's how I found out that we were gone for at least two days."



Naruto put his hand on his head drawing back water on it. "Since when does my mind have leaky pipes?

Kyuubi just shrugged, becoming fuzzy in Naruto's sight.

This is what I brought you this you can keep,

This is what I brought you may forget me.

I promise to depart just promise one thing,

Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep…

"Kyuu, what's happening?" The vision became fuzzier with each drop of water.

"See ya Kit." Kyuubi said before his vision went completely black.



"Kyuu… Huh?"

Naruto opened his eyes just in time to catch a droplet of water in his left eye. Jolting up to shake his head, he felt damp grass underneath him.

"What the hell? How did I get outside?" He asked himself.

But taking a closer look at the grass, he realized he wasn't outside. The grass was too green and well cared for this time of year and area. Surrounding him was white flowers all over the medium patch of grass. They were too pretty and healthy to have been grown by themselves. He had ended up is someone's garden.

Sitting up, Naruto could clearly see that he was in some kind of basement or cellar –a better fitting name- as it was dark with light scattered throughout from the floorboards.

At the sides were cabinets of books that filled the walls to right and left of him. He remembered hearing music playing when he was slowly coming to.

Naruto scanned back and forth for the source of the music as it still played.

"You're awake. Finally." A smooth voice said.

This is what I brought you this you can keep,
This is what I brought you may forget me.
I promise you my heart just promise to sing,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

Naruto looked at whoever had just spoken to him. His blue eyes met bottomless ebony eyes.

Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

A male with dark midnight hair and darker eyes around his age sat in an antique cherry wood chair. Next to him was the radio they heard earlier. Naruto remembered it since it used to be his until he gave it as a gift to his 'guardian' a few years ago. He still has the antique pendant he got for it.

But why was it here?

This is what I thought,
I thought you need me,
This is what I thought so think me naïve,
I promise you a heart you'd promise to keep,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked boldly, sitting on his knees. "And why do you have that radio? I gave that to someone years ago."

"I know." The other replied. He flashed a bright smile that was laced with slyness but still touches modesty. "You gave it to me."

Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

With that smile it all came back to him. The door that blocked that part of his mind opened. He saw visions of his memories from the manor when he came and when he first saw his 'guardian' and a single word came from his lips.

Kiss my eyes and lay me to…



The song ended, nothing but the light static playing in the air until Sasuke clicked off the radio and closed his book, putting it on the table.

"So you remember my name now, don't you?" Sasuke eyed Naruto. Naruto gulped under the stare but nodded.

"I don't even remember forgetting your name. But whenever I thought back to you, it was always fuzzy like I was suppose to forget or something."

Sasuke sighed and stood up. "That would be my brother's doing. He made sure that you and that girl didn't remember us." He stared at Naruto. "But apparently you remember my name.

He put his hand, fisted, under his chin. He puzzled by the fact that Naruto was able to remember who he was. Maybe Itachi had made a miscalculation.

Sasuke shook his head. That was impossible. Itachi was never wrong and never failed at something like erasing memories and what not. And yet, Naruto remembered him 10 years later even after having his memory of Sasuke wiped out.

"I never forgot this place." Naruto admitted, sitting on his knees. "Neither of us ever did. Just your names."

Sasuke lifted an elegant eyebrow. "Really now?"

He stood and walked over to Naruto. "Tell me this, how did you and your group get inside. Or better yet…"

He stared intently at Naruto, the black eyes taking small tints of red. "Tell me how do you keep getting in here."

Nervous as he was, Naruto told everything calmly. "When we got to the talisman, we tried to pull it off. But instead of shocking or burning us like it did when we first came here, the talisman burned itself in a blue flame and the gate opened for us."

"Hn…" Sasuke knelt down, kneeling on his knees in front of Naruto, "You said it burned you last time?"

Naruto nodded again. "Yea… and it burned Yume."

"Let me see your hands." Sasuke said quickly.

"Why?" Naruto asked, leaning back.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and took both hands himself.

"Hey!" Naruto tried pulling back, but the grip on his wrists was too strong. "Let me go, Sasuke."

"Relax, Naruto." Sasuke sighed. "This will only take a moment. If you hush, it will take less."

Naruto to retorted, but closed and turning his head as to not face the brunette.

"Just…" Naruto said softly under his breath, "Hurry up okay. I want some use of my hand back."

Sasuke said nothing as he looked at Naruto's hand. His right hand was fine. But his left hand…

Sasuke eyes widened at the sun impression on the blonde's hand. "So it is you…" He said.

