Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything related to Harry Potter, other than this story's plot.

NOTE: This is a sequel to Greedy Mistakes so if you have not read that story, then you will want to before reading this story.

Harry had been living with Severus for about a week now. They got along with each other pretty well. Severus stayed in his labs a lot of the time and Harry read. Harry had always loved reading but with his relatives, he was never allowed much opportunity. While living with Severus, Harry had been finally given the chance to read as much as he wanted and he took advantage of that fact. The first book that Harry read was Hogwarts, a History, since he was living in Hogwarts after all. He learned about the founders and more about magic in general from that book.

Harry was reading The Rise and Fall of Dark Arts, when he suddenly gasped and dropped the book. Severus, who was reading nearby, put down his book and looked over at the shocked boy.

"What is it?" Severus asked in his somewhat friendly voice that he only used around ten-year-old.

"I-I'm in this book!" Harry stuttered out. Severus looked over the title of the book and cursed under his breath silently.

"Do you know anything about how your parents died?" Severus asked, resigning himself to give Harry the talk about his parents.

"My aunt and uncle told me they were drinking and ended up dying in a car crash." Harry informed him.

"Damn muggles." Severus cursed. "Your parents did not die in a car crash…" Severus began the tale of how his parents went into hiding with Sirius Black as their secret keeper. He explained the details of a secret keeper's job and how only they could tell of the secret location. Severus explained how his parents died and then he ended up living with his only remaining relatives. "You became known as the Boy-Who-Lived." Severus finished his tale and looked over to the distraught boy. Harry had a few tears in his eyes and had paled a bit.

After Harry calmed down, the boy began talking. "How could he do that to them? He was their best friend! I don't want to be the Boy-Who-Lived either! I just want to be normal, not some freak!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry. Listen to me. You are not a freak. Just calm down." Harry wasn't really calming down since this was a lot to take in. Severus was not sure what to do so he went to Harry and knelt down in front of him. He began rubbing circles on Harry's back as he had done before and the boy calmed down slightly. Then Harry threw himself at Severus and the potions master found that the young boy was hugging him. Severus was slightly uncomfortable with all this contact but he continued to rub circles on Harry's back. Harry held onto him and eventually cried himself to sleep in Severus' arms. Severus carried Harry back to his rooms and tucked him in before flooing into the headmaster's office. When he arrived, the man was sitting behind his desk with a mound of paperwork in front of him.

"Severus. To what reason do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Albus asked as he set a few papers aside.

"Did you know that Harry was unaware of the events involving his parent's death? And that those wretched muggles told him that they died in a drunken car crash?" Severus asked incredulously.

"I was unaware of that fact. How did he find out?" Albus asked his potions master.

"He read it in a book and I told him the rest." Severus replied.

"Where is he now?" Albus questioned.

"He had a bit of a breakdown and he is now resting." Severus informed him.

"Why don't you take him to Hogsmeade when he wakes up? I'm sure he would love to venture out of the dungeons." Albus suggested.

"Very well. Good day headmaster." With that, Severus flooed back to his quarters. He read for a while before Harry walked out of his room.

"Be ready in ten minutes. We will be going to Hogsmeade." Harry perked up at the thought of visiting the little village that he had heard a lot about. Harry cleaned up a bit and met Severus by the door.

"I do not want anyone to recognize you so I will place a glamour on you to hide your identity." Severus cast several glamours in attempt to hide the famous scar, but nothing worked. Instead, Severus lengthened Harry's hair to cover up his scar and somewhat lightened the hair color. Harry no longer wore glasses since Severus had given him a potion earlier that week to fix his eyesight. With that done, they began the long walk to Hogsmeade. They walked mostly in silence, except for the occasional plants that Severus pointed out. Harry soaked up all the knowledge he could and always listened intently to everything Severus told him. Before they knew it, they had arrived in Hogsmeade.

Their first stop was a clothing store, where Harry received a whole new wardrobe. Harry tried to talk the man out of getting so many shirts, pants and other things, but Severus insisted that he would need it all. Some of the clothing was a little larger, so that he would be able to grow into them over time. After shopping for clothes, they headed into a store for children. Severus looked slightly uncomfortable walking in this store that was full of toys and some little kids.

"Go pick out a few things that you would like. Price is of no concern." Severus instructed the young boy. Harry looked up to him and gave him a large happy smile as he bounded off to pick out some toys. Severus wandered towards the art section. He had seen Harry doodling once or twice and decided to pick out some art supplies. He picked up an endless paged drawing book, pencils, erasers, markers and some paints. When he had finished picking out these items, Harry came back with two toys. Severus paid for the items and quickly left the store. Their next destination was the bookstore.

"You may choose a few books that you would like." Harry wandered the isles and chose several books. He showed them to Severus, who, after checking he didn't own the same ones already bought the books. After the books store, Severus bought Harry some ice cream and they walked back to Hogwarts. "Thank you again Severus." Harry said just before he disappeared into his room to put away all his new possessions. Severus almost, key word being almost, smiled at the sight of this child being so happy over a few items. Perhaps thebratwasn't so bad after all.

A/N: There is the first chapter! Its short but I wanted to get this out along with the ending of Greedy Mistakes. I hope you liked this first chapter and PLEASE REVIEW! Let me know what you think so far!!