Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN Ouran Koukou Host Club... AND NEVER WILL runs away crying
Pairing: Twins/Tamaki/Kyouya/Hunny for Haruhi (Can I get away with that?)
(Emotion: Anger, Movement/Action: Hugging, Event/Situation: Competition)
"Those Least Expected"
It had all started with Haruhi, as it inevitably would. Her textbook for mathematics had disappeared, auctioned off to the highest bidder among the Host Club's most obsessive clientele. When the club's only female member had discovered the truth, the third music room rang with the "natural rookie's" indignant shout.
"Rich bastards! Do you think I have the extra money to spend constantly replacing my school supplies?!"
Tamaki was most crushed by the girl's anger; the remainder of the Host Club sidled away from her as she stormed out of the room, slamming the door with audible emphasis. The Host Club 'King' predictably pulled everyone into an impromptu meeting. What started as a discussion for winning back Haruhi's favor, however, quickly disintegrated into the expected competition between Tamaki and the twins.
Whoever managed to be hugged--forgiven--by Haruhi first would win, and it had to be Haruhi who initiated the hug.
Tamaki and the twins shared open glares of rivalry.
"We'll show you how it's done, Tono," Hikaru proclaimed with a smirk.
"My precious daughter will never hug you first!" The blonde charmer insisted with a confident zeal.
"Whatever!" The twins replied simultaneously. Mitsukuni gave a delighted squeal of anticipation for the upcoming 'festivities.'
Three days had now passed since the game had been set, but while Haruhi no longer seemed angry with her fellow members, no progress had been made in the fierce contest. Tamaki had wheedled the money for a replacement math text—without increasing Haruhi's debt—from Kyouya. The twins had secured a quiet location—in one of the usually packed study halls—in which Haruhi could catch up on her few missed math assignments. Both endeavors failed to win the coveted hug from a grateful but clueless Fujioka.
Now the Host Club members collected in the Third Music Room; Tamaki and the twins looked on with a predatory determination as the light storm burst open into a full-blown thunderstorm. At the first roll of actual thunder, the gleam of competition in the eyes of Hikaru, Kaoru, and Tamaki cleared away, replaced with a deep concern. All three took tentative steps toward the phobic girl, ready to comfort her. They only halted short when Mitsukuni dodged into view, Bun-Bun in hand.
"Ne, ne, Haru-chan! Are you scared? Would you like to hold Bun-Bun?" The eldest club member reached up with his offering, an innocent smile baring his adoration of the pragmatic but gentle girl.
"Hunny-sem--!" Lightning clashed against the sky, and loud thunder shook the window as Haruhi offered a gasp, instinctively hugging the childlike senior to her. Silence reigned as the former competitors stared at their clever rival. Hunny-sempai only beamed at them, hugging Haruhi back in a manner that pronounced a silent yet cheerful I win.
"Okaa-san!" Tamaki whined to Kyouya, who only smiled coolly and pushed his glasses back to the bridge of his nose. Love rivals really can come from any direction, the smooth 'Shadow King' thought with a secret delight.