Naruto just looked at his puzzled. "What are you talking about? And why are you looking at my hands for?"

Not listening to the Naruto, Sasuke just stared at Naruto, dropping the other's hands. Sasuke couldn't believe it. It was him. All these years and 'The One' was right under his nose. Why didn't he see sooner? Surely his brother would scold for him for his lack of attentiveness.

He groaned, like he really wanted to hear Itachi's 'Foolish Little Brother' speech.

"Hello…Earth to Sasuke… come in Sasuke." Naruto yelled, waving his hands in front of Sasuke. "I'm talking to you."

Naruto huffed, folding his arms. "Geez, I get harassed by a guy and he won't even answer me. The nerve of some people really."

"So it's really you…" Sasuke slowly repeated. "You've been the answer the whole time. All this time."

Naruto had enough. He yelled at Sasuke. "The answer to what? And what are you talking about that's it's me. Yea I'm me. What the hell are you saying…AND WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!"

As Naruto started ranting, Sasuke started unbuttoning his white shirt. Sasuke just back at Naruto, smirking. The shirt was fully open, showing off the pale skin and slightly lanky abs of the boy

"Just fulfilling my part." Sasuke replied, as he slid his hand up Naruto's chest before cupping his chin. "Now let's fulfill our part together."

"WHAT!" Naruto yelled. 'What the fu-mmph!"

Deciding to quiet Naruto, Sasuke took the blonde's lips with his own. At first it was to stop him from talking, but after catching the sweet and citrusy smell and the similar taste of Naruto, he became intoxicated and overwhelmed with the need to have more of it.

If this is how just one part of him tastes… He told himself, I wonder how the other parts do the same.

Sasuke released Naruto, pleased with the flushed face. That was until he opened that mouth of his.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Naruto hissed, wiping his mouth. It wasn't bad but geez he just met the boy again. "Why did you kiss me?"

"Hehe… know how long I've wanted to do that?" Sasuke said, getting closer.

"No." Naruto put his arm to block Sasuke but it was little. "No means no!"

Sasuke lifted an eyebrow. He was resisting. No one has ever resisted him before. He couldn't get rid of people before.

"You're saying no?" He asked in a puzzled manner. "No one has ever told me no before."

Naruto snorted, getting up. "Get use to it pal." He started his way to what he saw was a door until Sasuke pulled at him, pinning him under the other.

"I'm taking it that no is still not an answer for you huh?" Naruto narrowed his eyes, trying to wiggle his way out. But the Uchiha had an even firmer grip on him. He was surprise that his wrist weren't crushed already.

"You smell good." Sasuke said, apparently not paying the other any mind.

Naruto eyebrow twitched. "It called 'deodorant and a shower." He started pulling harder against Sasuke. "Now get off of me."

Sasuke smirked. "You kept moving like that and I will 'get off' of you."

Catching the innuendo, Naruto immediately stop moving. Sasuke looked at the boy under him smugly.

"How about you just have sex with me?"

Naruto's face went completely red. How could he say it so calmly?

"Hell NO!" Naruto retorted. "And how do you know I even go that way?"

Sasuke snorted an arrogant laugh. "I've watched you for ten years. Trust me, I know you're gay."

"You've been watching me?" Naruto questioned. He then cringed. "Eww… stalker."

Sasuke gave out an indignant snort, letting go of Naruto's wrists as he sat up. "It's not stalking. It's watching from a distance of where you go and in your bedroom to make sure nothing is going to harm you."

Naruto turned his head, rolling his eyes as he spoke. "Yea… just like rape is just surprise sex…"

Sasuke sensed the sarcasm radiating off Naruto and was getting irritated by his rejection.

"Take off your pants." Sasuke commanded pointing to the slacks that Naruto was wearing.

"Like Hell!" Naruto retorted, folding his arms.

Sasuke's brow started to throb. His Sharingan bleeding, as he lowered himself to a crawl position towards the defiant blond.

"I wasn't asking." Sasuke glared at Naruto coyly as he inched closer.

Naruto looked Sasuke as he was pinned down by Sasuke against the wall.

"What point 'no means no' are you not getting?" Naruto yelled at Sasuke.

Sasuke ignored him, kissing at Naruto's neck. "I'm an Uchiha. If we want something, we get it even if it comes kicking and screaming."

Naruto's eyes widen as he felt something brush against thigh, making him struggle harder.

"LET. ME. GO!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke, his voice echoing through the area.

I've decided to end the chapter here so that you guys can have something to read while I work on the second part of this. Hopefully it will be done sooner