Disclaimer: I do not own HSM darlings. But I'm thinking of purchasing Corbin Bleu instead. What do you guys think? I could probably fit him into my car, his hair will have to ride shotgun though.

Author's Note: This is a new story, the summary is listed below this. The idea has sort of been with me for a while, I just thought that it was time to take action.

Summary: Gabriella loves Troy more than life. He's the perfect guy for her. But suddenly he starts to act differently, like a complete stranger. She finds drugs in his backpack and cuts on his arms. And he no longer tells her he loves her. Will she ever get him back? Rated R for drug mention, cutting, and strong language.

Here's a short trailer of what's to come as well as Chapter #1:

Chapter 1:

Troy walked up the steps of her porch to her front door. He adjusted the straps of his back pack nervously as he pushed the doorbell. He heard the faint sound of it erupt from the inside, but no footsteps followed.

He glanced around at the surrounding neighborhood as he fidgeted with his fingers.

'Would she like it?' the question ran through his mind over and over again on his way here. He was sure she wouldn't. It was a lame present anyways.

Troy sighed as no one came and opened the door. He turned to leave when he heard it creak open.

"Troy?" he turned around just as his girlfriend leapt into his arms, "what are you doing here?" she whispered into his ear with a grin as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Troy pulled away slightly and gave her a light kiss on the forehead.

"I thought I would walk my birthday girl to school this morning" he grinned.

Gabriella looked at his with a puzzled expression, "but your house is about a half an hour walk from here, I mean, why-"

"Gabi," he interrupted her, "do you want me to walk back to my house and go to school from there instead?"

She looked up at him with a wide grin plastered to her face as she pulled him into a tight hug, "I love you so much Troy! I was so sure that this year was going to be the same as before"

Troy shook his head as he buried his face in her hair, "I'd never let that happen"

Gabi pulled away and ran inside quickly to get her backpack and came out again. Troy reached out a hand to her and she happily took it.

"So, did your dad drop you off here?" Gabi asked as she intertwined her fingers with his.

Troy shook his head and smiled at her, "he couldn't, so I had to wake up at 5:30 so that I could walk here on time"

"You actually walked!?" Gabi couldn't help but smile at her boyfriend.

"Oh, and that's not all" Troy said as he rummaged through the front zipper of his backpack and pulling out a cupcake with icing on it. The icing, done in red, was in the shape of a heart.

Gabriella stopped in her tracks and looked at Troy.

"Do you like it? I made it myself" he smiled at her proudly. He then produced a single candle and a lighter.

"Oh Troy, I, I…" Gabriella didn't know what to say. No one had ever been like this with her before.

Troy grinned and lit the candle, "hurry up and make a wish before it blows out"

Gabi nodded and shut her eyes and wished that everything would stay this way forever. She quickly blew out the candle and watched as the black smoke lifted into the sky. As if taking her wish with it.

"Happy birthday Gabi" Troy leant over and kissed her softly on the lips.

She pulled away and grabbed his hand, splitting the cupcake in half for the both of them.

"I love you Troy"

"I love you too, Gabbs"

Troy rushed through math and science to make it to lunch. He wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for Gabriella.

He opened his locker and pulled out the small box that contained his present for her eighteenth birthday.

He went to the balcony where he promised to meet her. And smiled when he saw her sitting on the bench with her hands folded on her lap.

"Gabbs, I have something for you" he grinned and she looked up when she heard his voice. She saw the small blue box in his hand and her eyes widened.

"Is that for me?" she asked in a small voice.

Troy nodded and sat next to her. He lifted up the lid of the box and Gabriella gasped.

He had gotten her a ring with a small diamond on it, and her birthstone on either side. The band was elegant and beautiful.

"Oh my God, Troy…you shouldn't have. This is really- this is-"

Troy shut her up by planting a kiss on her lips as he slid the ring on her finger.

"It's a promise ring Gabby. It means that I promise to love you forever. No matter what. Look inside it even"

Gabriella slipped it off and read what was engraved.

Troy loves Gaby

"Now, if I ever get embarrassed to say I love you in front of the guys, you can just flash them the ring" he grinned.

Gabriella hadn't said anything but instead was staring down at the ring on her finger.

Troy got nervous, 'what if she doesn't like it? I knew I should have gotten her something else'

Suddenly, Gabriella threw her arms around him and buried her face into his neck. He felt her tears on his shoulder.

"Gaby, why are you crying?"

Gabriella brushed away her tears and looked up at him, "because this is the sweetest, most beautiful, most amazing-"

She looked up at him, "Troy, I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you"

Troy grinned at her and shook his head, his macho guy attitude coming back, "now lets not get too mushy. I am captain of the basketball team. If they hear about his, the locker room will not be any fun"

Gabriella grinned at him as she brushed away another stray tear.

"Come on, lets go. I know for a fact that Taylor baked you a way better cake downstairs. Oops, that was supposed to be a secret." He grinned as he took her hand and let her downstairs.

Gabriella felt like flying. There was nothing in the world that could ruin her birthday after what Troy did.