Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Fruits Basket!

Yuki sighed in resignation as the dark clouds began to roll in. It seemed the entire world was out to ruin his strawberries. The only reason he had planted them in the first place was because he knew she liked them. It was funny; he'd never actually asked her but strawberries just seemed the kind of thing she'd like even though she seemed to like everything. He was pretty sure she couldn't hate even if she tried.

When it all came down to it, he supposed that was the reason he loved her so much in the first place and it had become so ingrained into his life that he couldn't remember a time when he didn't know her and didn't love her. It was hard to believe it had been three years ago that she had showed up on their doorstep, admiring the zodiac figurines Shigure had made.

Really they all loved her, but for Yuki is was different. For Yuki, she was his other half, his rescuer; without her, he may very well have succumbed to Akito's damaging abuse that had haunted him for so long.

Akito; he was a problem Yuki had long been pondering. He was the only grounds behind his not bearing his heart before her, telling her everything. He was sure she felt the same way; something in the way she looked at him with those big blue eyes, the way she made sure she spent even just a few minutes with him every day and the way he frequently found special tid bits in his dinner that she didn't give anyone else and was always watching him to gauge his reaction.

No, Akito would just have to cope… or he could just not tell him. It wasn't as though they were going to be married anytime soon although that was a distinct possibility for the years to come in Yuki's mind.

He would tell her soon.

"Sohma-kun," Yuki felt his mouth twitch upwards at the corners as it always did whenever she was around, "those clouds look angry don't they."

"Honda-san, I was just thinking of going to check on the secret base. Would you like to come?"

'Tohru, Tohru!' Yuki angrily berated himself, 'just how hard is it to call her by her first name?"

She had done it once; called him by his first name. Well, his school nickname at least. It had been enough however; the moment she had uttered the words he had been so taken aback that he had transformed. It had been more than a little embarrassing. She had completely missed the significance of it in her inimitable style but a lot had happened in two years.

"Sohma-kun? Are you alright?"

Yuki shook himself out of his reflections, turning to her and smiling the smile he kept only for her.

"Yes Honda-san. Will you come?"

"Of course!" her smile widened, the smile she only used for him he had noticed, "Besides, I'm looking forward to those strawberries. It would be a shame if they were ruined so close to being ready."

"It would. Let's go?"


As they ventured out into the storm, calling to Shigure that they were leaving on their way out, Yuki considered the fact that Tohru herself was very much like the fruit she loved so much. She was bright, colourful and above all, incredibly sweet. To him, Tohru was perfect.

Suddenly, it seemed that he had to tell her how he felt; he needed an answer.

"Honda-san," he began, taking two of the corners of the tarpaulin he used to cover his garden and handing the other two to Tohru, "can I tell you something?"

Tohru smiled her special smile, "Of course Sohma-kun, you can tell me anything."

He was silent as he quickly hammered in the pegs, as always carefully considering his words before he said them. Tohru waited patiently, holding down her end of the tarp; she had come to know that Yuki never said anything unless he thought it was worth saying. It was slightly ironic that she could refer to him so easily in her head as 'Yuki' but found it so difficult to say to his face.

It had started out as a playful formality in response to his politeness but it had turned into something else; as though it was a huge deal to call him by his first name. Besides, the last time she had done so, he had transformed. It must have caused him a good deal of stress so to be kind to him she refrained from saying it and it had just become a habit.

'Yuki, Yuki!' she silently berated herself, 'Why is that so hard to say?'

Snow. That's what his name meant and in a way it was apt. He was so serene and reserved like snow after a storm, but put him in the same room as Kyou or Akito and suddenly he was cold and unforgiving although that was lessening in regards to Kyou. He even resembled snow to some degree, what with his pale skin and silvery hair.

Tohru stiffened slightly as Yuki crossed to her side of the garden and began hammering in the pegs. Once finished he knelt down on the grass facing her and raised his violet eyes to her face, capturing her gaze.

"Honda-san, I'm… I'm afraid."

Tohru frowned in confusion, "Why would Sohma-kun be afraid?"

"I'm afraid because if I say what I want to say we may both regret it… Akito…" he lowered his eyes and suddenly became very interested in his hands.

For the first time in her life, Tohru knew exactly what he was talking about before he had a chance to explain. She was quite proud of herself really.

"Sohma-kun," she said firmly making sure he looked back at her before she continued, "what does Akito have to do with anything?" she held up a hand to forestall his arguments. "It's like my mother always says, never give up fighting for the things you want."

Yuki felt his lips curve upwards into a smile as what she had said sank in. He suddenly decided to do something on impulse; he closed the distance between her and cupping her cheek in one hand, he kissed her. After a few seconds his brain not only registered the fact that he had done anything spontaneous at all, but that she was kissing him back.

"I love you, Tohru." He whispered in her ear after breaking the kiss.

He moved back so he could gauge her reaction and couldn't help the wide grin that crept onto his face. They stared at each other, grinning, for such a long time that neither noticed it start to rain.

"Yuki! You used my first name." She murmured loud enough for her voice to carry over the rain that was steadily soaking them both to the bone.

Yuki's eyes widened in shock. 'oh bugger.' He thought as he felt the transformation coming on. There was a puff of white smoke as he disappeared suddenly felt himself falling from a great height.

"Yuki!" Tohru exclaimed, lunging forward to catch him.

She missed.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Yuki. I forgot that you transformed when I… I'm so sorry."

She continued to babble for a few more minutes but trailed off when she heard a muffled crying coming from somewhere in the empty pile of Yuki's clothes. She drew back his shirt and stared at the sight that greeted her eyes.

Yuki, the rat, was doubled over on the ground, convulsing with laughter. Her worry evaporated in an instant and she found herself joining him, her happiness at the events of the past few minutes bubbling to the surface.

They calmed down by the time Yuki had changed back and they were both soaked to the bone.

"We should go back Tohru-chan." Yuki said, wiping his dripping hair out of his eyes.

"I know," Tohru sighed, "but I don't want to."

They sat in companionable silence for a few seconds before Yuki spoke.

"Tohru, would you mind if… if I kissed you again?"

Tohru smiled Yuki's special smile and shook her head so he complied, kissing her gently and wiping her long brown hair off her face.

"I never got to say it."

Yuki frowned, "say what?"

"I love you to Yuki."

Once the smoke had cleared and Tohru had stopped apologizing, Yuki smiled reassuringly, or at least as reassuring as you can get when you're a rat with ridiculously long front teeth. He really didn't mind, and in time, he knew he would get used to being on first name basis. One thought did cross his mind that made him lose his smile momentarily.

Shigure would never let him live it down.

Well there you go. Thoughts, comments? Please review!

Oh and just a quick question - do you think I should write another chapter or leave it as a oneshot???